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Over The Shoulder Baby Holder is the most comfortable and practical carrier on the market today. The attractive fabrics that are used have instant eye appeal and will ensure a stylish appearance whatever the occasion.
Designed to encourage good posture for infants. The baby's legs are kept together in the first few months, the head is supported and the natural line of the spine is followed.
Being carried in this way lays the foundation for good feelings of self-worth and sociability. Your baby can be exposed to a variety of experiences and yet feel safe and secure in its cocoon.... the womb with a view.
Excellent for airline and other travel, it acts as an ideal insulation from unwanted disturbances.
As Well as benefitting the child, this design contributes to a better posture for the parent, who is using his or her whole body for support instead of just the shoulders or arms and hip.
As easy to put on as a purse. Only one adjustment, made with one hand in seconds.
The sling was first designed in 1981 by Dr. Rayner Garner, a British researcher into child development, followed with years of testing, adapting, and refining by Dr. Garner and California Diversified Manufacturing.
Over The Shoulder Baby HolderTM has a unique fold which creates a hammock effect for the nursing infant or sleeping child. Carrying an infant close to the heart and its source of nourishment promotes bonding and intimacy ... infants feel very secure and thrive.
Ideal for discreet breastfeeding in public.
Older babies can sit up in the carrier in a variety of positions as the sides are softly padded for comfort and support.
The Over the Shoulder Baby Holder is great for babies from newborn to three years old.
"Hands free carrying" enables nurturing of one's child in the best possible way while you work or play. Our baby carrier is receiving enthusiastic support from hospital and university pediatric departments, lactation consultants, baby authors, natural childbirth educators, birthing centers and chiropractors.

SIZES: Slings are available for immediate shipment in all fabrics shown below in the "Medium" size which fits 110 to 190 pounds. Slings are also available for immediate shipment in the "Large" size in our three most popular fabrics (Chambray, Stars and Moon, and Navy). The "Small" size is only available in the Chambray fabric. The Small size fits 70 to 120 pounds and/or under 5 feet tall. The Large size fits parents who are 140 to 250 pounds and/or over 5 feet 10 inches tall.
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