Link to Our Site
If you have a site that is related to pregnancy, babies, children and/or families, we would be interested in exchanging links. We would like to exchange links with sites related to the following topics: breastfeeding, maternity, pregnancy, maternity clothing, infant clothing, baby announcements, and infant toys. We are also interested in sites offering gifts for new parents or pregnant women.
In exchange for your link featured on our Parenting Links and Resources page, we request that our link be prominently displayed on your links page or the home page of your site. If you prefer a graphical banner ad, right click on one of the images below and save it to your hard drive, then upload it to your website server and link the image to our home page at Be sure to notify us by e-mail after the link has been added. Once we have verified that our link is published on your site, we will publish your link on our site. Please send an e-mail with your banner or the text you would like for us to use to describe your site. We will exchange a text link for a text link, and a banner link for a banner link.

If you prefer a text link, you may use the following text: Self Expressions Self Expressions offers Medela, Ameda and Avent breastpumps and breastfeeding supplies; including all models of the Medela Pump In Style and the Ameda Purely Yours. We also carry nursing bras, baby slings, nursing pillows and much more.