Tubing for Pump In Style Advanced, Symphony, Classic, and Lactina - pair of two
Medela tubing, part number 8007179. Please note - Medela has discontinued part number 8007179 and replaced it with two different versions of a newer tubing, which have the same yellow connector on the one end and they now have a new hard pale yellow connector on the end that plugs into the breastshield, instead of the clear hard adapter shown in the larger photo. The two ends of the new tubing (8007214) are shown in the smaller inset photo. This tubing fits the Pump In Style Advanced, the Symphony, and newer versions of the Lactina and Universal pumping kits. This is not compatible with older Pump In Styles (Original, Traveler, and Companion models), or older versions of Lactina or Universal pumping kits.
Contains two tubes.
Please note: Medela changed the tubing on Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps manufactured in August 2006 and later to use the same tubing as the Pump In Style Original. If you have a Pump In Style Advanced that was manufactured in after August 2006, and your tubing has one plain clear end, and no yellow triangular adapter as shown in the photo above, then you need to order this tubing instead.
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