||dts-data-start||1627415494||id||type||template||path||image||icon||inset||name||code||idbreadcrumbs||breadcrumbs||currentprice||price||saleprice||headline||label||shipweight||availability||orderable||taxable||leaf||giftcertificate||ypath||contents||abstract||caption||options||keywords||manufacturer||producturl||ean||classification||upc||inyshopping||modelnumber||yshoppingcategory||manufacturerpartnumber||stylenumber||condition||medium||merchantcategory||isbn||style||brand||crosssell||instock||shippingcostground||shippingcost2ndday||shippingcostnextday||dealtimecategory||custom1||custom2|^^|givbook||item.||page2||specfeeddev||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9662033||||||"Give Us a Little Time" - Cleft Lip/Palate booklet||cleftbook||specfeeddev > ||Special Feeding Devices > ||4.000||4.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||"Give us a little time" is a booklet by Christa Herzog-Isler on how babies with cleft lip or cleft palate can be breastfed. 31 pages.
Sorry, but this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mybresfrienn||item.||page2||noname2||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12367374||||||"My Brest Friend" Nursing Pillows||MBF||noname2 > ||Baby Shower Gifts > ||33.990||45.000 ||33.990 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Our most popular baby shower gift!
Scroll down past the order button to see additional color options and important shipping notes.||"Select Fabric" "Dark Blue w/ Suns & Flowers" "Pink Stripe" "Dark Navy Blue Spiral" "Light Blue Spiral" "Sunburst Green"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|aboutus||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31805304||||||About Us||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||||||Company Management: Self Expressions Nursing Supplies, Inc., is managed by CEO Donna Self, and we have been in business since January 1995.
Retail Location: We are physically located in Shalimar, Florida. We operate our retail location out of our home, and we usually meet with local customers by scheduled appointment on Sundays (late afternoon hours) and Tuesday and Thursdays (early evening hours). We process internet orders in the evenings and orders received by 7:30pm (Central time) each evening are shipped the next business day via UPS ground or UPS 2nd Day Air if you have purchased a shipping upgrade.
My personal experience with the Medela breastpumps - When I became pregnant with my first child, in 1989, I was (and I still am) employed full time outside the home as a Systems Engineer. I had to travel on frequent business trips, and I knew I would have to continue to do so without my infant, following his birth. I did not even consider breastfeeding, because I did not think it would be possible without resigning from my career. At the time, there were not any breastfeeding support groups in the area (that I was aware of), and I did not know anyone who had ever breastfed an infant. Unfortunately, my first child, Ryan, had 33 ear infections during his infant and toddler years, and he required his first ear surgery at the age of 2-1/2. During my second pregnancy, I was frantically leaving the office to pick up my first son with an ear infection and a 104 degree temperature, when a friend of mine stopped me and said "You ARE going to breastfeed this next baby, aren't you? Haven't you heard that infants who are breastfed have significantly fewer ear infections than formula-fed babies?"
When I asked her how I could possibly breastfeed while working full time and traveling without my child, she explained that I could easily breastfeed my baby if I planned ahead to express my breast milk whenever separated from my infant during the workday or on business trips.
After these encouraging words, I was committed to nursing my second infant for a year, but I then made the mistake of purchasing a completely ineffective battery powered breastpump from a discount department store. I had called a Medela rental station and inquired about rental prices, and had come to the conclusion that I could purchase a battery pump at a department store for the cost of one month's rent. I did not realize that there was a significant difference in the performance and quality of the Medela breast pump compared to the department store battery breastpumps until it was too late! From a cost standpoint, I discovered later that I would have saved a huge amount of money by investing in a Medela breast pump, compared to the cost of the infant formula I had to purchase when my milk dried up prematurely!
When I returned to work with my "bargain breast pump", I discovered that it took nearly an hour to express a tiny amount of milk, and this added to my stress level, both at work and at home (which was the last thing I needed!) I had read in books that "double pumping" was the recommended approach, but I completely missed the point that the "double pumping" should be accomplished with a hospital grade Medela Breast Pump! I was actually foolish enough to purchase yet another cheap department store breastpump and attempted to provide enough breast milk for my daughter by "double pumping" with two, completely inadequate, department store breastpumps.
I had major plans to nurse my daughter, Tiffany, for an entire year, and cried when my milk dried up early due to lack of stimulation from the "cheap" breastpumps. The pumps were not the "bargain" I had expected them to be!
Not much later, I delivered my third infant, Brandon, again with intentions to breastfeed for a year. I still didn't know any better, and I returned to work with even more of the common battery powered breastpumps (the original ones had broken and I had bought new ones several times, during Tiffany and Brandon's early years.) It was then that another co-worker offered some of the best advice I've ever received.... She saw me washing my cheap breastpump parts in the sink and inquired if I was "out of my mind" for even attempting to try to work and continue to breastfeed my infant without a MEDELA BREAST PUMP!
My friend persuaded me to obtain a Medela Breast Pump, if I wanted to continue to nurse my last infant for a full year (which is now recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics ... see my "links" page for the AAP revised statement on breastfeeding!) Back then (1994), I had to drive nearly an hour to acquire the Medela breastpump, but it was well worth the time. I made the trip and was able to nurse my third baby, Brandon, much longer than I ever anticipated!
Just prior to Brandon's first birthday, he was diagnosed with multiple food sensitivities and eczema (a skin rash related to his food allergies). Brandon's dermatologist was excited to hear that I was still breastfeeding him (at 11 months of age), and encouraged me to continue to nurse him for as long as I possibly could. He explained that breast milk is ideal for infants and toddlers who have so many allergies.
Fortunately for Brandon, and with the assistance of the Medela breastpumps, I was able to continue to provide breast milk for him throughout his first year and beyond, even though I still had to leave town without him on frequent business trips. Whenever I traveled, I would request a refrigerator in my hotel room and then bring the expressed milk home on the airplane with me to be frozen and fed to my son during the next business trip.
So far, my eldest son (who was never breastfed) has had ear surgery twice, and my daughter (weaned early due to the ineffective breastpump), has just had her third ear surgery! The youngest child, who was breastfed long-term, has never had a single ear infection in his life! I thank Medela for giving me the ability to provide the BEST nutrition for my last child, while continuing to maintain my challenging career in engineering. I only wish I had heard about the benefits of the Medela breast pumps with the first two children!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|adch||item.||||nubrsest||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12447802||||||Additional Charm||AdditionalCharm||breasac > nubrsest > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > The Nursing Bracelet - Semi-Precious Stones > ||2.000||2.000 ||||Additional Charm for The Nursing BraceletTM||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Extra, contrasting charm available for twins or to add alternative function.
The Nursing Bracelet™ can also be used to:
1. Count your baby's wet or dirty diapers in a day
2. Count glasses of water you've drunk in a day
3. Remember when to take/give medication
4. Count number of laps you've walked/run
5. Remember an appointment time
6. Remember when to feed the parking meter
7. Remember when to pump.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|adnanust2bl3||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12449991||||||Adiri Natural Nurser - Stage 2 Blue - 3-6 months - BPA-Free||AdiriStage2Blue||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||12.500||12.500 ||||Adiri™ Natural Nurser™ Ultimate Baby Bottle - Stage 2 - Blue (3 to 6 months)||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Adiri™ Natural Nurser™ Ultimate Baby Bottle is soft, safe and simple. With an easy to use and dishwasher safe Fill Twist and Feed™ system, the only nipple truly shaped like a mother's breast, soft phthalate-free and BPA-free materials, and a unique Petal vent that helps reduce colic, the Adiri Natural Nurser enables the ultimate bottlefeeding experience. A sleek cover protects the bottle from getting dirty and keeps the nipple from leaking during transport. The Adiri Natural Nurser comes in three stages for three different flow rates and is color coded by flow rate (stage 1, white; stage 2, blue; stage 3, orange). Each stage holds 8 oz. of fluid and is dishwasher safe! Adiri Natural Nursers can also be boiled or sterilized using a basic sterilizer.
Stage Two (Medium Flow) is generally used for babies 3 to 6 months old.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|adnanumu3pa||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_23738264||||||Adiri Natural Nurser Multi-Stage 3 pack - BPA Free!||AdiriMultiStage3Pack||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||36.500||36.500 ||||Adiri™ Natural Nurser™ Ultimate Baby Bottle Multi-Stage 3 Pack||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Adiri™ Natural Nurser™ Ultimate Baby Bottle is soft, safe and simple. With an easy to use and dishwasher safe Fill Twist and Feed™ system, the only nipple truly shaped like a mother's breast, soft phthalate-free and BPA-free materials, and a unique Petal vent that helps reduce colic, the Adiri Natural Nurser enables the ultimate bottlefeeding experience. A sleek cover protects the bottle from getting dirty and keeps the nipple from leaking during transport. The Adiri Natural Nurser comes in three stages for three different flow rates and is color coded by flow rate (stage 1, white; stage 2, blue; stage 3, orange). Each stage holds 8 oz. of fluid and is dishwasher safe! Adiri Natural Nursers can also be boiled or sterilized using a basic sterilizer.
3-Nurser Pack Containing 1 each of Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3. This 3-Stage Multi Pack includes three Nursers, one for each stage, and makes a wonderful gift for any new mother.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|adnanust3or6||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12464104||||||Adiri Natural Nurser Stage 3 - Orange - 6 months plus - BPA Free||AdiriStage3Orange||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||12.500||12.500 ||||Adiri™ Natural Nurser™ Ultimate Baby Bottle - Stage 3 - (6 months plus)||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Adiri™ Natural Nurser™ Ultimate Baby Bottle is soft, safe and simple. With an easy to use and dishwasher safe Fill Twist and Feed™ system, the only nipple truly shaped like a mother's breast, soft phthalate-free and BPA-free materials, and a unique Petal vent that helps reduce colic, the Adiri Natural Nurser enables the ultimate bottlefeeding experience. A sleek cover protects the bottle from getting dirty and keeps the nipple from leaking during transport. The Adiri Natural Nurser comes in three stages for three different flow rates and is color coded by flow rate (stage 1, white; stage 2, blue; stage 3, orange). Each stage holds 8 oz. of fluid and is dishwasher safe! Adiri Natural Nursers can also be boiled or sterilized using a basic sterilizer.
Stage Three (Fast Flow) is generally used for babies 6 months and older.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|adnust1wh03m||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31816291||||||Adiri Nurser Stage 1 White - 0-3 months - BPA Free||AdiriStage1White||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||12.500||12.500 ||||Adiri™ Natural Nurser™ Ultimate Baby Bottle - Stage 1 - White - 0-3 months||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Adiri™ Natural Nurser™ Ultimate Baby Bottle is soft, safe and simple. With an easy to use and dishwasher safe Fill Twist and Feed™ system, the only nipple truly shaped like a mother's breast, soft phthalate-free and BPA-free materials, and a unique Petal vent that helps reduce colic, the Adiri Natural Nurser enables the ultimate bottlefeeding experience. A sleek cover protects the bottle from getting dirty and keeps the nipple from leaking during transport. The Adiri Natural Nurser comes in three stages for three different flow rates and is color coded by flow rate (stage 1, white; stage 2, blue; stage 3, orange). Each stage holds 8 oz. of fluid and is dishwasher safe! Adiri Natural Nursers can also be boiled or sterilized using a basic sterilizer.
Stage One (slow flow) is generally used for premature and newborn babies up to 3 months old.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|ambpafrbopao||item.||page2||amholsparpar||||||||Ameda BPA Free Bottles - Pair of two||AmedaBottleBPAFree||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||6.000||6.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Ameda 4 ounce Polypropylene bottles (part number 625553), plus Ameda Locking Disks and Ameda Locking Rings. Two of each part. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amcolcon||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12473390||||||Ameda Collection Containers - Pair of two||ameda bottles (2)||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||6.000||6.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Ameda 4 ounce Polycarbonate bottles (part number 402324), plus Ameda Locking Disks (part number 402327) and Ameda Locking Rings (part number 40239). Two of each part. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amcohypa||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6520807||||||Ameda ComfortGel Hydrogel Pads||ComfortGel||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||23.000||23.000 ||||||sofforsorori purcream13oz soothies lansinohcream||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Soft hydrogel pads provide cool, soothing relief for mothers who may be experiencing nipple pain or trauma associated with breastfeeding. Hydrogel pads provide a moist healing environment and help absorb leakage to keep skin healthy and to help the nipple area remain dry between feedings. With a low profile and contoured design, the hydrogel pads fit discreetly under a nursing bra. The pads are washable and may be used for up to six days, providing significant cost savings when compared to similar products. Contains two pair.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amcoolncarto||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12632533||||||Ameda Cool 'N Carry Tote - BPA Free||CoolNCarry||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||29.990||29.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Insulated cooler bag with three cooling elements and six 4-ounce bottles with locking caps and rings. (Ameda part number 17076P). Bottles are BPA free and DEHP free.
Keeps breast milk cool for up to 10 hours. Designed for compact, discreet carrying of six bottles. Fits the new Ameda Purely Yours with CarryAll and Purely Yours Backpack breastpumps.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amcusbreasfl||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12640448||||||Ameda Custom Breast Flanges - Pair of two - Med/Large||CustomFlange||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||16.000||16.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||A proper fitting breast flange can make the difference between continuing to breastfeed and early weaning. The Ameda Custom Flanges with inserts should be used when a standard sized flange is too small for comfortable pumping. This product provides mothers with a larger flange & special reducing inserts to create an “in-between” size. Box includes: 2 Custom Flanges & 2 Inserts.
Flange Sizes:
Custom Flange: 30.5mm
Custom Flange with insert: 28.5mm
Standard Flange: 25.0mm
- No Special Connectors Needed
- Compatible with All Standard Hygienikit Parts
- Fits all models of Ameda Purely Yours and the Ameda One-Hand Manual Pump
- No Chance of Buying the Wrong Size
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amcuflsixlpa||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12644649||||||Ameda Custom Flanges Size XL/XXL - pair of 2||AmedaCustomXL_XXL||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||16.000||16.000 ||||Custom Flanges - now available in XL (32.5mm) and XXL (36.0mm)!||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||A proper fitting breast flange can make the difference between continuing to breastfeed and early weaning. The Ameda Custom Flanges with inserts should be used when a standard sized flange is too small for comfortable pumping. This product provides mothers with a larger flange & special reducing inserts to create an “in-between” size. Box includes: 2 Custom Flanges & 2 Inserts. Flange Sizes:
Custom Flange: XX-Large 36.0mm
Custom Flange with insert: XL - 32.5mm
Note the Medium size flanges that are included with your original breastpump are Standard Flange - 25.0mm
- No Special Connectors Needed
- Compatible with All Standard Hygienikit Parts
- Fits all models of Ameda Purely Yours and the Ameda One-Hand Manual Pump
- No Chance of Buying the Wrong Size
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amdualhyg||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12648850||||||Ameda Dual HygieniKit - BPA Free||AmedaKit||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||47.000||47.000 ||||Ameda Dual HygieniKit - BPA Free||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Ameda's exclusive patented HygieniKit Collection System is compatible with any Ameda breast pump (including the Purely Yours), and creates one of the most effective pumping systems available today. It assists mothers in providing the best nutrition possible for baby - their very own breast milk. The Dual HygieniKit alows mothers to save precious time by double pumping or to easily switch to single pumping without reconfiguring the system. The kit's unique silicone diphragm acts as a barrier, separating the user from the suction source. This helps ensure milk purity by preventing contaminants from coming in contact with collected breast milk and prevents milk backup so tubing and pump require little to no maintenance. Ameda part number 17131.
- Instructions
- 2 Adapter Caps
- 2 Diaphragms
- 2 Pump Bodies with Breast Shield and Splash Protection
- 2 Valves
- 2 Caps with locking rings
- 2 four ounce/120 ml Clear Polycarbonate Bottles
- 1 tubing adapter
- 2 36 inch tubing
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|flexaerstimp||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12652505||||||Ameda Flexishield (pair of two)||Flexishield||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||25.990||25.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Flexishield Aeriola Stimulator - This soft, comfortable flexible insert was designed to fit on the breast shields of most standard breastpumps. The flexishield massages your aereola and mimics the feel of a baby's mouth to stimulate let-down, thereby increasing your milk flow and volume. Also reduces shield size for maximum effectiveness on smaller breasts. This product is manufactured by Hollister. Contains two flexishields.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amfrgiwipu||item.||||ampuryourwit1||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12655399||||||Ameda Free Gift with Purchase!||AmedaSpecialOffer||ampuryourbre > ampuryourwit1 > ||Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump > Ameda Purely Yours with Carry All - Free Ground > ||0.000||0.000 ||||Limited Time Offer - While Supplies Last!||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Buy an Ameda Purely Yours with BackPack or an Ameda Purely Yours with CarryAll and get a free Insulated lunch tote with one cooling element and one pair of Ameda Collection Bottles. To take advantage of this special offer, you must add this item to your shopping cart prior to checkout, by clicking on the "order" button below. If you do not add this item to your shopping cart, we will not ship it with your order and we will not ship it separately later if you contact us to tell us you forgot to add this to your order. Be sure to add this item to your cart prior to checkout if you want to take advantage of this special offer!
If you add this item to your cart and you do not also order an Ameda Purely Yours breastpump, we will not ship this item with your order. This offer is ONLY valid with the purchase of an Ameda Purely Yours breastpump with CarryAll or an Ameda Purely Yours Breastpump with Backpack.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amholadcap||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12664005||||||Ameda Hollister Adapter Cap - Pair of two||adapter caps (2)||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||4.000||4.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The adapter cap will fit all Ameda Egnell and Hollister breast shields (pump bodies), including the Lact-E, Elite, and Purely Yours. Ameda part number: 402330. This package includes two adapter caps. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amholsildiap||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12779867||||||Ameda Hollister Silicone Diaphragm - Pair of two||Ameda Diaphragm (2)||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||5.000||5.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Diaphragm replacement for all Ameda/Hollister breast pumps. Part number 402332. Package of 2 each. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amholtubonee||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12847247||||||Ameda Hollister Tubing - Two each||Ameda tubes (2)||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||8.000||8.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||This tubing fits all Ameda Egnell and Hollister breast pumps, such as the Purely Yours, Lact-E, and Elite. Package contains two tubes. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amholwhitval||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12955594||||||Ameda Hollister White Valve - Pair of two||Ameda Valve (2)||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||5.000||5.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Valve replacement for all Ameda and Hollister breastpumps, including the Purely Yours. Part number 402326. Package of two each. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|ammotmilfree||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12995486||||||Ameda Mother's Milk Freezer Bags||Mother's milk bgs||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||13.000||13.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
- 20 multi-ply freezer bags constructed of materials selected for strength and compatibility with mother's milk.
- Clip sealer squeezes air from bag to prevent destructive freezer burn.
- Sealed in (5) separate sterilized packs
- 25 sealing ties included
- Write-on portion for dating helps you assure freshness
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|ampowtran||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13008530||||||Ameda Power Transformer||Ameda AC adapter||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||20.000||20.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Replacement power transformer (AC adapter) for Ameda Purely Yours breastpump. 110V for use in the United States or other countries which use 110V electricity. If you need a power transformer for use outside the US, use the "drop-down" menu to choose the UK, European, or Australian power transformer.||Country US UK Europe Australia||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|ampuryourbre||item.||page2||index||||||||Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||ampuryourwit1 ampuryourwit puryourwitto amcoolncarto flexaerstimp vehligad amdualhyg amcusbreasfl diveliadvaon1 diflbvaonwip batcharwit8a batcharwit16 ||||Self Expressions offers the Purely Yours breastpump by Ameda (Hollister). Order the brand new Purely Yours with Carry All for only $209.95, or order the Purely Yours without the tote for only $159.95, or order the brand new Purely Yours with Backpack for $239.95 with Free Ground shipping! Special Offer for all Purely Yours Orders - Add accessories to your order and save even more! Order any model of the Purely Yours breastpump and add a vehicle lighter adapter for only $10.00, or add a pair of Flexishields for only $14.00, or add both items for only $24.00 more.
Click on the photos below for a detailed product description or to add these items to your shopping cart.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|ampuryourwit||item.||page2||ampuryourbre||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13009840||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31823020||Ameda Purely Yours with Backpack - Free Ground||PYBackpack||ampuryourbre > ||Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump > ||249.950||328.500 ||249.950 ||Ameda Purely Yours Backpack - Now BPA and DEHP Free!||eaexbuhafrpu diveliadvaon1 diflbvaonwip enaaalbat8ea||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Purely Yours now offers the utmost in flexibility and up-to-date styling! This value-packed portable breast pump offers both adjustable suction and cycle speeds to feel both natural and comfortable! Model Number 17075P
This pump can operate on 3 power sources - AC adapter, AA batteries, or vehicle lighter adapter. The removable, Insulated Cool N' Carry Tote safely stores collected milk for up to 10 hours! Weighing only 1 pound, the Purely Yours fits in its own compact, stylish backpack - especially designed to hold the pump and all the accessories... with plenty of space left to carry your day-to-day necessities!
The complete kit includes:
- Purely Yours pump system
- stylish microfibre backpack
- dual hygienikit
- insulated "Cool N' Carry" tote
- 3 freezer packs
- six 4-ounce collection bottles with locking caps
- vehicle lighter adapter
- two washable cotton bra pads
- manual pumping adapter
Includes Free UPS Ground shipping within the 48 Continental United States.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|ampuryourwit1||item.||page2||ampuryourbre||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13042744||||||Ameda Purely Yours with Carry All - Free Ground||PYCarryAll||ampuryourbre > ||Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump > ||219.950||285.600 ||219.950 ||Ameda Purely Yours with Carry All - Now BPA and DEHP Free!||eaexbuhafrpu diveliadvaon1 diflbvaonwip enaaalbat8ea||||||0||1||1||0||||amfrgiwipu ||||
Announcing the brand new Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump with Carry All. Now on sale with Free UPS Ground shipping! Includes Purely Yours Breast Pump, dual HygieniKit, microfiber Carry All tote with exclusive Ameda detailing, AC power adapter, milk storage guide magnet, and Cool 'N Carry Tote with (3) cooling elements and (6) 4-ounce bottles with tops. Model Number 17077P
Free Gift with Purchase of Ameda Purely Yours with Backpack or CarryAll Breast Pump! Limited Time Offer, While Supplies Last! See below for details!
Adjustable Suction and Cycle Speeds:
This value-packed portable pump includes microprocessor technology that offers both adjustable suction and cycle speeds for "natural" and individual comfort. It only takes a turn of the dial to adjust to a setting that closely mimics your baby and helps maximize your milk production.
Single or Dual Pumping
Whether you want to single pump, or dual pump to save precious time, you can do it without reconfiguring the milk collection system. It's easy to switch from one to the other.
Multiple Power Sources
You can pump anywhere your busy schedule takes you. The Purely Yours pump operates on three power sources: AC adapter, (6) AA batteries, or optional car adapter.
Collection and Storage
The HygieniKit Milk Collection System provides patented protection from viruses and bacteria and allows you to pump directly into most any type of collection bottle or freezer bag. The pump has two built-in bottle holders to help reduce the possibility of spills and loss of your precious milk.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puryourwitto||item.||page2||ampuryourbre||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13055132||||||Ameda Purely Yours without Tote||PYNoTote||ampuryourbre > ||Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump > ||169.950||214.200 ||169.950 ||||eaexbuhafrpu diveliadvaon1 diflbvaonwip enaaalbat8ea||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Purely Yours without the Tote is available for only $169.95 with FREE UPS Ground shipping. This is the same pump as the Purely Yours with the tote, but it does not include the tote or freezer packs or extra bottles. This package includes the Purely Yours Breast Pump, dual HygieniKit, AC power adapter, two four-ounce polycarbonate bottles and locking caps.
Special Offer for all Purely Yours Orders - Add accessories to your order and save even more! Order either model of the Purely Yours breastpump and add a vehicle lighter adapter for only $10.00, or add a pair of Flexishields for only $14.00, or add both items for only $24.00 more.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|amholsparpar||item.||page2||index||||||||Ameda Spare Parts||||||||||||||Spare and replacement parts for Ameda Hollister breastpumps||||||||0||1||0||0||||amdualhyg pumbodbreass amcusbreasfl amcuflsixlpa amholwhitval amholsildiap amholtubonee amcolcon amholadcap whitpumcon ampowtran flexaerstimp amcoolncarto coolel ambpafrbopao |||| Click on the photos below for a more detailed product description or to add any of these items to your shopping cart. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum (before shipping fees) for all orders, and ensure that your order subtotal is at least $10.00 before final checkout.
Please note that all replacement parts are personal use items and are NOT returnable for refund. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|pumbodbreass||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13082156||||||Ameda Standard size Pump Body, Breast Shield for Ameda pumps
Pair of two||pump bodies (2)||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||18.000||18.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Breast Shield (Pump Body) replacement for all Ameda/Hollister breastpumps. Standard Size, 25.0 mm opening. Ameda/Hollister Part Number: 621058. BPA Free and DEHP Free! Contains 2 each.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|whitpumcon||item.||page2||amholsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13218022||||||Ameda White Pump Connector||Ameda pump connector||amholsparpar > ||Ameda Spare Parts > ||2.000||2.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The White Pump Connector, part number 402331, fits all Ameda Egnell and Hollister breastpumps, including the Purely Yours, Lact-E, and Elite. This package contains one white connector. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|authorizeddealer||item.||page2||||||||||Authorized Medela and Ameda Dealer||||||||||||||||||||||1||1||0||0||||||||Self Expressions has been an Authorized Medela Dealer for more than 22 years (since January 1, 1995). To confirm our status as an authorized Medela Dealer, please visit Medela's "Dealer Locator" website, and type in our zip code, which is 32579. You will see Self Expressions at the top of the list, along with a link to our website.
Self Expressions has also been an authorized Ameda Dealer for many years. You can confirm our status as an Authorized Ameda Dealer by visiting Ameda's Dealer Locator website and selecting "Search by Zip Code" and entering "32579".
When you make your purchase from an authorized Medela or Ameda Dealer, you are entitled you to all the benefits of purchasing from an authorized dealer, such as full protection under the manufacturer's warranty.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|av110codili3||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_25101373||||||Avent 100 Count Disposable Liners (302)||DisposableLiners||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||4.500||4.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||For use with the Avent Disposable Nurser. (100 count, 8 oz)
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by avent and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|av4ozreboone||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9065409||||||Avent 4 oz Reusable Bottle ||AventReusableBottle||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||4.990||4.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Many doctors recommend the Avent Reusable Bottle. The reason is clear: the Reusable Bottle features a nipple with a unique anti-vacuum skirt and one-way air valve that has been clinically demonstrated to reduce colic.
Plus, the Reusable Bottle features the Avent Nipple, which so closely resembles the natural shape of the breast, your baby can easily alternate between breastfeeding and bottle feeding.
- Natural-shaped nipple, designed to reduce colic. Helps to avoid nipple confusion.
- Wide bottle shape allows for easy filling and cleaning
- Dense, durable polycarbonate plastic holds up to boiling, dishwasher and microwave use
- Dome cap seals the nipple for spill-proof mixing and transporting
- Avent Part Number 100
- Contains one four ounce bottle assembly with Newborn Nipple and Dome Cap||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|av9ozrebo1||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9238684||||||Avent 9 oz Reusable Bottle (101)||Avent9Oz||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||5.500||5.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Many doctors recommend the Avent Reusable Bottle. The reason is clear: the Reusable Bottle features a nipple with a unique anti-vacuum skirt and one-way air valve that has been clinically demonstrated to reduce colic.
Plus, the Reusable Bottle features the Avent Nipple, which so closely resembles the natural shape of the breast, your baby can easily alternate between breastfeeding and bottle feeding.
- Natural-shaped nipple, designed to reduce colic. Helps to avoid nipple confusion.
- Wide bottle shape allows for easy filling and cleaning
- Dense, durable polycarbonate plastic holds up to boiling, dishwasher and microwave use
- Dome cap seals the nipple for spill-proof mixing and transporting
- Avent Part Number 101
- Contains one nine ounce bottle assembly with Newborn Nipple and Dome Cap||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avbrmistkit||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7235515||||||Avent Breast Milk Storage Kit ||AventStorageKit||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||9.950||11.950 ||9.950 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||This set by Avent includes four 4 oz. containers which can be used to store breast milk and baby food and they're compatible with the Avent Isis Breast Pump allowing safe, easy pumping and storage of breast milk. The containers come with silicone sealing discs and screw rings and are suitable for the freezer and the refrigerator.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avbrpucokit2||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13258797||||||Avent Breast Pump Conversion Kit (245)||AventConversion||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||9.990||9.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||This system allows you to pump directly into any Avent bottle or any Avent Via Disposable Breastmilk Storage Container from any of our Medela or Ameda (Hollister) breastpumps.
- 2 each Breast Pump Converters for Avent Natural Feeding Bottles
- 2 each Breast Pump Converters for Avent VIA Disposable Bases
- 4 Disposable Breast Pads
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avent||item.||page2||index||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31875371||||||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||avisbrpu4wit avisunocobrp avisongobrpu avisviabrpuk avbrpucokit2 avbrmistkit avnestset avinstset av4ozreboone av9ozrebo1 avreni avvia8oznu avviabrmistk avvia8ozrepa aventpacifiers avmanosocup7 avmanotocup9 avmanosocupo avmanototrcu avmasuspsp18 avmanososp3m avmanotosp6m avmanotrcupw avmanototrcu1 avexboandbaw avfodisncup avredi avdegiset avreva av110codili3 avisbrpuwidi avsaset4 aviqelst avnestgiset avdinu3 avdinunitpa aventvialids avduoveliad avisiqduotwe avisiqunohae avmistst avmacuptrha avmasuspcup ||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avdegiset||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_24821396||||||Avent Deluxe Gift Set||AventDeluxeGift||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The ultimate gift for new moms and their babies! The Deluxe Gift Set is the ultimate luxury with everything parents need for their new baby--from feeding to skin care. With Reusable Botles, a Disposable Nurser, and Magic Trainer Cup with Handles, this gift set provides flexible, integrated feeding choices. The moisturizing Babycare Massage Gel calms baby before bedtime. And for a no-tears bath time with a mild formula that gently cleans your baby, try the Babycare Body and Hair Wash.
Set includes: two 4 oz. Reusable Feeding Bottles and two 9 oz. Reusable Feeding Bottles, each with a Newborn Nipple; a Disposable Nurser with a Newborn Nipple for the Disposable Nurser and 10 Pre-sterilized Disposable Liners; a 7 oz. Magic Trainer Cup with Soft Spout and Detachable Handles for 3 months+, a Silicone Newborn Pacifier, sample-size bottles of the Babycare Massage Gel (1.6 oz) and Body and Hair Wash (3.3 oz), and a Bottle Brush. Comes in an attractive box with a handle on top.
Avent's unique design and interchangeability provides flexibility in choosing to breastfeed, botle feed, or both, making Avent the world's favorite feeding system! Avent invented the now-popular wide neck bottle, with an award-winning design that's easier to clean and hold than conventional bottles. These bottles hold up through boiling, dishwasher and microwave use. The patented Avent Reusable Bottle Nipple has a one-way air valve clinically demonstrated to reduce colic. Plus, the nipple's soft shape allows baby to switch effortlessly from breast to botle and back again. The nipples and reusable bottles in this set are interchangeable with Avent Magic Cups and Magic Spouts, and the bottles fit directly onto the Isis Breast Pump (all sold separately). The bottle and nipple for the disposable liners use a different air management system. The nipple feel and shape is identical, however, allowing the baby to switch between the two bottle types and never know the difference! Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avdinu3||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28047116||||||Avent Disposable Nurser (300)||AventDisposable||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||6.990||6.990 ||||||av110codili3||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by avent and is no longer available.
The Disposable Nurser features pre-sterilized, disposable liners--making it a great option for your busy schedule! The airtight and flexible liners contract as your baby drinks, reducing air ingestion and preventing painful gas.
Also, the Disposable Nurser makes it easy to alternate between bottle feeding and breastfeeding, since it features the naturally shaped Avent Nipple. You can even use the Isis™ Breast Pump to express breast milk directly into the disposable liners--then store for later use!
Consider using the Disposable Nurser when traveling. You won't have to carry extra bottles and you will have the convenience of the disposable liners.
- Disposable liners contract to reduce air ingestion and painful gas
- Convertible base accommodates 4-oz. or 8-oz. feedings
- Easy to freeze and refrigerate with sealing clips and labels (sold separately)
- Includes a dome cap to keep the nipple clean
- Use only the blue-tinted Avent Nipple with the Disposable Nurser.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avdinunitpa||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28375697||||||Avent Disposable Nurser Nipple (Two Pack)||AventDispNipple||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||3.990||3.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by avent and is no longer available.
Sold in packages of two each. Be sure to use only the clear nipple with the Reusable Bottle and the blue-tinted nipple with the Disposable Nurser.||"Select Size" "Newborn Nipple"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avduoveliad||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_29829395||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31901479||Avent Duo Vehicle Lighter Adapter||DuoVehicleAdapter||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Vehicle Power Adapter for Avent Isis iQ Duo Breast Pump.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avexboandbaw||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13386070||||||Avent Express Bottle and Babyfood Warmer||BottleWarmer||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||39.990||39.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The FAST, SAFE way to warm bottles and baby food!
- Just add water to required level, select setting and switch on.
- Warms bottles or baby food in around 4 minutes.
- Ideal for expressed breast milk, formula, beverages, and baby food.
- Safer than a microwave oven - no uneven heating or hot spots.
- Holds ALL types of bottles and the Non-Spill AVENT Magic Cup.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avfodisncup||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13396125||||||Avent Formula Dispenser - Snack Cup||AventFormulaCup||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||5.990||5.990 ||||New - Avent Formula Dispenser/Snack Cup||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Formula Dispenser holds enough powdered formula for three 9oz feeds. Simply remove the inner partition to convert to a handy snack cup.
Sterilizer/Microwave/Dishwasher Safe.
Not suitable for storing liquids.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avinstset||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_8387832||||||Avent Infant Starter Set||AventInfantStarterSetBPAFree||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||39.990||47.100 ||39.990 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Avent Infant Starter set is the perfect way to get started with the basics for healthy, active feeding and also makes a great gift. Anti-Colic valve reduces colic for less air in babies tummy. Clinically proven to reduce colic.
Set includes: - 2-9oz/260ml Philips AVENT Natural Feeding Bottles with newborn nipples
- 2-4oz/125ml Philips AVENT Natural Feeding Bottles with slow flow nipples
- Milk powder dispenser
- 4 Dome Caps
- 1-Bottle Brush for easy cleaning.
Milk powder dispenser carries 3 pre-measured portions of milk powder in separate compartments - ideal for travel. Bottle brush with curved brush head and molded tip for thorough cleaning of hard to reach areas. BPA-Free Bottles are made from Polyether Sulphone (PES) - a BPA Free material with a natural honey-colored tint.
This Avent baby product is BPA (Bisophenol-A) free.
Product Features: Anti-colic valve flexes to allow air into bottle to prevent vacum build-up; air bubbles move away from nipple and into bottle, not into baby's tummy Naturally shaped nipple promotes proper latch-on, easy to combine breast and bottle feeding Wide bottle shape for easy filling and cleaning, dome cap seals nipple for spill-proof mixing and transportation Accurate feeding measurement markings on bottle Dishwasher safe and microwave safe||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|aviqelst||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_26264060||||||Avent iQ24 Electronic Sterilizer||AventIQNewSterilizer||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||89.950||104.000 ||89.950 ||New from Avent! Introducing the first intelligent steam sterilizer!||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||AVENT iQ24TMis the only sterilizer designed with advanced iQ technology that communicates each phase of the sterilization cycle.
With features such as a digital display, electronic countdown and sound alerts, you can always be assured that contents are safe to use. Only iQ24 has an optional 24-hour mode that keeps contents continuously sterile... and ready to use, day or night. A pause feature lets you remove some items without interrupting the cycle.
AVENT iQ24 Electronic Steam Sterilizer is part of the Avent iQ range, which uses advanced technology to make feeding easier.
Features 2 modes - Mode 1 is ready in 6 minutes and sterile for 6 hours. Mode 2 is ready in 6 minutes and sterile for 24 hours. This large capacity sterilizer features multiple racks and also works great for sterilizing breast pump parts. The versatile rack also converts to a dishwasher basket.
Sorry, but this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avisbrpu4wit||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13418819||||||Avent Isis Breast Pump with 1 (four oz) Reusable Bottle - BPA-Free (SCF300/20)||IsisManualBPA_Free||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||42.990||42.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Avent Isis™ Breast Pump stimulates let-down gently with soft "petals" that massage the breast while the silicone diaphragm draws a consistent milk flow. The result is a pump that works naturally to provide efficiency--giving you the flexibility to continue breastfeeding your baby.
In fact, a clinical study demonstrated the Isis Breast Pump to be just as effective as a hospital grade electric pump. In the same study, mothers rated the Isis Breast Pump as more comfortable and pleasant to use.
Since it requires no electricity, the Isis Breast Pump is portable and quiet enough to use discreetly.
- Soft cushion "petals" massage the breast to stimulate a natural let-down reflex
- Silicone diaphragm forms a gentle, consistent vacuum to draw milk from the breast
- Features natural efficiency and portability without the use of electricity
- Includes: ISIS Breast Pump with "Let-Down" cushionTM, travel cover and stand, one four ounce reusable milk storage bottle, 1 newborn nipple, Nipple Travel Pack, sealing disc, and instructions.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avisbrpuwidi||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_25841845||||||Avent Isis Breast Pump with Disposable Nurser (404)||IsisDisposable||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||42.990||42.990 ||||||av110codili3||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Avent Isis™ Breast Pump stimulates let-down gently with soft "petals" that massage the breast while the silicone diaphragm draws a consistent milk flow. The result is a pump that works naturally to provide efficiency--giving you the flexibility to continue breastfeeding your baby.
In fact, a clinical study demonstrated the Isis Breast Pump to be just as effective as a hospital grade electric pump. In the same study, mothers rated the Isis Breast Pump as more comfortable and pleasant to use.
Since it requires no electricity, the Isis Breast Pump is portable and quiet enough to use discreetly.
- Soft cushion "petals" massage the breast to stimulate a natural let-down reflex
- Silicone diaphragm forms a gentle, consistent vacuum to draw milk from the breast
- Features natural efficiency and portability without the use of electricity
- Contains: ISIS Breast Pump (with ISIS massage cushionTM, funnel travel cover/bottle stand), Disposable Nurser, 20 pre-sterilized bags, 10 sealing clips, 40 date labels, 3 extra bag holders, Nipple Travel Pack with Newborn Nipple for Disposable Nurser, spare parts, and instruction leaflets.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avisiqduotwe||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_30516030||||||Avent ISIS iQ DUO Twin Electronic Breast Pump||Avent ISIS iQ Duo||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||249.950||349.990 ||249.950 ||||eaexbuhafrpu avvia8oznu avviabrmistk||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Exciting new breast pump from Avent!!! Experience the latest in breast pump techonology! Now in stock and ready for immediate shipment!!!
The ISIS iQ DuoTM is the only breast pump with an electronic memory that learns and remembers moms gentle touch. The patented Let-down Massage CushionTM works gently and naturally to stimulate a fast natural milk flow. The powerful ISIS iQ DuoTM motor matches the vacuum of hospital grade pumps and the unique twin tubing carries equal suction to both breasts evenly. Finally, Avent's safe and hygienic design of the closed diaphragm system prevents milk from backing up into the tubing so that milk is protected from contamination and germs at all times. The ISIS iQ DuoTM has no pre-set speeds or suction with infinitely variable control right at the breast. ISIS iQ DuoTM will change the way women view breastfeeding and empower women to feel good about breast pumps, giving them more control, confidence, and convenience.
Contents include:
- 1 Microfiber Insulated Tote Bag
- 2-4 oz Natural Feeding Bottle with Sealing Discs
- 2-9 oz Natural Feeding Bottle with Sealing Discs
- 2 Newborn Natural Shaped Nipple; includes Dome Cap and Travel Cover
- Bonus ISISTM Manual Pump Parts
- 2 ThinsulateTM Insulated Carriers
- 8 Flexible Freezer Gel Packs
- 2 Drawstring Bags
- 8 Avent Ultra Comfort Disposable Breast Pads
- 1 Quick Start DVD
- 1 ISIS iQ DuoTM Guide to Your Pump
Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avisiqunohae||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31037487||||||Avent Isis iQ Uno Handheld Electronic Breast Pump||AventUno||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||149.990||149.990 ||||New from Avent! ISIS iQ UNO™ Handheld Electronic Breast Pump||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales.
The ISIS iQ UNO™ is a powerful handheld electric breast pump that has an electronic memory that learns and continues your personal pumping rhythm. The patented Let-down Massage Cushion™ is intended to help gently stimulate a fast, natural milk flow. Once you determine the most comfortable pumping rhythm, the one touch control button lets you set precisely the most comfortable speed and suction, right at the breast. This infinitely variable control allows every pumping session to be a personalized session, just like baby. In addition, the Batter Booster provides consistent pumping power, even when the batteries are low. You know when the batteries are low when the light on the Battery Reserve Indicator flashes. The ISIS iQ UNO™ is an ultra quiet, powerful, mini handheld electronic breast pump that will give breastfeeding moms more control, confidence, and convenience when it comes to breastfeeding. Avent item number 471.
Contents include:
- 1 ISIS iQ UNO™ Breast Pump
- 1 Battery Pack and Wall Plug with Carry Case (4 AA Batteries Not Included)
- 1-4 oz Bottle with Sealing Disc
- 1-9 0z Bottle with Sealing Disc
- 1 - Newborn Natural Shaped Nipple ; includes Dome Cap and Travel Cover
- Bonus ISIS™ Manual Pump Parts
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avisongobrpu||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6576643||||||Avent Isis On The Go Breast Pump Set (SCF300)||IsisOnTheGo||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||54.990||54.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Isis™ On The Go Set includes:
- The Avent Isis™ Breast Pump and two milk storage bottles (two each of the 4-oz. BPA-Free Reusable Bottles with sealing lids)
- One Smart Compact Microfibre-Insulated Storage Bag and two flexible cooling packs
- One Newborn Nipple and one dome cap
- BPA-Free!!!
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avisunocobrp||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13424127||||||Avent Isis Uno Complete Breast Pump||AventUnoComplete||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||179.950||219.950 ||179.950 ||ISIS iQ UNO™ COMPLETE Handheld Electronic Breast Pump||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The ISIS iQ UNO™ Complete includes all you need to express, store, transport and feed your breast milk. The ISIS iQ UNO™ is a powerful handheld electric breast pump that has an electronic memory that learns and continues your personal pumping rhythm. The patented Let-down Massage Cushion™ is intended to help gently stimulate a fast, natural milk flow. Once you determine the most comfortable pumping rhythm, the one touch control button lets you set precisely the most comfortable speed and suction, right at the breast. This infinitely variable control allows every pumping session to be a personalized session, just like baby. In addition, the Batter Booster provides consistent pumping power, even when the batteries are low. The ISIS iQ UNO™ Complete is an ultra quiet, powerful, mini handheld electronic breast pump with all that you need to pump, store, and feed with one system. Avent ITEM 472. Contents include:
- 1 ISIS iQ UNO™ Breast Pump
- 1 Stylish, Insulated Tote
- 1 Battery Pack and Wall Plug with Carry Case ( 4 AA Batteries Not Included)
- 1-4 oz Bottle with Sealing Disc
- 1-9 0z Bottle with Sealing Disc
- 1 Newborn Natural Shaped Nipple ; includes Dome Cap and Travel Cover
- 2 Gel Packs
- Bonus ISIS™ Manual Pump Parts
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avisviabrpuk||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6909374||||||Avent Isis Via Breast Pump Kit||IsisViaPump||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||45.990||45.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Features both the VIA disposable bases for breast milk storage and the clinically proven effective Isis Breast Pump to give busy moms more efficiency and convenience than ever before.
- ISIS Breast Pump (with ISIS massage cushion and funnel travel cover)
- five VIA 6-oz. sterile-packed bases and five VIA lids
- two adapters
- two silicone newborn nipples
- two nipple travel packs for expressing, feeding and storage
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmacuptrha||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31529076||||||Avent Magic Cup Trainer Handles||MagicCupHandles||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||4.500||4.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Make the transition from bottle to cup easier for your baby with these contoured handles. Easy to grip and ingeniously designed, they can be used with Avent's reusable bottle and all of Avent's Magic Cups. Made from durable polypropylene plastic, the handles are dishwasher and sterilizer safe. Features:
- Easy to use
- Two per pack
- Colors vary
Sorry, this item is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmanososp3m||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_21544520||||||Avent Magic NON-SPILL Soft Spouts (White)||SoftSpout||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||4.990||4.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Avent Soft Spout (white) - Flexible soft-sip spout is gentle and easy enough for babies as young as six months to use
- Features non-spill, easy flow valve
- Can be used with any Magic Cup or Avent bottle
- Two per package
- Due to wear and repeated washings, spouts should be replaced every three months.
Sorry, this item is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmanosocup7||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_11353996||||||Avent Magic NON-SPILL Soft-Sip Cup 7 oz. 3m+||MagicCup7oz||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||4.990||4.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Avent Magic Non-Spill Soft Spout Cup, 3m+. Comes with a Soft-Sip NON-SPILL spout for ages 3 months and up. Feels so natural, babies as young as three months can begin using it. The patented Easy-Sip Magic Valve controls fluid flow. The easy-flow valve automatically flexes closed when your child stops drinking. Unlike other cups, the Avent Magic Cup lets pulpy juices and thick liquids flow through easily. Snap-on lid keeps spout clean.
Easy to assemble, dishwasher and sterilizer safe. Made from durable, translucent polypropylene plastic, so you can always see just how much fluid is in the cup. Interchangable with other Magic Spouts and parts from Avent Reusable Bottles and all other Magic Cups. The cup even fits the Isis Breast Pump. Fits car and stroller cup holders, ideal for travel. Color of cup and top ring May vary. For ages 3 months and over. Avent product number 681.
Avent Magic Cups are BPA Free.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmanosocupo||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_11937375||||||Avent Magic NON-SPILL Soft-Sip Cups (pair of two) 7 oz. 3m+||MagicCup7ozTwinHandles||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||8.500||8.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Avent Magic Non-Spill Soft Spout Cup, 3m+. Comes with a Soft-Sip NON-SPILL spout for ages 3 months and up. Feels so natural, babies as young as three months can begin using it. The patented Easy-Sip Magic Valve controls fluid flow. The easy-flow valve automatically flexes closed when your child stops drinking. Unlike other cups, the Avent Magic Cup lets pulpy juices and thick liquids flow through easily. Snap-on lid keeps spout clean.
Easy to assemble, dishwasher and sterilizer safe. Made from durable, translucent polypropylene plastic, so you can always see just how much fluid is in the cup. Interchangable with other Magic Spouts and parts from Avent Reusable Bottles and all other Magic Cups. The cup even fits the Isis Breast Pump. Fits car and stroller cup holders, ideal for travel. Color of cup and top ring May vary. For ages 3 months and over. Pair of two. Avent Product Number 694.
Avent Magic Cups are BPA Free.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmanotocup9||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_11708855||||||Avent Magic NON-SPILL Toddler Cup 9 oz. 6m+||MagicCup9oz||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||5.250||5.250 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Avent Magic Non-Spill Toddler Cup, 6m+. Comes with a Soft-Sip NON-SPILL spout for ages 6 months and up. Patented Easy-Sip Magic Valve controls fluid flow. While drinking, the valve flexes open to allow air in, which then allows a continuous flow of liquid out. That means less suction is required, making Magic Spouts easier for toddlers to drink from. Unlike other cups, the Avent Magic Cup lets pulpy juices and thick liquids flow through easily. Snap-on lid keeps spout clean.
Easy to assemble, dishwasher and sterilizer safe. Made from durable, translucent polypropylene plastic, so you can always see just how much fluid is in the cup. Interchangable with other Magic Spouts and parts from Avent Reusable Bottles and all other Magic Cups. The cup even fits the Isis Breast Pump. Fits car and stroller cup holders, ideal for travel. Color of cup and top ring will vary. For ages 6 months and over. Avent Product Number 680.
Avent Magic Cups are BPA Free.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmanotosp6m||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13533805||||||Avent Magic NON-SPILL Toddler Spouts||ToddlerSpout||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||4.990||4.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Avent Magic Non-Spill Toddler Spouts (green)
- Firmer spout ideal for teething needs
- Features non-spill, easy flow valve
- Can be used with any Magic Cup or Avent bottle
- Two per package
- Due to wear and repeated washings, spouts should be replaced every three months.
Sorry, this item is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmanototrcu||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13647181||||||Avent Magic NON-SPILL Toddler Trainer Cups 9 oz. 6m+||MagicCup9ozTwin||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||8.990||8.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Avent Magic Non-Spill Toddler Trainer Cups, 6m+. This set comes with two Soft-Sip NON-SPILL spouts for ages 6 months and up. Patented Easy-Sip Magic Valve controls fluid flow. While drinking, the valve flexes open to allow air in, which then allows a continuous flow of liquid out. That means less suction is required, making Magic Spouts easier for toddlers to drink from. Unlike other cups, the Avent Magic Cup lets pulpy juices and thick liquids flow through easily. Snap-on lid keeps spout clean. Easy-hold handles are contoured for little hands to hold comfortably and teach baby to drink independently. Handles are also detachable for use with or without handles. The handles can also be used with other Magic Cups and even Avent Reusable Bottles. Easy to assemble, dishwasher and sterilizer safe. Made from durable, translucent polypropylene plastic, so you can always see just how much fluid is in the cup. Interchangable with other Magic Spouts and parts from Avent Reusable Bottles and all other Magic Cups. The cup even fits the Isis Breast Pump. Fits car and stroller cup holders, ideal for travel. Color of cups, lids and and handles will vary and do not come as a color matched set. Pair of Two. For ages 6 months and over. Avent Product Number 686.
Avent Magic Cups are BPA Free.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmanototrcu1||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13685718||||||Avent Magic NON-SPILL Toddler Trainer Cups 9 oz. 6m+||Magic9HandleTwin||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||9.990||9.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Avent Magic Non-Spill Toddler Trainer Cups, 6m+. This set comes with two Soft-Sip NON-SPILL spouts for ages 6 months and up. Patented Easy-Sip Magic Valve controls fluid flow. While drinking, the valve flexes open to allow air in, which then allows a continuous flow of liquid out. That means less suction is required, making Magic Spouts easier for toddlers to drink from. Unlike other cups, the Avent Magic Cup lets pulpy juices and thick liquids flow through easily. Snap-on lid keeps spout clean.
Easy-hold handles are contoured for little hands to hold comfortably and teach baby to drink independently. Handles are also detachable for use with or without handles. The handles can also be used with other Magic Cups and even Avent Reusable Bottles. Easy to assemble, dishwasher and sterilizer safe. Made from durable, translucent polypropylene plastic, so you can always see just how much fluid is in the cup. Interchangable with other Magic Spouts and parts from Avent Reusable Bottles and all other Magic Cups. The cup even fits the Isis Breast Pump. Fits car and stroller cup holders, ideal for travel. Color of cups, lids and and handles will vary and do not come as a color matched set. 2 complete cups with handles and spouts come boxed. For ages 6 months and over. Avent Product Number 689.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmanotrcupw||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13753171||||||Avent Magic NON-SPILL Trainer Cup with Handles 7 oz. 3m+||MagicHandles7oz||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||5.500||5.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Avent Magic Non-Spill 7 oz. Trainer Cup, 3m+. Comes with a soft NON-SPILL spout for ages 3 months and up. Feels so natural, babies as young as three months can begin using it. Easy-hold handles are contoured for little hands to hold comfortably and teach baby to drink independently. Easy to fit or remove so cups can be used with or without handles. The handles can also be used on all Avent reusable bottles and other Magic Cups. Patented Easy-sip Magic Valve controls fluid flow. While drinking, the valve flexes open to allow air in. Unlike other cups, the Avent Magic Cup lets pulpy juices and thick liquids flow through easily. Snap-on lid keeps spout clean.
Easy to assemble, dishwasher and sterilizer safe. Made from durable, translucent polypropylene plastic, so you can always see just how much fluid is in the cup. Interchangable with other Magic Spouts and parts from Avent Reusable Bottles and all other Magic Cups. The cup even fits the Isis Breast Pump. Fits car and stroller cup holders, ideal for travel. Color of cup, handles and top ring may vary. For ages 3 months and over. Avent product number 687.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmasuspcup||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32024941||||||Avent Magic Super Sport Cup||AventMagicSuperSport||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||4.750||4.750 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The easy-sip, non-spill Magic™ Super Sport Cup is just right for active toddlers on the go. This stylish 12-oz. cup is the biggest of all the Magic Cups and features a flip-top lid to keep the spout clean, and a handy carry clip for easy travel.
The two-piece Sport Spout and valve is designed to make cleaning and assembly easy. The Magic Super Sport Cup comes in fun, bright color combinations and is dishwasher and sterilizer safe.
Avent Part Number 691.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmasuspsp18||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/avent-magic-super-sport-spout-18m-1.gif||||||Avent Magic Super Sport Spout 18m+||AventSportSpout||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||4.990||4.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Avent Magic no-spill spouts for Avent Magic Super Sport Cup. Ages 18m+.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available, ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avmistst||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31306340||||||Avent Microwave Steam Sterilizer||AventSterilizer||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||31.990||31.990 ||||Avent Express Microwave Steam Sterilizer||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Uses the speed and convenience of your microwave to sterilize breast and bottle feeding equipment safely and simply.
Includes 4 Avent 9oz reusable bottles!
- NEW - compact design with clip on lid - ideal for travel.
- Just add 7 fl oz of water to the sterilizer, place in the microwave and switch on.
- Takes 4 AVENT bottles and accessories.
- Specially designed rack for the ISIS Breast Pump.
- Based on the hospital method, the intensive heat of steam kills all household bacteria in minutes. (4 minutes for microwaves 1000-1100 W; 5 minutes for microwaves 800-950 W; 7 minutes for 500-750 W).
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Avent and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avnestgiset||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_26442814||||||Avent Newborn Starter Gift Set||AventNewbornGift||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||29.990||29.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Includes:
- 2 (4 oz) Feeding Bottles with Newborn Nipples
- 3 (9 oz) Feeding Bottles with Newborn Nipples
- 2 Silicone Newborn Pacifiers
- 1 Bottle Brush
Avent item number 422 Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avnestset||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7744006||||||Avent Newborn Starter Set||AventNewbornStarterBPAFree||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||29.990||34.800 ||29.990 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Avent Newborn Starter set is the perfect way to get started with the basics for healthy, active feeding and also makes a great gift. Anti-Colic valve reduces colic for less air in babies tummy. Clinically proven to reduce colic.
Set includes: - 2-9oz/260ml Philips AVENT Natural Feeding Bottles with newborn nipples
- 1-4oz/125ml Philips AVENT Natural Feeding Bottles with slow flow nipples
- 1 dome cap
- 1-bottle brush for easy cleaning
Anti colic valve flexes to allow air into bottle to prevent vacuum build-up. Dome cap seals nipple for spill-proof mixing and transportation, bottle brush with curved brush head and molded tip for thorough cleaning of hard to reach areas. Dishwasher and microwave safe BPA-Free Bottles are made from Polyether Sulphone (PES) - a BPA Free material with a natural honey-colored tint.
This Avent baby product is BPA (Bisophenol-A) free.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|aventpacifiers||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_10916601||||||Avent Pacifiers - Set of Two||AventPacifier||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||4.500||4.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
- Design ensures the safe, natural development of your child's palate, teeth and gums
- Silicone nipples in the Avent Newborn, Infant and Toddler Pacifiers reduce the chance of latex allergies. Please note that Avent has discontinued all latex nipples. All pacifiers are now manufactured with silicone nipples. Avent has also discontinued the "Boy" and "Girl" versions of their regular Bear pacifiers. All versions of the regular Bear pacifiers now feature a unisex design and the new silicone nipple.
- Order size newborn for 0-3 months old, Infant for 3-6 months old, and Toddler for 6 months and older.
- The "Nighttime Bear" design features sleeping bears and has a glow in the dark handle.
- Snap-on cap keeps the nipple clean.||"Size" "Newborn 0-3 months" "Infant 3-6 months" "Toddler 6 months+" "Nighttime Bear 0-3 months" "Nighttime Bear 3-6 months" "Nighttime Bear 6 months+"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avredi||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13801257||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32071175||Avent Replacement Diaphragms||AventDiaphragms||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||13.950||13.950 ||||Replacement Diaphragms for Avent Isis iQ Uno and Duo and Manual Breastpumps||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Choose the appropriate Diaphragms from the drop-down menu below. The Diaphragms with Stems work with all Avent Isis Manual and Avent Isis Uno Breast Pumps (Avent part number 474). The Diaphragms without stems work with the Avent Isis iQ Duo Twin Electronic Breast Pump (Avent part number 473).
Please note - the Duo Diaphragms have been discontinued due to slow sales and they are no longer available. We still have plenty of Uno Diaphragms in stock.||"Choose Type" "Isis Manual or UNO"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avreva||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13890225||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32169801||Avent Replacement Valves||Avent Valves||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||6.950||6.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||New! Avent replacement valves fit all Avent Isis breastpumps including all manual pumps, the Isis iQ Uno and the Isis iQ Duo. Package of 6 valves. Avent part number 475.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avreni||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9477224||||||Avent Reusable Nipple (Two Pack)||AventNipple||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||3.990||3.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Sold in packages of two each. Be sure to use only the clear nipple with the Reusable Bottle and the blue-tinted nipple with the Disposable Nurser.||"Select Size" "Newborn Nipple" "Slow Flow Nipple" "Medium Flow Nipple" "Fast Flow Nipple"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avsaset4||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32287630||||||Avent Sampler Set (420)||AventSampler||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||13.950||13.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer.
Excellent Baby Shower Gift!
Includes: - 1 (4 oz) Feeding Bottle with Newborn Nipple
- 1 (9 oz) Feeding Bottle with Newborn Nipple
- 1 Disposable Nurser with Newborn Nipple and 10 Pre-sterilized Disposable Liners
- 1 Nipple Travel Pack with Disposable Newborn Nipple
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avvia8oznu||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9556518||||||AVENT VIA 8 oz Nurser||AventViaNurser||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||7.990||7.990 ||||||avviabrmistk avvia8ozrepa||||||1||1||1||0||||||||AVENT VIA is the innovative, disposable way to feed your baby when on-the-go! The Safest, Strongest Disposable Ever!
DISPOSE or RE-USE - You choose!
- Anti-colic Nipple - AVENT VIA is the perfect companion to the AVENT feeding bottle because it uses the same anti-colic nipple.
- Pre-sterilized - Use Bases straight from the pack and re-sterilize up to three times before disposing.
- Stackable Bases and Lids - For safe storage of precious breast milk in fridge or freezer.
- Compatible with the Avent ISIS Breast Pump - Express milk directly into the pre-sterilized Bases.
AVENT VIA 8 oz Nurser includes:
- 5 - 8oz VIA Bases with Lids
- 1 Adapter
- 1 Newborn Nipple Assembly
Avent item number 576||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avvia8ozrepa||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9885602||||||AVENT VIA 8 oz Refill Pack (10 pack)||AventViaRefill10||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||4.990||4.990 ||||||avvia8oznu avviabrmistk||||||1||1||1||0||||||||AVENT VIA is the innovative, disposable way to feed your baby when on-the-go! The Safest, Strongest Disposable Ever!
DISPOSE or RE-USE - You choose!
- Anti-colic Nipple - AVENT VIA is the perfect companion to the AVENT feeding bottle because it uses the same anti-colic nipple.
- Pre-sterilized - Use Bases straight from the pack and re-sterilize up to three times before disposing.
- Stackable Bases and Lids - For safe storage of precious breast milk in fridge or freezer.
- Compatible with the Avent ISIS Breast Pump - Express milk directly into the pre-sterilized Bases.
AVENT VIA 8 oz Refill Pack includes:
BPA Free
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|avviabrmistk||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9670532||||||AVENT VIA Breast Milk Storage Kit||AventViaBMStor||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||13.990||13.990 ||||||avvia8oznu||||||1||1||1||0||||||||AVENT VIA is the innovative, disposable way to feed your baby when on-the-go!
The Safest, Strongest Disposable Ever!
DISPOSE or RE-USE - You choose!
- Anti-colic Nipple - AVENT VIA is the perfect companion to the AVENT feeding bottle because it uses the same anti-colic nipple.
- Pre-sterilized - Use Bases straight from the pack and re-sterilize up to three times before disposing.
- Stackable Bases and Lids - For safe storage of precious breast milk in fridge or freezer.
- Compatible with the Avent ISIS Breast Pump - Express milk directly into the pre-sterilized Bases.
AVENT VIA Breast Milk Storage Kit includes:
- 10 - 6oz VIA Bases with Lids
- 2 Adapters
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|aventvialids||item.||page2||avent||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_29353979||||||Avent Via Lids||AventViaLids||avent > ||Avent Breast Pumps and Bottles > ||9.990||9.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Avent and is no longer available.
Contains 10 replacement lids for the Avent Via Breastmilk Storage System.
- Twist-on for leak proof storage
- Stackable
- Reusable
Via Bases and kits sold separately.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|babeebuba12f||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13934422||||||Baby Bee Bubble Bath (12 fl. Oz.) - NEW||BabyBeeBubbleBath||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||8.990||8.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
Burt's Bees Baby Bee Bubble Bath (12 fl. Oz.) - NEW Rub-a-dub-dub, naturally. Baby your baby's skin with our mild, tear-free and SLS-free bubble bath made from natural ingredients. Our cleansing complex made from coconut and sunflower oil gently cleanses skin without irritation or drying. We've added vanilla extract to help calm and comfort baby.
As you fill the bathtub, pour approximately 3-4 capfuls directly under warm, running water.
Ingredients: Water, decyl glucoside, coco-betaine, lauryl glucoside, sucrose laurate, glycerin, betaine, coco-glucoside, sodium cocoyl hydrolyzed soy protein, fragrance, vanilla planifolia (vanilla) fruit extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) peel oil, illicium verum (anise) oil, citrus medica limonium (lemon) peel oil, eugenia caryophyllus (clove) flower oil, glyceryl oleate, sodium chloride, xanthan gum, glucose, citric acid, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|noname2||item.||page2||index||||||||Baby Shower Gifts||||||||||||||Looking for the perfect baby shower gift?||||||||0||1||0||0||||mybresfrienn nubrsest mebrfegiset nubr bofrgisetbpa inmybresfrie eaexbuhafrpu motmil bubebabeeges mibanubrbafe ||||This is a sampling of our most popular baby shower gifts and the items most commonly chosen by our customers who have signed up for our gift registry system. A gift from this page is sure to please!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|babysling||item.||page2||babslinovsho||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_13977058||||||Baby Sling - Over the Shoulder Baby Holder||sling||babslinovsho > ||Baby Slings - OTSBH > ||59.950||59.950 ||||||freevideo||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Over The Shoulder Baby Holder is the first Truly Natural Baby Carrier, which holds babies in a variety of natural positions, most like mother's arms. The Over The Shoulder Baby Holder is the most comfortable and practical carrier on the market today. Available in three sizes: Medium (for parents weighing 110 to 190 pounds), Large (for parents weighing 140 to 250 pounds or over 5'10" tall), and Small (for parents under 70 to 120 pounds and/or under 5 feet tall).
Sorry, this manufacturer went out of business and the product is no longer available.||"Select Color:" "Large Navy Blue" "Large Stars and Moon"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|freevideo||item.||page2||babslinovsho||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_11886322||||||Baby Sling Instructional Video ||SlingVideo||babslinovsho > ||Baby Slings - OTSBH > ||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||BABY SLING WEARING INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO: Step by step, how to wear your baby! $10.00 (refundable within 30 days). Simply return the video within 30 days, and we will refund the cost. Many of our clients keep the video for future reference as the baby grows. Now available in DVD!||"Choose" "SELECT FORMAT (DVD or VHS)" "DVD" "VHS"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|babslinovsho||item.||page2||index||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32345091||||||Baby Slings - OTSBH||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||babysling kidsling freevideo otwearin ||||OVER THE SHOULDER BABY HOLDERTM - The First Truly Natural Baby Carrier. Holds baby in a variety of positions, most like mother's arms
Ideal Baby Shower Gift! Click here to view fabric choices
Scroll down this page for further details and useful information about the Over The Shoulder Baby Holder.
Click on the small photographs below to order.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|babyourbreas||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28753804||||||Baby Your Breast Packs - for Hot & Cold therapy||breast packs||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||||||||||sofforsorori purcream13oz soothies amcohypa lansinohcream||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales. Please consider our new product, Nursing Buddies, at this link instead.
NEW PRODUCT! All Natural "Baby Your Breast Packs" - an excellent baby shower gift for any mom who plans to breastfeed!
Use Heated for engorgement, mastitis, and to encourage milk flow. Use Cold to relieve swelling and to relieve discomfort. All Natural Baby Your Breast Packs are designed to help moms with engorgement, sore breasts, plugged ducts, and breast infection.
For MOIST HEAT, place two packs in the microwave for 1-1/2 minutes (Microwave times will vary).
For COLD packs, leave in freezer for at least two hours.
Covers are 100% cotton. The center of the cover is super absorbent with three extra layers of cotton sewn in. The covers are removable and washable.
Attractive package includes four reusable "Baby Your Breast Packs", four 100% cotton washable covers, instructions for use, and a handout on how to treat and relieve common breast problems.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|batcharwit16||item.||page2||ampuryourbre||https://store1.yimg.com/Img/error-img.gif||||||Battery Charger with 16 NiMH Batteries||Charger16Batt||ampuryourbre > ||Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump > ||64.500||64.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Supreme Power Rapid charger will charge 4 AA/AAA NiMH and NiCD Batteries in 90 to 120 minutes. Includes 16 AA 1600 mAH NiMH Batteries. Keep 8 batteries in your Pump In Style battery pack and have another 8 charged batteries on standby! If you will be using AA batteries to power your Medela Pump In Style or Ameda Purely Yours breastpump, Medela recommends using rechargeable batteries for more consistent performance. Rechargeable batteries are also more economical than alkaline batteries in the long run.
This item has been discontinued due to slow sales.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|batcharwit8a||item.||page2||ampuryourbre||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_10040855||||||Battery Charger with 8 AA NiMH Batteries||Charger8Batt||ampuryourbre > ||Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump > ||49.500||49.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Supreme Power Rapid charger will charge 4 AA/AAA NiMH and NiCD Batteries in 90 to 120 minutes. Includes 8 AA 1600 mAH NiMH Batteries. If you will be using AA batteries to power your Medela Pump In Style or Ameda Purely Yours breastpump, Medela recommends using rechargeable batteries for more consistent performance. Rechargeable batteries are also more economical than alkaline batteries in the long run.
This item has been discontinued due to slow sales.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bapaforpuins||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14005974||||||Battery Pack for Pump In Style Advanced prior to 2008||BatteryPackAdvanced||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||24.990||24.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||AA Battery Pack which can be used to power the Pump In Style Advanced or the Pump In Style Advanced with Backpack models that were manufactured prior to 2008. The Battery Pack uses 10 AA alkaline or rechargeable batteries (batteries not included), and plugs into the power plug opening on the face of any Pump In Style Advanced breastpump. 10 AA Batteries will provide approximately 3 hours of pumping time (rechargeable batteries will provide more consistent performance than alkaline batteries). Rechargeable batteries are recommended based on cost savings, performance, and environmental reasons. It is recommended that batteries be replaced or recharged between the 10th and 12th pumping session.
Medela part number 9017002.
This battery pack does not include the soft-sided case shown in the photograph.
This battery pack is not compatible with the Non-Advanced models of Pump In Syle, such as the Pump In Style Original, Traveler, or Companion and it is also not compatible with newer Pump In Style Advanced models that were manufactured in 2008 or later. If your breastpump power transformer has the part number 9207041 on it this is the correct battery pack for your pump. If your transformer has part number 9207010 on it, then you need to order this version of the battery pack instead.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|blunsenubr||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32364329||||||Black Underwire Seamless Nursing Bras||BlackUbraClearance||||||26.990||34.000 ||26.990 ||Clearance Sale on Medela Black Seamless Underwire Nursing Bras||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Medela's Black Seamless Underwire nursing bras on clearance at great prices! Style 96.
Order these discontinued items at incredibly low clearance prices! All sales on clearance items are final and no returns on discounted clearance items will be accepted. Order only if you are absolutely sure of your size. Sorry, this item has been discontinued and we have completely sold out of every size.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|blis||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_29289826||||||blis - Breast Leakage Inhibitor System||blis system||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||0.000||0.000 ||||The Most Effective Nursing Pad Isn't A Pad At All...||||||||0||1||1||0||||bibcotin ||||Please note: This product has been discontinued due to unavailability from the manufacturer, Prolac. We have been trying to reach Prolac since early September to place an order, but they have not been responding to e-mails and their telephone number has been disconnected.
Discover blis Advanced Leakage Protection That Really Works.
NEW! Lower Price and 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Whether or not you are breastfeeding, you may be one of the 95% of new mothers who experience breast milk leakage. This is an involuntary release of breast milk from the nipple that can cause you the discomfort, embarrassment, or inconvenience of leaking at inopportune times.
blis is a clinically proven system that controls breast milk leakage by using the natural method of gentle even pressure on the nipple, which stops leakage and prevents excessive wetness, leaving your clothing dry. Today's active moms can continue to breastfeed knowing that blis will safely and effectively control their leakage between feedings. If you have chosen not to breastfeed, blis offers you a proven way to control your leakage while your milk supply decreases naturally.
Clinical studies and testimonials from new mothers demonstrate that blis is safe and easy to use, comfortable to wear and undetectable under clothing. With blis you can go anywhere and do anything- all with the confidence of knowing that leakage is under control. blis saves money too, by offering a significant savings compared to purchasing products such as nursing pads that are often ineffective in controlling Breast Milk Leakage.
The blis kit contains:
- Two shields
- Two each of two different sizes of nipple adaptor for a custom fit
- Forty disposable cotton inserts to make the nipple adaptor fit more comfortably
- Storage container and instructional booklet
blis offers a 100% money back guarantee! If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of blis, the manufacturer will refund the purchase price. Simply retain your proof of purchase (receipt). If you need to return the product for a refund, contact the manufacturer directly at 1-888-410-2547.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bibcotin||item.||||blis||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32368747||||||blis disposable cotton inserts||blis disposable inserts||breascarprod > blis > ||Breast Care Products > blis - Breast Leakage Inhibitor System > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Disposable cotton inserts for the blis system. Contains 40 inserts. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofr5oztrpab||item.||page2||bpafrbabobof||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14076404||||||Born Free 5 oz Triple Pack BPA-Free Plastic Bottles||BornFree5OzPlasticTriplePack||bpafrbabobof > ||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free > ||28.950||31.950 ||28.950 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
Triple-Pack 5oz. (160ml) BornFree™ Bisphenol-A Free wide-neck plastic bottles, featuring the innovative BornFree™ venting that helps eliminate colic symptoms. Pack contains 1 BornFree™ venting system for use with all three bottles and mail-in voucher for 2 free BornFree™ venting systems redeemable directly from manufacturer. Each bottle comes with handy non-spill travel cover.
Pack contents include:
- 3x 5oz bottles,
- 3x Level 1 nipples,
- 1x BornFree™ venting system,
- 1x Voucher for 2 venting systems
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofr5oztrpag||item.||page2||bpafrbabobof||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14095440||||||Born Free 5 oz Triple Pack Glass Bottles||BornFreeTriplePack5OzGlass||bpafrbabobof > ||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free > ||28.950||31.950 ||28.950 ||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Triple-Pack 5oz. (160ml) BornFree™ Bisphenol-A Free wide-neck glass bottles, featuring the innovative BornFree™ venting that helps eliminate colic symptoms. Pack contains 1 BornFree™ venting system for use with all three bottles and mail-in voucher for 2 free BornFree™ venting systems redeemable directly from manufacturer. Each bottle comes with handy non-spill travel cover.
Pack contents include:
- 3x 5oz glass bottles,
- 3x Level 1 nipples,
- 1x BornFree™ venting system,
- 1x Voucher for 2 venting systems
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofr7oztrcup||item.||page2||bpafrbabobof||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14112752||||||Born Free 7 Oz Training Cup - BPA Free||BornFree7OzCup||bpafrbabobof > ||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free > ||10.990||10.990 ||||BornFree Bisphenol-A Free Plastic Training Cup - 7 oz||||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| Born Free Bisphenol-A Free Plastic Training Cup - 7 oz
The Born Free cups Designed to minimize vacuum and to create a free flow of liquid for your child's comfort.
Each training cup comes with a soft spout and a cover. The Training cup is spill-resistent during normal use.
For ages 6 months and up. Assorted colors - please let us choose for you.
- Includes Two 9-oz. Bottles, Level 1 Slow-Flow Nipple(s)
- Bisphenol-A Free, Anti-Vacuum Valve Allows Air into Bottle as Needed
- Dishwasher and Microwave Safe
Sorry, this item has been discontinued, and is no longer available.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofr9ozdrcup||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14186499||||||Born Free 9 Oz Drinking Cup - BPA Free 9 months plus||BornFree9ozCup||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||10.990||10.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Born Free Bisphenol-A Free Plastic Drinking Cup - 9 oz
The Born Free plastic drinking cups are designed to minimize vacuum and to create a free flow of liquid for your child's comfort.
Each Born Free drinking cup comes with a hard spout and a cover. The drinking cup allows for free flow of liquid.
Our special drinking cup combine a hard spout and a low vacuum valve, it allows a free flow of liquid and reduces the risk of ear infections.
Suitable for ages 9 months and up. Assorted colors - please let us choose for you.
Sorry, this item been discontinued, and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofr9oztrpag||item.||page2||bpafrbabobof||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14209313||||||Born Free 9 oz Triple Pack Glass Bottles||BornFree9OzTriplePlastic||bpafrbabobof > ||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free > ||29.950||34.950 ||29.950 ||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Triple-Pack 9oz. (260ml) BornFree™ Bisphenol-A Free wide-neck glass bottles, featuring the innovative BornFree™ venting that helps eliminate colic symptoms. Pack contains 1 BornFree™ venting system for use with all three bottles and voucher for 2 free BornFree™ venting systems redeemable from manufacturer. Each bottle comes with handy non-spill travel cover.
Pack contents include:
- 3x 9oz glass bottles,
- 3x Level 1 nipples,
- 1x BornFree™ venting system,
- 1x Voucher for 2 venting systems
Sorry, this item has been discontinued, and is no longer available.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofr9oztrpab||item.||page2||bpafrbabobof||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14230902||||||Born Free 9 oz. Triple Pack BPA Free Plastic Bottles||BornFree9OzTriplePlastic||bpafrbabobof > ||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free > ||29.950||34.950 ||29.950 ||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Triple-Pack 9oz. (260ml) BornFree™ Bisphenol-A Free wide-neck plastic bottles, featuring the innovative BornFree™ venting that helps eliminate colic symptoms. Pack contains 1 BornFree™ venting system for use with all three bottles and voucher for 2 free BornFree™ venting systems redeemable directly from manufacturer. Each bottle comes with handy non-spill travel cover.
Pack contents include:
- 3x 9oz bottles,
- 3x Level 1 nipples,
- 1x BornFree™ venting system,
- 1x Voucher for 2 venting systems
This item has been discontinued and is no longer available.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrbabo50zt||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14252491||||||Born Free Baby Bottles - 5 0z Twin Pack - BPA Free||BornFree5OzTwinPack||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||18.990||18.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
Born Free Bisphenol-A Free Wide-Neck Plastic Bottle - 5 oz - 2 pack
Complete with the new innovative air vent that helps eliminate colic symptoms.
Each bottle comes with a level 1 nipple and a cover.
Contains 2 5 oz Plastic BPA Free baby bottles
BornFree™ is Your Safe Baby Bottle Alternative Most major U.S. baby bottle manufacturers use the chemical Bisphenol-A in their production.
BornFree™ is made from a safe honey-colored plastic called Polyamide (PA) that is free of Bisphenol-A.
BornFree™ Commitment:
*BornFree™ is committed to the highest standards of baby feeding systems in the world.
*BornFree™, baby feeding system, is the latest innovative development from the BornFree™ laboratories.
*BornFree™ feeding products are made from Bisphenol-A free plastic. Most other major baby bottle manufacturers still use Bisphenol-A in their production.
*BornFree™ provides mothers with the most advanced, clinically tested baby feeding systems. BornFree™ is dedicated to distribute products that are the highest quality baby feeding accessories in the world.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrdrcupspt||item.||page2||bpafrbabobof||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14275594||||||Born Free Drinking Cup Spouts - Twin Pack||BornFreeDrinkingCupSpouts||bpafrbabobof > ||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free > ||7.990||9.990 ||7.990 ||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Two Born Free Drinking Cup Spouts - actual color may vary.
Sorry. This item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrgisetbpa||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14277766||||||Born Free Gift Set - BPA Free Baby Bottles||BornFreeGift||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||44.990||44.990 ||||BornFree Gift Set||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
The BornFree™ Gift Set includes:
*3x 5oz Bottles with Level 1 Nipples,
*1x 9oz Bottle with Level 1 Nipple,
*1x Trainer Cup,
*1x Package of 2 Level 2 Nipples.
BornFree™ is Your Safe Baby Bottle Alternative
Most major U.S. baby bottle manufacturers use the chemical Bisphenol-A in their production.
BornFree™ is made from a safe honey-colored plastic called Polyamide (PA) that is free of Bisphenol-A.
BornFree™ Commitment:
*BornFree™ is committed to the highest standards of baby feeding systems in the world.
*BornFree™, baby feeding system, is the latest innovative development from the BornFree™ laboratories.
*BornFree™ feeding products are made from Bisphenol-A free plastic. Most other major baby bottle manufacturers still use Bisphenol-A in their production.
*BornFree™ provides mothers with the most advanced, clinically tested baby feeding systems.
*BornFree™ is dedicated to distribute products that are the highest quality baby feeding accessories||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrglbabo5o||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14293041||||||Born Free Glass Baby Bottle - 5 oz||BornFree5ozGlass||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||9.990||9.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Complete with a new, innovative air vent which helps reduce colic symptoms, the 5oz. BornFree Glass Bottles is free of Bisphenol-A. A level 1 nipple and a cover are included for each bottle.
This item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrhaforboa||item.||page2||bpafrbabobof||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14301072||||||Born Free Handles for Bottles and Cups, 2 Easy Grip Handles||BornFreeHandles||bpafrbabobof > ||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free > ||7.990||7.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Package of two Easy Grip Handles - fits all Born Free Bottles and Cups. Actual colors may vary.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrle2mefls||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14312709||||||Born Free Level 2 Medium Flow Silicone Nipples - Twin Pack||BornFreeLevel2Nipple||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||7.990||7.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Born Free Level 2 Medium Flow Wide Neck Nipples Twin Pack
Twin-Pack Level 2 Medium Flow wide neck BornFree™ Nipples, recommended for babies of 3-6 months.
Contains 2 Nipples||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrle3fafls||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14366315||||||Born Free Level 3 Fast Flow Silicone Nipples Twin Pack ||BornFreeNipplesLevel3||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||7.990||7.990 ||||Born Free Level 3 Fast Flow Wide Neck Nipples Twin Pack - BPA Free||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Twin-Pack Level 3 Fast Flow wide neck BornFree™ Nipples, recommended for babies of 6 months plus. It also operates as a Medium Flow nipple with some thicker types of formula.
Contains 2 Nipples
Item: 7186
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrsinile1t||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14419921||||||Born Free Silicone Nipple - Level 1 Slow Flow - Twin Pack||BornFreeNippleSlow||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||7.990||7.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
Born Free Level 1 Slow Flow Wide Neck Nipples Twin Pack
Twin-Pack Level 1 Slow Flow wide neck BornFree™ Nipple is recommended for babies 0-3 months.
Contains 2 nipples
Item: 7174||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrst||item.||page2||bpafrbabobof||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14473527||||||Born Free Sterilizer||BornFreeSterilizer||bpafrbabobof > ||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free > ||39.990||49.990 ||39.990 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The BornFree™ Microwave Sterilizer fits all types of bottles which can be sterilized including all parts in approximately 4 minutes.
There are special grips which make opening and removing the sterilizer from the microwave easier.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bofrtwbrset||item.||page2||bpafrbabobof||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32375556||||||Born Free Twister Brush Set||BornFreeTwisterBrushes||bpafrbabobof > ||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free > ||10.990||16.990 ||10.990 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Twister Bottle & Nipple Brush has an easy twist handle with a soft sponge to make cleaning faster and eliminate the risk of scratching.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|botandstorba||item.||page2||index||||||||Bottles and Storage Bags||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||mepusabrstba mecawi15bo mecabrfeniwi mebrfegiset mebrfeandsts mebrboset8oz mepusaba20pa momibrstbo mebrfrstbupa meni3 mebrbosppaki ammotmilfree momistbamba habermanfeeder mebracset sllimitr2tra medbotwitsol me8ozcocobo bofr9ozbpafr bofrbabo50zt bofr9ozdrcup bofrgisetbpa bofrglbabo5o bofrsinile1t bofrle2mefls bofrle3fafls adnanumu3pa adnanust2bl3 adnanust3or6 motmil amcoolncarto habfeedteat noname1 mequclanwi quclmiba avbrpucokit2 av4ozreboone av9ozrebo1 avbrmistkit avnestset avreni avdinunitpa pumstarkit medbreasstor pumstarkitfo pumbot2eac pumblucon pugrco av110codili3 medcsfbag50p avsaset4 ornip daycarrierkit avdinu3 brmisabymi meglbrbo8oz2 adnust1wh03m ||||Click on the photos below for a more detailed product description or to add any of these items to your shopping cart.
All of our baby bottles and storage bags manufactured by Born Free, Medela, Adiri, Slim Lines, Mom's Bags and Mother's Milkmate are BPA free!
Use Coupon Code BORNFREE50 to save 50% off all Born Free Bottles and Accessories
While Supplies Last. ||||Mother's Milkmate,mothers milk mate,medela,collection storage freezer bags,CSF bags,Haberman feeder,haberman feeder,breast milk storage,breastmilk, breast milk freezer bags,breastfeeding,breast feeding,infant,baby,lactation,nursing,pumping,Self Expressions||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bpafrbabobof||item.||page2||index||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32386395||||||BPA Free Baby Bottles - Born Free||||||||||||||BPA Free Baby Bottles manufactured without the use of Bisphenol A||||||||0||1||0||0||||bofrbabo50zt bofr5oztrpab bofrgisetbpa bofrsinile1t bofrle2mefls bofrhaforboa bofrtwbrset bofr9oztrpab bofrst bofr9ozbpafr bofrle3fafls bofr9oztrpag bofrglbabo5o bofr5oztrpag bofrdrcupspt bofr7oztrcup bofr9ozdrcup ||||
Born Free Baby Bottles are made from a safer alternative plastic called Polyethersulfone (PES) that is free of Bisphenol-a, PVC and Phthalates.
Use Coupon Code BORNFREE50 to save 50% off all Born Free Bottles and Accessories, While Supplies Last.
BornFree Bottles are guaranteed to be Bisphenol-a (BPA) Free, and come complete with the new innovative air vent that helps eliminate colic symptoms and reduce risk of ear infection. The wide neck nipples are made of soft silicone.
For other BPA Free Baby Bottles, please visit our Bottles and Storage Bags Page and see the bottles manufactured by Medela and Mother's Milkmate.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|breascarprod||item.||page2||index||||||||Breast Care Products||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||sofforsorori amcohypa metecala lirenupa nubuthhotand 100cotwasbra meddisbrapad brmisabymi lansinohcream sofbreaspair perbreas2eac connipshiel mehobrsh blis babyourbreas purcream13oz bubuwaandcop soothies metecahypa ||||Self Expressions offers a variety of specialty products to help prevent and treat common breast problems such as sore nipples, engorgement, flat or inverted nipples, and breast milk leakage.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|brmisabymi||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14485526||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32429248||Breast Milk Saver by Milkies||MilkiesMilkSaver||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||25.950||25.950 ||||Milkies Breast Milk Saver||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The milk-saver has a slim design and is portable and easy to use. Simply slip into your bra-cup on the non-nursing side before you breastfeed. The milk-saver collects the breast milk that leaks out when your milk lets down. You can store this milk and save it for any time you need it.
No mechanical parts, BPA and phthalate-free milk savers can be recycled when you no longer need it. Reduce the need for nursing pads and save all of that precious breast milk. Milk can be saved for up to a year in a stand alone freezer.
The reservoir in the milk saver holds up to 2 ounces. If you find that you leak more than that, you can attach a milk storage bag (any brand) to the milk saver and collect 4 ounces or more.
Comes with a sturdy case for travel and storage. Can be used with any bra or snug tank.
Please Note: Because of the personal nature of this product, we can not accept returns||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|breasac||item.||page2||index||||||||Breastfeeding Accessories||||||||||||||Click on the photos for a more detailed description of each item or to add any of these items to your shopping cart.||||||||0||1||0||0||||vehligad me9vliad mebracset motmil momonuco sofforsorori avbrpucokit2 nubr nubrsest medpuminstyl3 lacdoubpumki mibanubrbafe flexaerstimp mequclanwi quclmiba mequclbrwiin soothies ammotmilfree eaexbuhafrpu brmisabymi laccoolcar sofbreaspair perconpairof mebracset daycarrierkit vidpos medelapowerpak medcsfbag50p babyourbreas blis medhanpumkit medbreasstor purcream13oz ||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|breasbook||item.||page2||index||||||||Breastfeeding Books||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||||||

Offering a hand-picked selection of the best books on breastfeeding and infant and child health. We are proud to offer these books through our affiliation with Amazon.com. To order a book, click on its cover and you will be transferred to Amazon.com's website to place your order from Amazon.com. Use your browser's "back" button to return to Self Expressions, or bookmark our website before you leave!
| The Nursing Mother's Companion, by Kathleen Huggins. I did not discover this book until my third baby. It is the ninth book I read on the topic of breastfeeding, and I wish it had been my first! This book has chapters on the "Survival Guide for the first Week", "Survival Guide for the First Month", and more. The author covers the prevention and treatment for all potential problems which can occur with breastfeeding, in an easy to follow, step-by-step outline. If you only buy one book to prepare yourself for successful breastfeeding, this should be the one! |
 | Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5, by the American Academy of Pediatrics. I referred to this book countless times when my children became ill after the doctor's office had closed. It offers a wealth of information on most childhood illnesses and preventive measures. The first half of the book serves as a comprehensive parenting manual, and includes a month-by-month guide to the first year, nutritional information, basic care instructions, and physical, emotional, and social developmental milestones for children up to five years old. The second half of the book includes a thorough, easy to navigate emergency first aid section, plus detailed information on childhood illnesses, immunization schedules and side effects, and family structures, as well as a discussion on behavioral issues. |
| So That's What They're For! Breastfeeding Basics, by Janet Tamaro. This book fills the gap in a market glutted with dated or dry books on breastfeeding. It lends support and encouragement to those wondering whether they should try breastfeeding, for pregnant women who are sure they will breastfeed and for new moms who are having trouble and are considering stopping. With hilarious anecdotes and wonderful illustrations, this comprehensive guide offers a supportive, pragmatic view from the real world. |
| Going back to work after having a baby? You don't have to wean!! In Nursing Mother, Working Mother: The Essential Guide for Breastfeeding and Staying Close to Your Baby After You Return to Work, author Gale Pryor has written a nuts-and-bolts guide for nursing and working at the same time. Pryor breastfed each of her two children while working full-time outside the home, and her experience and voice of reassurance informs this book. She makes a strong case for breastfeeding: not only is it good for your baby, but many working women find it the easiest way to care for their infant and for themselves. |
| The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, by Gwen Gotsch and Judy Torgus. This is the 35th-anniversary edition of the big book on breastfeeding, written by the experts at La Leche League International. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is a comprehensive resource guide providing just about everything you need to know about how--and why--to breastfeed your baby. Latch on to this book for step-by-step guides to early months, common concerns, problems, and weaning. Additional sections on general nutrition, sleep issues, going back to work, discipline, and fathering are useful for all breastfeeding mothers. |
| Dr. Mom's Guide to Breastfeeding, by Marianne Neifert. One of America's most trusted mothers and physicians provides essential information on breastfeeding. |
 | Dr. Mom - A Guide to Baby and Child Care. Marianne Neifert, M.D. (or Dr. Mom) -- award-winning pediatrician, professor of pediatrics, and mother of five-- delivers a comprehensive childcare guide for contemporary parents. This book covers the important parenting issues, from family planning through age five in chapters such as "Your Amazing Newborn," "Toilet Learning," "Understanding Common Behaviors," "Care of Your Sick Child," "Nonsexist Child Rearing," and "Working Strategies for Working Parents." Whether you're a first-time parent looking for answers to basic baby questions or a repeat parent preparing your child for the arrival of a new sibling, Dr. Mom will prove to be an indispensable guide. |
 | Eat Well, Lose Weight While Breastfeeding, by Eileen Behan. Behan shows the nursing mom how to shed pounds and work on regaining her figure while keeping her infant properly nourished and happy. With the revolutionary program she devised for herself, she lost 52 pounds while nursing. |
 | The Breastfeeding Answer Book: Expanded, by Nancy Mohrbacher, Julie Stock, Judy Torgus (Editor) For those interested in having a breastfeeding resource, whether a professional or not, this book is a must have. If you need to address a breastfeeding concern, you are more than likely to find it in this book. There are milk storage guidelines, review of the various types of breastpumps, a basic list of medications and their effect on breastfeeding, as well as information on mastitis, engorgement and basic suggestions for making breastfeeding work. |
 | Breastfeeding the Adopted Baby, by Debra Stewart Peterson. An informative guide to breastfeeding the adopted baby. |
 | Pumping Breast Milk Successfully , by Susan Stafford. A great resource for mothers who pump breast milk! Whether you are a full-time, long-term pumper or an occasional or relactating mother, this book will help you. If you are a mother who wants your babies to receive breast milk but who cannot get them to latch, there is hope. In this book, you will learn about all aspects of pumping . . . how to build your supply how to choose the right breast pump how to keep pumping when you want to give up how to overcome pumping situations and so much more! |
| Baby Bargains, by Denise Fields and Alan Fields. Secrets to Saving 20% to 50% on Baby Furniture, Equipment, Clothes, Toys, Maternity Wear, and Much, Much More! (Paperback) |
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|linandres||item.||page2||index||||||||Breastfeeding Links & Tips||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||||||Please bookmark our site before you leave to visit these links! 
Medela is the manufacturer of the breastpumps and most of the other breastfeeding accessories sold on this site.
Ask Medela's Lactation consultant
Submit a question to Medela's board-certified lactation consultant. Visit this link and then click on the lactation consultant's name underneath her photo to submit your question by e-mail.
Medela's breastfeeding FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Click on this link to view answers to frequently asked questions, such as: "When will my milk come in?", "How can I tell if my baby is getting enough milk?", "What if I don't have enough milk or my baby is gaining weight poorly?" and many more.
The #1 site for breastfeeding information, support, and attitude. This site has one of the most extensive list of breastfeeding links I have seen on the web. It also offers a very active breastfeeding message board.
Dr. Jack Newman's breastfeeding handouts - provided by First Feast, Breastfeeding and Maternity Center
Dr. Jack Newman is a pediatrician who operates four breastfeeding clinics in Toronto, Ontario and speaks worldwide on breastfeeding issues. This website offers information on all common breastfeeding questions, and offers a wealth of information. Most common questions are covered, including: sore, flat or inverted nipples; how to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk; colic; when to introduce solids; breastfeeding while working outside the home; common breastfeeding myths; thrush; plugged ducts/mastitis; and many more topics.
American Academy of Pediatrics revised statement on Breastfeeding
(issued December, 1997) The revised statement on breastfeeding recommends that breastfeeding be continued for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired.
Cost of Formula Feeding
Visit this website to calculate the cost of formula feeding your infant for the first 12 months of life. You will quickly see that the cost of artificial baby milk far outweighs the cost of renting a Medela Lactina breastpump for a year or purchasing a Medela Pump In Style.
La Leche League International
A nonprofit organization supporting breastfeeding mothers.
101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Child
Sponsored By ProMom, Inc. Offers breastfeeding advocay information and a number of breastfeeding links.
Dr. Hale's Breastfeeding Pharmacology Page
Dr. Hale is the author of the book "Medications and Mother's Milk", and his site offers a great deal of information on transmission of medications into breastmilk. This site has recently added a new feature - "ask the lactation consultant", which provides answers to almost every breastfeeding question you could imagine. If the answer to your question is not already available, you can submit your question via e-mail!
Pumping List Website
The pumping list is a support group for women who use a breastpump to supply breastmilk for their infants. Pump usage varies from full time to part time. Discussion topics center around lactation and pump use as well as supply problems, etc.
Supply Boosters
Useful tips on how to boost your milk supply compiled by the moms at the pumping list website. Includes recommended dosages for natural supplements such as Brewer's Yeast and Fenugreek, plus the recipe for "Tiger's Milk", a natural supply booster.
American Academy of Pediatrics Home Page.
From this site, you can conduct an online search for specific children's health related topics.
How to choose a correctly fitted breastshield.
A link to Medela's site which explains how to tell if you need to order Large or Extra Large PersonalFit breastshields. Includes a video that shows proper fit of the breastshield during pumping.
Sore Nipples - Prevention and Treatment
This is the full text of the Medela handout on Prevention and Treatment of Sore Nipples.
When One Child is Breastfed....
An essay on all of the health, social, economical, community, and family benefits attained when one child is breastfed.
Nutritional Information for the Breastfeeding Mom
For breastfeeding mothers who want to know how to care for themselves nutritionally while insuring the highest quality breastmilk for their babies.
Medications in the Breastfeeding Mother
Published by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Physicians receive little education about breast-feeding and even less training on the effects of maternal medications on the nursing infant. Yet, concern about potential harm to the nursing infant from maternal medications is often cited as a reason to advise discontinuation of breast-feeding. Overwhelming evidence demonstrates the benefits of breast-feeding and the deleterious effects that can result from premature weaning. This article provides information to facilitate medication use in breast-feeding mothers. This article lists medications which are considered safe in treatment of a variety of conditions in breastfeeding mothers, as well as a list of medications which are not recommended during breastfeeding.
Should I buy or borrow a pre-owned breastpump?
A link to Medela's site which explains that personal use breastpumps such as the Pump in Style, and all others besides the Lactina, should not be shared between mothers due to potential health risks.
Engorgement - Prevention and Treatment
This is the full text of the Medela handout on Prevention and Treatment of Engorgement.
Breastmilk collection and storage guidelines
This is the full text of the Medela handout on breastmilk collection and storage, which includes guidelines for length of time breastmilk is useable after refrigerator or freezer storage, and after thawing.
Adoptive Breastfeeding Resource on the Web
Offers support and information on breastfeeding an adoptive infant. Also has a very active message/support board.
Breastfeeding Multiples
An excellent resource for moms who are breastfeeding twins or triplets. Also has a vast array of breastfeeding links which would be of interest to all breastfeeding moms!
Pumping for Premature Infants
Advice for mothers who are providing breastmilk for preemies.
General Instructions for the Pump In Style
If you have lost your Pump In Style instruction booklet, click here to visit the link on Medela's website which contains general instructions for the Pump In Style.
PostPartum International (Postpartum Depression Resource)
Visit this link for information and assistance with PostPartum Depression.
Lactina Vs Pump In Style?
This is a link to the "iVillage.com" Parent's Place message board, for one parent who had mistakenly bought a Gerber breastpump which led to early weaning of her first child (similar to my own experience with the Evenflo breast pump). She posted a message asking whether she should buy a Pump In Style or Rent a Lactina. The overwhelming response was that she should purchase a Pump In Style.
Congresswoman Maloney Supports a Woman's Decision to Breastfeed
Visit this link to view the recent bills introduced to Congress by Representative Maloney, including H.R. 285, the Breastfeeding Promotion Act.
Breastfeeding and Returning to Work
Sponsored by ProMom.org, this page offers advice to moms who must return to part or full time employment outside the home while continuing to breastfeed their infants. The site includes a sample letter, written to the human resources manager at a large work site, which worked: the employee's need for a private and clean place to pump was accommodated.
Contact us to give us feedback on this site, or to suggest additional links.
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Breastfeeding is meant to be a comfortable, pleasant experience. Most of us have heard stories of sore nipples. You can avoid this problem most of the time. However, many new mothers still find their nipples are tender for the first few days when the baby starts nursing. This usually disappears by 1-2 weeks.
CAUTION: blisters, cracking, bleeding, and/or pain that continues during or between feedings is not normal. Check with a lactation consultant, La Leche Leage, or Nursing Mother's Council if you have any of these problems.
PREVENTION: To prevent nipple tenderness, start with correct positioning and latch on:
Cradle position:
- Place a pillow or two in your lap to support your baby.
- Place your baby's head on the crook of your arm.
- Make sure your baby is turned towards you - chest to chest - at breast level.
- Support your breast with your hand in an "L" or "C" position, thumb on top of breast, fingers below, away from the areola.
- Tickle your baby's lower lip until he opens WIDE, then quickly pull him onto your breast. Be patient. This may take a minute.
- Make sure your baby's lips are behind the nipple, encircling the areola.
- The tip of the baby's nose should be touching the breast.<
FOOTBALL/CLUTCH Position: - Put a pillow or two at your side to help support your arm and your baby.
- Support your baby's neck and the lower back of his head in your hand, with your forearm supporting his upper body against your side.
- Follow the final four steps listed for the Cradle position above.
LYING DOWN Position:
- Lie on your side with pillows supporting your back and your top leg, which is bent forward.
- Place your baby on his side facing you.
- Follow the final four steps listed for the Cradle position above.
Vary nursing positions for the first week.
Breastfeed frequently, every 1-1/2 - 3 hours. (8-12 feedings per 24 hours). Keeping your newborn baby on an artificially longer schedule may make him frantically hungry and increase the liklihood that too vigorous nursing will make your nipples tender.
Release the suction before you remove your baby from the breast. Do this by placing a clean finger in the side of the baby's mouth between his jaws. Don't take him away until you feel the suction break.
After nursing your baby, express a little breastmilk and massage it into your nipples and aereola, then air dry. Leave them exposed to the air as much as possible.
Never use soap, alcohol, or breast creams on your breasts or nipples. Water is all that is needed to clean your breasts when you shower or bathe.
If your nipples become sore, try this:
- Use deep breathing, soft music, or other relaxation techniques before and during breastfeeding.
- Limit the nursing time on the sore nipple.
- Nurse on the least sore side first.
- Express a little milk first to help stimulate let down.
- Massage your breasts while nursing. This helps to stimulate the milk to flow.
- Use non-plastic lined bras and/or bra pads. Change the pads frequently to keep the nipple dry.
- If your nipples become dry or cracked, use a little USP Modified Lanolin on them. This forms a moisture barrier so they stay dry.
- If your breasts become engorged, try expressing a little milk first. Engorged breasts make it difficult for your baby to latch on. Expressing a little milk by hand or pump helps make the areola softer, the nipple more erect and latch-on easier.
- Wear multiple holed breast shells for sore nipples between nursings. This allows air to circulate and protects them from further rubbing by your bra.
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During the first week after delivery, as the colostrum is changing to mature milk, your breasts will become full. The normal postpartum fullness usually diminishes within 3-5 days. Engorgement may develop if your baby does not adequately remove the milk from your breasts. During this time, your breasts will feel hard, painful, and hot.
You can prevent engorgement by:
- Breastfeeding your baby frequently, 8-12 times in 24 hours.
- Avoiding supplements of water or formula for the first 3-4 weeks unless medically indicated.
- If you miss any feedings, expressing your milk.
- When weaning your baby, doing it gradually.
- Apply hot, moist towel (or disposable diaper) to your breasts for 2-5 minutes, or take a hot shower before nursing your baby.
- Hand express some milk to soften the areola after using moist heat. This makes it easier for baby to attach to the breast.
- Use gentle breast massage before and during breastfeeding.
- Try applying icy cold compresses to your breast after nursing to relieve the discomfort and decrease swelling.
- If your baby takes only one breast, use a hospital-type automatic electric breast pump or hand expression to express milk from the other breast during the engorgement period.
- If your baby can't latch on or your nipples are flattened, use a hospital-type electric breast pump or hand expression to soften the areola. Use moist heat and breast massage before pumping. Continue pumping every 2 hours, 10 minutes per side, until your baby can latch on.
- If your nipples remain flat, wear multiple holed breast shells (such as the Medela Softshells for inverted/flat nipples) for half an hour before breastfeeding. This will help draw out your nipple, making it easier for the baby to latch on. Discontinue usage if discomfort occurs.
- Avoid bottles, pacifiers and nipple shields during this engorgement period. These may cause nipple confusion/preference.
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Guidelines for normal newborns:
- First, wash hands well.
- Wash breastpump equipment that contacts breast, milk, or collection containers in a dishwasher or by hand, in hot soapy water. Rinse with cold water and air dry on a clean towel. Check with your doctor or hospital for any other instructions.
- When to pump depends on you and your baby's schedule. Your milk supply is most plentiful in the morning, so that is a good time. Try to pump midway between feedings. Be flexible. If your baby skips a feeding, nurses a shorter time than usual, or only nurses on one side, pump out the rest of the milk and save it. If you are planning to return to work and continue breastfeeding, begin pumping two weeks before you return. Try to simulate what your pumping schedule at work will be at work.
- Before pumping, get comfortably seated and relaxed. Pump your breasts according to the breastpump manufacturer's instructions.
There are several containers available for storing breastmilk. These include specially designed plastic bags, plastic bottles or glass containers. There are advantages to each.
- If you are going to freeze your breast milk, leave some space at the top of the container. Breast milk, like most liquids, expands as it freezes.
- When using plastic bags, use those designed for breastmilk collection. (See Self Expressions "Breastfeeding accessories" page to order breastmilk freezer bags.) Before storing, fold the top several times and seal with freezer or masking tape. Place smaller bags in a larger bag to help protect against punctures. Medela's sterile CSFTM (Collection Storage Freezer) bags come with twist ties for easy sealing and don't need to be double bagged.
- Mark the date and amount on each container.
- Freeze your milk in two ounce to four ounce portions. Smaller amounts thaw quicker, and you will waste less milk if your baby consumes less than you anticipated.
- You may continue to add small amounts of cooled breastmilk to the same container throughout the day. Chill in the refrigerator until evening. Then, freeze in appropriate amounts.
- You may also add to previously frozen milk. First refrigerate all freshly expressed milk until cold, then add to the frozen milk.1
- If you carefully washed your hands before pumping or expressing, your breastmilk will be safe for around 4-10 hours2,3 at room temperature, 66 - 72 degrees F. Immediate refrigeration, however, is recommended.
- Fresh milk may be stored in the back of the refrigerator for 5 to 7 days at 39 degrees F.4
- Frozen milk may be stored in the back of a refrigerator-freezer for up to six months.5
- Frozen milk may be stored in a -20 degree deep freezer for up to 12 months.6
- Defrosted milk may be kept for up to 24 hours in the refrigerator.7 If not used in 24 hours, defrosted milk must be discarded. Never refreeze thawed milk.
To defrost frozen milk:
- Place milk in the refrigerator the night before you're going to use it. Refrigerator defrosting takes about 8 to 12 hours.
- Place the frozen milk under warm running water or in a pan of warm water. Don't use hot water, as this can destroy some of the milk's immunological components.
- Fat in breastmilk will separate and rise to the top. By gently swirling the container, you can mix any fat that may have separated.
- Never refreeze thawed breastmilk.
- Remember, the color, consistency and odor of your breastmilk may vary depending upon your diet, or exposure to other foods in your refrigerator or freezer.
- Discard any breastmilk you don't use during a feeding.
CAUTION: Never microwave breastmilk! Microwaving breastmilk can change the milk's composition, and has the potential to harm your baby.8
How much breastmilk should you anticipate for your baby at each feeding? That depends on the individual infant, but here are some guidelines.9
Average intake by age:
0-2 months - 2-5 oz per feeding - 26 oz per day
2-4 months - 4-6 oz per feeding - 30 oz per day
4-6 months - 5-7 oz per feeding - 31 oz per day
Average intake by weight in a 24 hour period:
8 lbs. - 21.3 oz
9 lbs. - 24.0 oz
10 lbs. - 26.7 oz
11 lbs. - 29.3 oz
12 lbs. - 32.0 oz
14 lbs. - 37.3 oz
16 lbs. - 42.7 oz
1Lauwers J. and Woesner C: Counseling the Nursing Mother, p. 436.
2Hamosh M, Ellis L, Pollock D, Henderson T, and Hamosh P: Pediatrics, p. 492, 1996.
3Barger J and Bull p: A comparison of the Bacterial Composition of breastmilk stored at Room Temperature and Stored in the Refrigerator. Int J Childbirth Educ 2:29-30, 1987
4Sosa, Roberto; Barness, Lewis: AJDC, Vol 141, Jan. 1987.
5Instructions from Mother's Milk Bank at Valley Medical Center, San Jose, CA, Maria Teresa Asquith, Ronald Cohen, MD.
7Lauwers J. and Woessner C: Counseling the Nursing Mother, second edition, p. 437, 1989.
8Renfraw M, Fisher C, and Arms S: Bestfeeding: Getting Breastfeeding Right for You, p. 95, 1990
9Scipien G, Barnard M, Chard M, Howe J, and Phillips P: Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, p. 218, 1975.
Back to top||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubelipbator||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6587248||||||Burt's Bee's Lip Balm - (Tin or Tube)||BBLipBalm||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||2.500||2.500 ||||Burt's Bees Lip Care - World's Most Popular Lip Balm!||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Burt's Bees most popular product, with pain relieving protective ingredients to help soothe cracked, chapped or burning lips. Available in the .3 oz, old-fashioned yellow tin or the newfangled .15 oz. plastic tube (with 50% post-industrial recycled plastic).
Tin: Coconut oil, beeswax, sweet almond oil, peppermint oil, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), lanolin, comfrey root extract, rosemary extract.
Tube: Beeswax, coconut oil, sunflower oil, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), lanolin, peppermint oil, comfrey root extract, rosemary extract.
95.29% Natural||"choose" ".3 oz tin" ".15 oz tube"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|burtsbees||item.||page2||index||||||||Burt's Bees||||||||||||||Earth Friendly Natural Personal Care Products -
Featuring the Burt's Bees line of products for sensitive skin of all ages||||||||0||1||0||0||||bubelipsh bubebabeedio bubebabeeges bubelipbator bubepefolo bubegrougise bubeholipba bubereoi bubemabeeleg buberabolo bubebabeebas bubelebucucr bubehetotoes bubenarekit bubecofocr bubealmihacr bubefocakit bubeshbuhare bubebeandbah bubethbacr bubelipbawip bubemumeozne bubesushlipg bubelihasona babeebuba12f buberaexbowa bubesushgrsu mabeebeba3oz bubemilokit bubeharekit mabeebebu6oz bubefrfllipg bubemiandhob bubehetrfaca bubeshbudecr bubebabeebub bubecispexsh bubeporema bubehasa3oz bubelilipba bubebabeebub1 bubebabeebul bubemelipbat ||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubealmihacr||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12043477||||||Burt's Bees Almond Milk Hand Creme||BBAlmMilkHand||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||6.950||6.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Hands, often exposed to heat, cold, dirt and harsh detergents, are one of the first areas of the body to show aging. Keep yours soft and smooth with super emollient almond creme. 2 oz.
Sweet almond oil, water, beeswax, aloe barbadensis leaf juice, kaolin (natural clay), fragrance, citrus grandis (grapefruit) seed extract, stearic acid (vegetable fat), glucose, tocopherol (vitamin E), carrageenan extract, sodium borate (natural borax), glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase (natural enzymes).
100% Natural||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubebabeebas||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9522781||||||Burt's Bees Baby Bee Baby Shampoo and Body Wash||BBBabyShampoo||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||6.950||6.950 ||||New Baby Bee Shampoo and Body Wash||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
WHY IT WORKS: Our pure, natural, tear-free formula combines gentle cleansing and moisturizing Coconut and Sunflower Oils with enriching Soy Protein to create a deeply nourishing all-in-one baby wash for fuss-free bath times that leave your baby silky soft and snuggable.
HOW IT WORKS: Create lather with a warm wash cloth or hands and gently wash baby’s body from face to feet. Rinse, then lather up hair and scalp, gently rubbing. Rinse thoroughly. Follow up with Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion. 8 oz. Ingredients: Water, decyl & lauryl glucosides (natural coconut oil, corn starch & sugar soap blend), coco betaine (coconut oil moisturizer), soy protein, coco-glucoside & glyceryl oleate (natural sunflower & coconut oil soap blend), sucrose laurate (sugar ester), vegetable glycerin, betaine (sugar beet), glucose (sugar), fragrance, orange oil, anise oil, lemon oil, vanilla extract, clove oil, xanthan gum (natural thickener), glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase (natural thickener).
96.08% Natural||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubebabeebub||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_30439306||||||Burt's Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk Bath Envelope (1 oz)||BBBAthEnvelope||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.
Easy-to-use Buttermilk Bath adds silky softness to sensitive skin. Contains one 1 oz. envelope.
Nonfat dry milk, whole dry buttermilk, fragrance.
97.20% Natural||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubebabeebub1||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32435926||||||Burt's Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk Bath Pint (9oz)||BBBathPint||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||13.500||13.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Easy-to-use Buttermilk Bath adds silky softness to sensitive skin. 9 oz.
Nonfat dry milk, whole dry buttermilk, fragrance.
97.20% Natural
Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubebabeebul||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32455529||||||Burt's Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion||BBButtermilkLotion||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||8.500||8.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales, and is no longer available.
Soothing, natural emollients for sensitive skin of all ages. 7 fl oz.
Filtered water, sunflower oil, vegetable glycerin, coconut oil, stearic acid (vegetable fat), beeswax, orange wax, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), aloe barbadensis, buttermilk powder, sodium borate (natural borax), xanthan gum (natural thickener), sucrose stearate (sugar emulsifier), glucose, glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase (sugar & natural enzymes), rosemary extract, fragrance.
98.31% Natural||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubebabeedio||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6281433||||||Burt's Bees Baby Bee Diaper Ointment||BBDiaperOintment||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||6.500||6.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Soothe Baby's tender bottom with nourishing Vitamins A and E. 1.75 oz.
Zinc oxide, sweet almond oil, beeswax, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), jojoba oil, lavender oil, retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), lavender, calendula, chamomile, rose petal and comfrey root.
94.65% Natural||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubebabeeges||item.||page2||noname2||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14495225||||||Burt's Bees Baby Bee Getting Started Set||BBBabyStarter||noname2 > ||Baby Shower Gifts > ||12.990||12.990 ||||This Starter Kit makes a wonderful baby shower gift!||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Our sample size selection of safe and effective baby care products soothe, cleanse and nourish sensitive skin of all ages.
Items included in kits are subject to change.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubebeandbah||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14513704||||||Burt's Bees Beeswax and Bana Hand Creme ||BBBeesWaxBanana||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||6.950||6.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Hands, often exposed to heat, cold, dirt and harsh detergents, are one of the first areas of the body to show aging. Keep yours soft and smooth with our super emollient hand creme.
Sweet almond oil, water, beeswax, aloe barbadensis leaf juice, kaolin (natural clay), fragrance, citrus grandis (grapefruit) seed extract, stearic acid (vegetable fat), glucose, carrageenan extract, sodium borate (natural borax), tocopherol (vitamin E), beta carotene & vegetable oil, glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase (sugar & natural enzymes).
100% Natural||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubecispexsh||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_30563949||||||Burt's Bees Citrus Spice Exfoliating Shower Soap||BBCitrusSoap||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||4.950||4.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Burt's Bees added ground herbs and spices to their all-vegetable Burt's Bees Citrus Spice Exfoliating Shower Soap to provide gentle yet invigorating exfoliation of dead skin cells. This mild abrasive action will thoroughly clean skin and pores, as well as massage the skin leaving it refreshed and tingling! Scented with a classic blend of essential oils including orange, patchouli and cinnamon. 4 oz.
Vegetable soap base, vegetable glycerin, bay oil, orange oil, cinnamon oil, fir needle oil, lavandin oil, cedarwood oil, clove oil, sage oil, lemon oil, patchouli oil, bay leaf, clove powder, cinnamon powder, orange peel, lemon peel.
99.89% Natural
Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubecofocr||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_11814489||||||Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creeme||BBCocFootCreme||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||8.500||8.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The emollient qualities of coconut oil soothe and smooth rough skin of neglected feet. 4 oz.
Vegetable glycerin, olive oil, oat protein, lanolin, water, coconut oil, tocopherol (vitamin E), peppermint oil, rosemary extract, fragrance.
99.30% Natural||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubefocakit||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12272329||||||Burt's Bees Foot Care Kit||BBFootCareKit||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||12.950||12.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Treat your feet to a complete retreat that's hard to beat! Our deluxe foot care kit includes a natural pumice stone, full sized Coconut Foot Creme and a pair of bee-utiful cotton socks.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubefrfllipg||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28433175||||||Burt's Bees Fruit Flavored Lip Gloss - discontinued||BBLipGloss||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||3.500||3.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Burt's Bees and is no longer available.
Maintain supple kissability with Burt's Bees natural fruit flavored glosses. Available in cherry, raspberry and strawberry. 0.25 oz.
Grape seed oil, coconut oil, beeswax, lanolin, cocoa butter, natural flavor, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (Vitamin E), rosemary extract.
96.70% Natural ||Flavor Strawberry||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubegrougise||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7261768||||||Burt's Bees Great Outdoors Gift Set||BBOutdoorsGiftSet||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||15.990||15.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Featuring full-sized Outdoor All-in-One Wash, Herbal Insect Repellent and After Bite Relief with mini Res-Q and Hand Salve…go on, get out there! We've got you covered!
Only 2 left in stock!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubeharekit||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_27108006||||||Burt's Bees Hand Repair Kit||BBHandRepairKit||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||12.950||12.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Our Hand Repair Kit and booklet will give you an understanding of basic hand anatomy and will provide you with essential tips, products and accessories to keep your hands looking and feeling their best! Our kit contains Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme (a beloved favorite to nourish and protect the nails), Beeswax and Banana Hand Creme (enriched with aloe vera to repair and moisturize 'dish pan hands' or hands over-exposed to water), Shea Butter Hand Repair Creme and cotton gloves (to use at night for concentrated moisturization).
Items included in kits are subject to change.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubehasa3oz||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31452601||||||Burt's Bees Hand Salve - 3 oz||BBHandSalve||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||5.950||5.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Burt's Bees popular Hand Salve is a perfect remedy for farmers and other people who work with their hands. 3 oz container.
Sweet almond oil, olive oil, beeswax, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), comfrey root extract, rosemary oil & leaf extract, lavandin oil & flower extract, eucalyptus oil.
98.05% Natural
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubehetotoes||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_11192246||||||Burt's Bees Head to Toe Starter Kit||BBHeadToe||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||14.950||14.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||You'll love our special selection of Burt's Bees sample size cremes and cleansers, lotions and balms... everything you need to cleanse, moisturize and pamper yourself from head to toe, naturally.
This Head to Toe Starter Kit currently contains the following items, but the contents are subject to change as the manufacturer updates the products:
- Burt's Bees Milk and Honey Body Lotion
- Burt's Bees Almond Milk Beeswax Hand Creme
- Citrus Facial Scrub
- Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme
- Burt's Bees Hand Salve
- Wild Lettuce Toner
- Rosemary Mint Shampoo Bar
- Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm
- Peppermint Shower Soap
- Orange Essance Facial Cleanser with Orange Oil
- Coconut Foot Creme with Vitamin E
Items included in kits are subject to change.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubehetrfaca||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_29200149||||||Burt's Bees Healthy Treatment Facial Care Kit||BBFacialKit||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||11.950||11.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Burt's Bees potpourri of plant based facial treatment products are specially formulated to provide gentle care and lasting beauty. Essential oils, vitamins and herbs, rejuvenate skin cells and help reverse the cumulative effects of free radical damage.
Items included in kits are subject to change.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubeholipba||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7777041||||||Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm||BBHoneyLipBalm||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||2.600||2.600 ||||New! Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm!||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
WHY IT WORKS: As the makers of the world’s best lip balm, Burt’s Bees is proud to introduce yet another winner. Our new Honey Lip Balm. It’s made with sweet, soothing honey to help moisturize and protect lips in the gentlest way. Plus, it’s packed with beeswax, shea butter, almond oil, cocoa butter and ultra emollient lanolin to keep your lips soft and healthy. We figure since we can’t improve upon perfection, we can at least make more of it.
HOW IT WORKS: Apply balm liberally to lips as often as needed, particularly in dry, cold or windy conditions.
Ingredients: Shea butter, almond oil, cocoa butter, coconut oil, beeswax, candelilla wax, lanolin, comfrey root, honey powder, rosemary extract, vegetable oil, fragrance||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubelebucucr||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_10025852||||||Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream||BBCuticleCream||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||3.950||3.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||For strong, lovely healthy fingernails, our popular Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme is a winner. .60 oz.
Ingredients: Sweet almond oil, beeswax, lemon oil, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), cocoa butter, candelilla wax, rosemary extract, beta-carotene.
94.91% Natural
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubelilipba||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31617664||||||Burt's Bees Lifeguard Lip Balm||BBLifeGuardBalm||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||2.600||2.600 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Guard your lips from the drying effects of sun, wind and sea with titanium dioxide-enriched Weatherproofing Lip Balm. Available in .15 oz tube only.
Beeswax, coconut oil, sunflower oil, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), lanolin, titanium dioxide, peppermint oil, comfrey root extract, rosemary extract.
95.30% Natural
Sorry, but this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubelipbawip||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14563594||||||Burt's Bees Lip Balm with Pomegranite Oil||BBPomegraniteLipBalm||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||2.950||2.950 ||||New! Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranite Oil||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
WHY IT WORKS: A replenishing and hydrating lip balm infused with the antioxidant goodness of Pomegranate Oil. Replenishes moisture and restores texture to reveal smooth and healthy lips!
HOW IT WORKS: Apply balm liberally to lips as often as needed. With a slightly glossy finish, this formula coats lips for a smooth, even-toned appearance. .15 oz.
Ingredients: Sunflower seed oil, beeswax, coconut oil, castor oil, lanolin, comfrey root, pomegranate oil, sweet almond oil, anise oil, cassia oil, cinnamon leaf oil, clary sage oil, mandarin oil, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), rosemary leaf extract, carmine & fragrance.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubelipsh||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_5985017||||||Burt's Bees Lip Shimmers||BBLipShimmers||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||4.990||4.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Burt's Bees Lip Shimmers soothe, smooth & highlight lips. In seven shimmering, deliciously kissable shades! Luminescent and sheer earth pigments in our 100% natural beeswax lip balm. .0975 oz.
Champagne – A pearlized, shimmering silver.
Merlot – A luscious, deep burgundy.
Nutmeg – A sparkling, golden bronze.
Raisin – A luxurious, earthy red.
Rhubarb – A warm, golden pink.
Watermelon – A juicy, silver pink.
Click the photo above to view a larger image.
Sunflower oil, castor oil, beeswax, candelilla wax, lanolin, cocoa butter, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), peppermint oil, carnauba wax, comfrey root extract, rosemary extract. May contain: iron oxide, mica, carmine or titanium dioxide. ||"Choose Color:" Champagne Nutmeg Raisin Watermelon Rhubarb||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubelihasona||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14573285||||||Burt's Bees Liquid Hand Soap - Naturally Nourishing Milk & Shea Butter (7.5 fl. oz.) ||BBLiquidHandSoap||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||6.990||6.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
A healthy routine for hardworking hands. Cleanse and nourish in just one step. With just one use of this luxurious cream-based liquid hand soap, you can increase your skin's moisture by up to 54%. See the difference regular use can make.
Apply soap to your hands, lathering generously with water, and rinse.
Ingredients: Water, decyl glucoside, carthamus tinctorius (safflower) oleosomes, sodium cocoyl hydrolyzed soy protein, glycerin, fragrance, coco-glucoside, glyceryl oleate, non-fat dry milk, butyrospermum parkii (shea butter), xanthan gum, glucose, citric acid, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase
Please note, this item is no longer available. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubemabeeleg||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9124406||||||Burt's Bees Mama Bee Leg and Foot Creme||MamaBeeLegAndFootCreme||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||8.950||8.950 ||||Mama Bee Leg and Foot Creme||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||New from Burt's Bees!
WHY IT WORKS: Peppermint Oil relaxes, soothes, and conditions while Rosemary Leaf extract encourages healthy circulation bringing relief to sore, tired, and stressed legs and feet.
HOW IT WORKS: Gently massage into legs and feet for immediate soothing relief. Your legs will thank you for the soothing, tingly treatment. 3.38 fl. oz.
Ingredients: Water, sunflower oi, vegetable glycerin, coconut oil, beeswax, peppermint oil, stearic acid (vegetable fat), witch hazel, glucose (sugar), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), wheat germ oil, tea tree oil, parsley leaf oil, orange wax, tocopherol (vitamin e), rosemary leaf extract, menthol, sodium Eborate (natural borax), xanthan gum, sucrose stearate (sugar emulsifier), glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase (natural preservative).||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubemelipbat||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32473397||||||Burt's Bees Medicated Lip Balm Tube ||BBMedicatedLipBalm||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||3.990||3.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Medicated Lip Balm Tube
This healing lip balm provides relief for severely dry lips with the medicated therapy of camphor and menthol. The soothing formula helps prevent and temporarily protects cracked, chapped and wind burned lips.
Apply balm to your lips as often as needed, particularly in extremely dry, cold or windy conditions.
Ingredients: Active Ingredients: camphor (0.6%), menthol (0.6%) Inactive Ingredients: vitis vinifera (grape) seed oil, beeswax, cocos nucifera (coconut) oil, lanolin, butyrospermum parkii (shea butter), illicium verum (anise) oil, elettaria cardamomum (cardamom) seed oil, mentha arvensis (cornmint) leaf oil, eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus) leaf oil, mentha viridis (spearmint) leaf oil, eugenia caryophyllus (clove) flower oil, vanillin, calendula officinalis flower extract, melissa officinalis (lemon balm) leaf extract, ribes nigrum (black currant) leaf extract, hydrastis canadensis (golden seal) extract
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubemiandhob||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28569253||||||Burt's Bees Milk and Honey Body Lotion||BBMilkHoney||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||8.500||8.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Moisturizing and emollient ingredients nourish and soothe dry skin. 7 fl. oz. Ingredients:
Filtered water, sunflower oil, vegetable glycerin, coconut oil, stearic acid (vegetable fat), beeswax, fragrance, orange wax, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), rosemary extract, aloe barbadensis, milk powder, honey, sodium borate (natural borax), xanthan gum (natural thickener), sucrose stearate (sugar emulsifier), glucose & glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase (sugar & natural enzymes), peru balsam, orange oil, beta-carotene.
97.77% Natural
Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales, and is no longer available.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubemilokit||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_26370165||||||Burt's Bees Mini Lotion Kit||BBMiniLotion||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||6.000||6.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Don't play favorites! Treat yourself to all three of Burt's Bees fabulously moisturizing lotions now available in an easy-to-carry trial size kit. Our 1 oz. sample bottles are great for traveling too.
Items included in kits are subject to change.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubemumeozne||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14603201||||||Burt's Bees Muscle Mend (.45 oz.) - NEW||MuscleMend||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||6.990||||6.990 ||Work hard, play hard, relieve naturally||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Designed to temporarily soothe tired, achy muscles, this 100% natural blend of menthol and essential oils can help get you back to enjoying the great outdoors.
Adults and children 2 years of age and older: Apply to affected area not more than 3 to 4 times daily. Children under 2 years of age: Consult a doctor.
Ingredients: Active ingredient: Menthol (16.0%), Inactive ingredients:, Rhus succedanea (japan) fruit wax, cannabis sativa (hemp) seed oil, mentha arvensis (cornmint) oil, eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus) leaf oil, eugenia caryophyllus (clove) stem oil
Sorry, This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubenarekit||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_11445214||||||Burt's Bees Natural Remedy Kit||BBNaturalRemedy||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||12.950||12.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Try our sample size selection of safe and effective natural remedies formulated to relieve the discomfort of minor skin irritations, burns, bruises, stings and scrapes.
This Natural Remedy Starter Kit currently contains the following items, but the contents are subject to change as the manufacturer updates the products:
- Doctor Burt's Natural Res-Q Ointment
- Burt's Bee's Hand Salve (.30 oz)
- Herbal Blemish Stick
- Rosemary Mint Shampoo Bar
- Burt's Bees Poison Ivy Soap
- Lavendar Mint Toothpaste
- Burt's Bees Therapeutic Bath Crystals
- Herbal Insect Repellant
Items included in kits are subject to change. For example, the product photo shows the Lifeguard Lip Balm, but that item has been removed from the sample kit by the manufacturer and replaced with another natural remedy sample.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubepefolo||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7048880||||||Burt's Bees Peppermint Foot Lotion||BBPeppermintFoot||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||8.950||8.950 ||||New from Burt's Bees! Peppermint Foot Lotion||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Want a real treat for your feet? Well, kick up your heels for the toe tingling conditioning of peppermint oil, parsley leaf oil, and menthol to soothe your feet. Enriched oils, beeswax, and vitamin E deeply moisturize, keeping your pampered feet pedicure soft.
Why it Works: Peppermint and parsley leaf oils combine with menthol and witch hazel to soothe tired feet naturally while enriched oils, beeswax, and vitamin E deeply moisturize to protect against rough dry skin. Let Burt’s get your toes tapping with the tingle of mint!
How it Works: Massage liberally on the tops and soles of the feet after showering or soaking. Use daily to keep soles and heels pedicure soft.
3.38 oz.
List of ingredients: Water, sunflower oil, vegetable glycerin, coconut oil, beeswax, peppermint oil, witch hazel, stearic acide, glucose (sugar), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), wheat germ oil, tea tree oil, parsley leaf oil, orange wax, tocopherol (Vitamin E), rosemary leaf extract, menthol, sodium borate, xanthan gum, sucrose stearate, glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase. (Ingredients subject to change as the manufacturer optimizes the formula for this product).||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubeporema||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31119583||||||Burt's Bees Pore Refining Mask||BBMask||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||7.950||7.950 ||||Burt's Bees Pore Refining Mask||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||WHY IT WORKS: Your pores will thank you by going away. This mask is made with French green clay and a selection of eight dried herbs and flowers to tighten pores and stimulate circulation leaving your complexion cleansed, renewed and radiant. 1 oz.
HOW IT WORKS: In a small bowl, place 1 tablespoon of the clay mixture and add enough water to make a thin paste. Smooth over a clean face, avoiding eye and mouth areas. Leave on 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Use once or twice a week.
Ingredients: French green clay, bentonite (natural clay), fragrance, mentha piperita (peppermint) leaf, shavegrass herb, calendula officinalis flower, rosemarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf, salvia officinalis (sage) leaf.
100.00% Natural
Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|buberabolo||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9324238||||||Burt's Bees Radiance Body Lotion||BBRadianceBodyLotion||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||8.950||8.950 ||||New! Burt's Bees Radiance Body Lotion||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
WHY IT WORKS: Specially formulated with Royal Jelly to significantly enhance skin radiance. Our natural lotion also contains Sunflower Oil to nourish and moisturize as well as Mica to enhance skin's natural glow. The result? Soft, shimmering, younger looking skin!
HOW IT WORKS: For best results, apply evenly to arms, legs, shoulders and neck for a natural, radiant glow. Can be used as a daily facial moisturizer too. 6 fl. oz.
Ingredients: Water, sunflower oil, vegetable glycerin, coconut oil, stearic acid (vegetable fat), beeswax, mica, royal jelly, glucose (sugar), aloe extract, sage extract, nettle extract, rosemary extract, chamomile extract, xanthan gum (natural thickener), aloe barbadensis leaf juice, orange wax, orange oil, lemon oil, ylang ylang oil, sucrose distearate (sugar emulsifier), sodium borate (natural borax), rosemary leaf extract, tocopherol (vitamin E), fragrance, glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase (natural preservative).||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|buberaexbowa||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14638220||||||Burt's Bees Radiance Exfoliating Body Wash - 12 oz||BBRadianceBodyWash||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||7.990||7.990 ||||Wash away dull, reveal radiance.||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Lather up and turn on your skin's luminosity. This creamy natural body wash is infused with jojoba beads, so it exfoliates while you cleanse. Meanwhile, safflower seed oleosomes and soy protein moisturize and nourish for healthy, beautiful skin.
Apply to a sponge, loofah, washcloth or your hands and lather generously all over your body for clean, smooth skin. Rinse, towel dry and follow up with your favorite Burt's Bees body lotion.
Ingredients: Water, decyl glucoside, carthamus tinctorius (safflower) oleosomes, sodium cocoyl hydrolyzed soy protein, glycerin, coco-glucoside, glyceryl oleate, fragrance, royal jelly, simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) oil, hydrogenated jojoba oil, vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) extract, saccharum officinarum (sugar cane) extract, acer saccharinum (sugar maple) extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract, citrus medica limonum (lemon) extract, glucose, xanthan gum, citric acid, sodium chloride, lactoperoxidase, glucose oxidase
Please note - this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubereoi||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_8418370||||||Burt's Bees Res-Q Ointment||BBResQ||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||5.750||5.750 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Burt's Bees Res-Q Ointment will soothe and comfort life's bumps and bruises with the green magic of Mother Nature's herbal medicines. Available in convenient easy-to-stow .60 oz. tins.
Ingredients: Sweet almond oil, olive oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, wheat germ oil, tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), lavandin oil, comfrey leaf & root extracts.
95.70% Natural ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubeshbudecr||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_29653114||||||Burt's Bees Shea Butter Decollete Creme 1.25 oz||BBSheaDecollete||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Nutrient-rich beta carotene and anti-aging vitamin E are blended with shea butter and rosehip seed oil to help minimize sun damage and signs of aging. Sesame oil and shea butter help fade and smooth stretch marks. Our rich, nourishing décolleté creme is specially formulated to treat the fragile, thin skin of the throat, chest and breast area. Lower in oil glands than the rest of the body, the décolleté shows early signs of aging and requires special care. Super-saturated macadamia nut oil and cocoa butter keep the décolleté supple, smooth and beautiful. 1.25 oz.
Rose water, sunflower oil, stearic acid (vegetable fat), beeswax, vegetable glycerin, sesame oil, shea butter, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), cocoa butter, macadamia nut oil, rosehip seed oil, willowbark extract, calendula flower extract, plantain leaf extract, ladyąs mantle leaf extract, lavender oil, rose oil, neroli oil, borage oil, tocopherol, beta carotene, retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), sodium borate (natural borax), xanthan gum (natural thickener), sucrose stearate (sugar emulsifier), glucose & glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase (sugar & natural enzymes), rosemary extract.
99.15% Natural
Sorry, This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubeshbuhare||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14680141||||||Burt's Bees Shea Butter Hand Repair Creme 3.18 oz||BBSheaHand||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||10.500||10.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The soft thin skin on the back of the hands is constantly exposed to the elements and is prone to roughness and premature aging. Our Shea Butter Hand Repair Creme protects this delicate area from weather, reduces wrinkles, and soothes chapped skin. 3.18 oz.
Rose water, sunflower oil, stearic acid (vegetable fat), beeswax, vegetable glycerin, sesame oil, shea butter, tocopherol (vitamin E), cocoa butter, macadamia nut oil, glucose, rosehip seed oil, lavender oil, willow bark extract, calendula flower extract, plantain leaf extract, lady's mantle leaf extract, rose oil, neroli oil, borage oil, sucrose stearate (sugar emulsifier), retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), rosemary extract, vegetable oil & beta carotene, xanthan gum (natural thickener), sodium borate (natural borax), glucose oxidase & lactoperoxidase (natural enzymes).
98.00% Natural||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubesushgrsu||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_24683006||||||Burt's Bees Super Shiny Grapefruit & Sugar Beet Shampoo (12 fl. oz.)||BBGrapefruitShampoo||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||7.990||7.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Super Shiny Grapefruit & Sugar Beet Shampoo (12 fl. oz.) Sweet and tart team up to turn up your shine. Grapefruit extract joins forces with highly effective yet gentle cleansers made from coconut and sunflower oils to create a shampoo formula with a rich lather. Meanwhile, sugar beet extract and soy protein penetrate hair follicles to repair and strengthen hair, helping to shield against future damage. The final touch: honey and essential natural oils from orange, lemon, lime and tangerine go to work for a beautifully natural shine.
Massage into wet hair, concentrating on the ends and other damaged areas. Follow up with Super Shiny Grapefruit & Sugar Beet Conditioner for one powerfully beautiful head of hair.
Ingredients: water, decyl glucoside, lauryl glucoside, coco-glucoside, glyceryl oleate, glycine soja (soybean) protein, coco-betaine, honey, sucrose laurate, betaine, glycerin, hydroxypropyltrimonium honey, glucose, citrus grandis (grapefruit) seed extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) peel oil, citrus medica limonum (lemon) peel oil, citrus tangerina (tangerine) peel oil, citrus aurantifolia (lime) oil, zingiber officinale (ginger) root extract, citrus reticulata (tangerine/petitgrain) leaf oil, xanthan gum, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase
Sorry, This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubesushlipg||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14741902||||||Burt's Bees Super Shiny Lip Gloss Tube - (.5 oz.)- NEW||BBShinyLipGloss||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||6.990||6.990 ||||Deliciously kissable shine!||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
Lip Gloss Tube (.5 oz.)- NEW!
Drench your lips in moisture and beautiful sheer color gloss. These hydrating natural lip glosses are flavored with citrus essential oils for a kiss of fresh-squeezed flavor.
Apply gloss to your lips as often as needed for extra shine and hydration.
Available in four colors: Sweet Pink, Nectar Nude, Pucker Berry, and Zesty Red
Contains 1 tube
Ingredients: Ricinus communis (castor) seed oil,, helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil, acacia decurrens flower wax, phytosteryl canola glycerides, silica, flavor, prunus amygdalus dulcis (sweet almond) oil, tocopherol, glycine soja (soybean oil), May contain: mica, iron oxides, titanium dioxide, carmine||"Choose Color" "Sweet Pink" "Nectar Nude" "Pucker Berry" "Zesty Red"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubethbacr||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14762050||||||Burt's Bees Therapeutic Bath Crystals||BBBathCrystalsTherapeutic||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||9.950||9.950 ||||Therapeutic Bath Crystals by Burt's Bees||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Indulging in a warm bath of salt crystals and essential oils after a workout helps release lactic acid which builds up during physical activity causing muscle ache. The penetrating action of essential oils helps stimulate the elimination of waste products. 1 lb.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|bubuwaandcop||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9373841||||||Bust Buddies - for Hot and Cold Therapy||BustBuddies||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||19.950||19.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Breastfeeding is one of the first bonding experiences between mother and child. Don't chance this precious time to pain and discomfort. New, all-in-one, soft thermal gel treatment packs specifically designed for nursing mothers, BustBuddies ensure a healthier, longer and happier breastfeeding experience by decreasing the pain and discomfort associated with common and uncomfortable breastfeeding conditions.
Created by Maternal Care, Inc., patent-pending BustBuddies are the latest medical advancement for the safe and effective treatment of conditions and complications associated with breastfeeding as well as for aiding breast surgery patients in their recovery. The BustBuddies breast treatment pack aids in the reduction of swelling and soreness associated with engorgement, encourages milk flow, dilates plugged ducts, treats infections, assists with milk letdown and comforts weaning breasts. For all of these common conditions, applying warm or cool temperatures to the breast for specified amounts of time has been proven to deliver effective treatment and is recommended by most medical professionals and lactation experts. With BustBuddies, moms can now benefit from immediate and convenient warm/cool treatment through a uniquely designed, conforming thermal breast gel pack.
Easily warmed or cooled and reusable hundreds of times, BustBuddies are uniquely designed to be the most effective and highest quality thermal treatment available. The packs provide generous coverage, a non-toxic thermal gel, and a soft, medical fabric-covered side for maximum comfort. BustBuddies’ include hypoallergenic plastic and covers. BustBuddies can be used alone or can be placed easily into any size bra.
This item is out of stock and has been discontinued because we have been unable to reach the manufacturer to place a new order. We have to assume that they have gone out of business because they are not returning phone calls or responding to e-mails. Please consider our new product, Nursing Buddies, at this link. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|newsletterthankyou||item.||page2||||||||||Check your e-mail!||||||||||||||Check your e-mail.....||||||||1||1||0||0||||||||
You’ve been sent a message with an activation link.
To activate your newsletter subscription, you need to open that message and click the link.
Your email updates, and this activation link, will come from Self Expressions and our address is sales@selfexpressions.com — please add us to your address book!
Once you’ve activated your email updates, you’ll be the first to know about new products and discount codes provided only to our newsletter subscribers approximately once per month.
If you don't open the e-mail and click on the activation link, you won't be registered to receive the special offers. Thank you for signing up to receive our monthly newsletter including special offers and new product announcements.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|clasbarfil||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_2780538||||||Classic Barrier Filter||classicfilter||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||7.600||7.600 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Barrier Filter for Classic breastpump kits.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|clearancesales||item.||page2||index||||||||Clearance Sales||||||||||||||Clearance Sales on Discontinued Items!||||||||0||1||0||0||||vemybrfrrepi ||||
Order these discontinued items at incredibly low clearance prices! All sales on clearance items are final and no returns on discounted clearance items will be accepted. Order only if you are absolutely sure of your size.
Use Coupon Code BORNFREE50 to save 50% off all Born Free Bottles and Accessories
While Supplies Last. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|demybrfrnupi||item.||page2||nurpilmyb||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14780242||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32485981||Deluxe My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow||DeluxeMBF||nurpilmyb > ||Nursing Pillows > ||44.990||44.990 ||||New Deluxe My Brest Friend Nursing Pillows in Extra Soft Baby Plush Fabric||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
Our most popular baby shower gift!
The new Deluxe My Brest Friend Pillows feature a plush extra soft fabric. The Deluxe Strap features velcro and a silent release buckle for easy, one hand use.||"Choose Color" "Deluxe Blue" "Deluxe Green" "Deluxe Pink"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|depicoformyb||item.||page2||nurpilmyb||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14828764||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32550492||Deluxe Pillow Cover for My Brest Friend||DeluxeCover||nurpilmyb > ||Nursing Pillows > ||19.990||19.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Has your pillow cover worn out? We offer replacement covers for the "My Brest Friend" nursing pillow. The new soft plush Deluxe pillow cover features both velcro and the new silent release "clip" closure system. This cover fits the standard foam version of the My Brest Friend as well as the inflatable version.||"Choose Color" Blue Green Pink||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|diapcapasnew||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_309137||||||Diaphram Cap Assembly for Pump In Style Traveler or Companion (New version) - Discontinued||DiaphramNew||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||7.550||7.550 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Please note - this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available. Please call Medela at 1-800-435-8316 for assistance with this item.
This is the newer version of the Diaphram Cap Assembly for newer models of the Pump In Style Original, Traveler and Companion. This part has the on/off switch incorporated into the speed control dial. Medela part number 6007060. If your breastpump has a round button for the on/off switch, you need the older version of the diaphram cap assembly instead. Click on the photo to view a larger image.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|dicapforpuin||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_584010||||||Diaphram Cap for Pump In Style Traveler and Companion (Old Version) - Discontinued||DiaphramTravComp||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||7.700||7.700 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||This is the older version of the Diaphram Cap Assembly for older models of the Pump In Style Traveler and Companion. This part has a round on/off button. Medela part number 6007051. Click on the photo to view a larger image.
We're sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|disacpairoff||item.||||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14893275||||||Discounted Accessory - Pair of Flexhishields||PYFlexishield||||||14.000||||14.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Special Offer! Add a pair of Flexishields to any Purely Yours breastpump order for only $14.00. Price valid only when purchased at the same time as a Purely Yours breastpump! Regular retail price is $18.00.
If you need to order a pair of Flexishields and you are NOT ordering an Ameda Purely Yours breastpump at the same time, Click here to order a pair of Flexishields at the regular price of $18.00.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|disacpuryour||item.||||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14896169||||||Discounted accessory - Purely Yours Lighter Adapter||PYLighter||||||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Special Offer! Add a vehicle lighter adapter to your Purely Yours breastpump order for only $10.00. Discounted price is only valid with the purchase of a Purely Yours breastpump in the same order. Regular retail price is $16.50.
If you need to order a vehicle lighter adapter and you are NOT ordering an Ameda Purely Yours breastpump at the same time, Click here to order the vehicle lighter adapter at the regular price of $16.50.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|csf50pack||item.||||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14900163||||||Discounted CSF 50 pack||PNSCSF||||||12.500||12.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Special Offer - Add a 50 pack of Medela CSF bags to your order for only $12.50. Price valid only when purchased at the same time as a Medela Pump In Style breastpump. Limit one per customer. Regular price of CSF 50 pack is $19.95 when purchased separately!
If you need to order a CSF 50 pack and you are NOT ordering a Pump In Style breastpump at the same time, Click here to order the CSF 50 pack at the regular price of $19.95.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|dicsf50pavao||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9824462||||||Discounted CSF 50 Pack -
Valid ONLY with Pump In Style purchase||PNSCSF||||||12.500||19.950 ||12.500 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Special Offer - Add a 50 pack of Medela CSF bags to your order for only $12.50. Price valid ONLY with purchase of a Pump In Style Breastpump.
Limit one per customer. Regular price of CSF 50 pack is $19.95 when purchased separately!
If you need to order a CSF 50 pack and you are NOT ordering a Pump In Style breastpump at the same time, Click here to order this item at the regular price of $19.95.
Please note: If you add this item to your cart and you are NOT ordering a Medela Pump In Style Breastpump in the same order, shipment of your order will be delayed while we attempt to contact you to find out if you want to order this item at the regular price of $19.95 or if you want us to delete this item from your order!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|diflbvaonwip||item.||page2||ampuryourbre||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14920543||||||Discounted Flexishields -
Valid ONLY with Purely Yours order||PYFlexishield||ampuryourbre > ||Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump > ||14.000||18.000 ||14.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Special Offer! Add a pair of Flexishields to any Purely Yours breastpump order for only $14.00. Price valid only when purchased at the same time as a Purely Yours breastpump! Regular retail price is $18.00.
If you need to order a pair of Flexishields and you are NOT ordering an Ameda Purely Yours breastpump at the same time, Click here to order a pair of Flexishields at the regular price of $18.00.
Please note: If you add this item to your order and you are not ordering an Ameda Purely Yours breastpump in the same order, shipment of your order will be delayed while we attempt to contact you to determine whether you want to order this item at the regular price of $16.50 or remove this item from your order.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Ameda||||0|||||||||||||||^^|disvehligad||item.||||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14923437||||||Discounted Vehicle Lighter Adapter||PNSL||||||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Special Offer! Add a vehicle lighter adapter to your Pump In Style Order for only $10.00! Price valid only with purchase of a Pump In Style Breastpump. Regular price of vehicle lighter adapter is $16.50 when purchased separately.)
If you need to order a vehicle lighter adapter and you are NOT ordering a Pump In Style breastpump at the same time, Click here to order the vehicle lighter adapter at the regular price of $16.50.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|diveliadvaon1||item.||page2||ampuryourbre||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14927431||||||Discounted Vehicle Lighter Adapter -
Valid ONLY with Purely Yours order||PYLighter||ampuryourbre > ||Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump > ||10.000||16.950 ||10.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Special Offer! Add a vehicle lighter adapter to your Purely Yours breastpump order for only $10.00. Discounted price is ONLY valid with the purchase of a Purely Yours breastpump in the same order. Regular retail price is $16.95.
If you need to order a vehicle lighter adapter and you are NOT ordering an Ameda Purely Yours breastpump at the same time, Click here to order the vehicle lighter adapter at the regular price of $16.95.
Please note: If you add this item to your order and you are not ordering an Ameda Purely Yours breastpump in the same order, shipment of your order will be delayed while we attempt to contact you to determine whether you want to order this item at the regular price of $16.95 or remove this item from your order.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|diveliadvaon||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9361859||||||Discounted Vehicle Lighter Adapter -
Valid ONLY with Pump In Style Purchase||PNSL||||||10.000||16.950 ||10.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Special Offer! Add a vehicle lighter adapter to your Pump In Style Order for only $10.00! Price valid ONLY with purchase of a Pump In Style Breastpump. (Regular price of vehicle lighter adapter is $16.95 when purchased separately.)
If you need to order a vehicle lighter adapter and you are NOT ordering a Pump In Style breastpump at the same time, Click here to order the vehicle lighter adapter at the regular price of $16.95. Please note: If you add this item to your cart and you are NOT ordering a Medela Pump In Style Breastpump in the same order, shipment of your order will be delayed while we attempt to contact you to find out if you want to order this item at the regular price of $16.95 or if you want us to delete this item from your order!
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|eaexha||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3133052||||||Easy Expression Halter||EEHalter||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||19.000||19.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Easy ExpressionTM Halter is the answer for those times when you need to pump but also need to accomplish the task at hand -- writing, phoning, using the computer, or reading.
Just slip on the supportive Easy ExpressionTM Halter at home or at work and realize how easy pumping can be. Some mothers have several for use at home and work.
The halter is designed for comfortable attachment of any breast pump and is made of 94% cotton/6% Lycra in the USA.
Please note: The following sizing charts are provided as a general guide, but we are not able to make any guarantees that the Easy Expression Bra or Halter will definitely fit if you choose the size based on the sizes depicted in the charts below. The first chart is usually fairly accurate, and much more accurate than the 2nd size chart (which a very generic size chart, but the generic chart is the size chart that the manufacturer has printed on the packaging for these bras.) If you are unsure of your size, we recommend you order the 2 sizes that you think might fit you best and return the other bra for a refund after trying on both sizes.
Also, for those customers who wear a size 36C bra, we have found that approximately half of these customers find the size "Medium" to be the best fit and the other half find the size "Large" to be the best fit. If you wear a size 36C bra, we definitely suggest you order one Medium and one Large and then try them both on as soon as you receive the order and then return the one that doesn't fit for a refund. This item is returnable for a full refund as long as you try it on only long enough to see if it fits and you ship it back to us in time for us to receive it within 30 days from the original date of the order. Our complete Return Policy can be reviewed on the "Customer Service" page.
We DO NOT pay for return shipping of bras that do not fit, and we do not pay for free shipping on a second bra if you return a bra for an exchange in size. Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.
THIS FIRST CHART below is usually the more accurate sizing chart:
Sizing chart:
| 32 | 34 | 36 | 38 | 40 | 42 | 44 | 46 | 48 |
AA | S | S | M | M | L | L | XL | XL | XL |
A | S | S | M | M | L | L | XL | XL | XL |
B | S | M | M | L | L | XL | XL | XL | XXL |
C | M | M | M | L | L | XL | XL | XL | XXL |
D | M | L | L | L | L | XL | XL | XXL | XXL |
E | M | L | L | L | L | XL | XL | XXL | XXL |
F | L | L | L | L | L | XL | XL | XXL | XXL |
G | L | XL | XL | XL | XL | XL | XL | XXL | XXL |
H | XL | XL | XL | XL | XL | XXL | XXL | XXL | XXL |
THIS SECOND SIZING CHART BELOW is far more generic and is usally less acurate than the more detailed chart shown above, but this generic sizing chart below is what is printed on the packaging material on the back of each bra.
| General sizing chart: | Band Size (inches) | Cup Size | Small | 32-34 | AA-B | Medium | 34-36 | B-D | Large | 38-40 | D-F | X-Large | 42-44 | F-G | XX-Large | 46-48 | G-H | ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|embroiderdesigns||item.||page2||||||||||Embroidery Designs||||||||||||||||||||||1||1||0||0||||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|giftregistry||item.||page2||||||||||Gift Registry||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||||||
| Why worry about unwanted or duplicate gifts? By setting up a gift registry, your friends will know exactly what you need. And they’ll save time by buying it on-line for you.
To set up a gift registry, just click on the convenient “Add to Registry” buttons located on our product pages. Our system will set up a new registry for you.
If you already have a registry, clicking on the “Add to Registry” button will add the gift to your registry.
Your friends can then log in to view your gift list and buy you something on-line. All purchases are summarized on-line along with the name and address of the gift giver to make thank you notes easy.
Your registry will also have a number of other convenient features such as an on-line photo album, Guestbook, E-Notification system and RSVP service.
For more information about how the gift registry works, click here.
| | | ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|inor||item.||page2||||||||||International Orders||||||||||||||International Orders||||||||0||1||0||0||||||||APO/FPO ADDRESSES: We ship orders to APO and FPO addresses via USPS Priority Mail at no additional cost, unless the item is very heavy or expensive to ship. Lightweight orders can be shipped to APO/FPO addresses via USPS Priority Mail for the same prices published below. If your order is heavy or oversized and it will cost us significantly more than the prices published below to ship your order, we will contact you with a revised shipping quote before proceeding with your order.. The shipping fees for standard US orders apply for APO/FPO addresses, and these fees are published below: Shipping Rates (within the U.S., including APO and FPO addresses) are based on the dollar value of your order as follows: $0.00 to $50.00 - Shipping fee = $9.00 $50.01 to $100.00 - Shipping fee = $10.00 $100.01 to $149.99 - Shipping fee = $11.00 $150.00 and over - Shipping is FREE!
International Orders (outside the US): All orders shipped to any address outside the US (except for orders shipped to APO/FPO or other addresses within the US Postal System) are shipped for a flat shipping fee of $50.00 via UPS Worldwide Expedited or USPS Global Express Mail, depending on the weight of the package. Make sure to select "UPS Worldwide Expedited - International Orders only" during checkout, or you will receive an error message. If your order is very heavy and it will cost us significantly more than our standard $50 shipping fee to ship your order, we will provide a revised shipping quote based on the actual weight and destination of the package via e-mail, and we won't charge your credit card or ship your order before you approve the revised shipping charge.
Products That We Cannot Export: We are prohibited by Medela from shipping their products to International Addresses. This prohibition does not apply to APO/FPO addresses and US territories. We are also not allowed to ship Burt's Bees products to addresses outside the US. We are allowed to ship all other products besides Medela products and Burt's Bees products to International addresses. If you need to order a breastpump and have it shipped to an International address, please consider one of our Ameda Purely Yours or Avent Isis breastpumps instead of the Medela products. As an alternative, you can also order Medela products and have the order shipped to a friend or relative in the US, but only if you add the alternate US shipping address to your credit card company's records and your credit card company will verify/confirm both your billing address and the alternate shipping address in the US. We will contact your credit card company via Telex and if they are unable or unwilling to confirm both addresses, the order will be cancelled. As another alternative, your friend or relative in the US can place the order with their own credit card and have it shipped to their billing address on file with the credit card company and then you can pay your friend or relative directly. Credit Card Verification: Due to recent fraudulent orders, the following security measures are being imposed for orders shipped to destinations outside the US. This is for your protection (as a consumer) as well as for our protection (as a merchant). International Customers outside the United States ordering for the first time from Self Expressions will need to fax the front page of their credit card statement (a recent monthly statement/bill that you receive from your credit card company) to our fax number at 888-224-2092. This page contains your name and mailing address, and credit card number and is to verify that you are the owner of the credit card. Please note that, unlike with the credit card purchases originating within the U.S., we cannot verify your address electronically or through the phone, and this extra step is necessary to authenticate you as the actual credit card holder. Once you have placed your order, please fax this document to us ASAP at 888-224-2092. Your order will be shipped out once we have received this document. Please note that we can ONLY ship International orders to the same billing address on file with your credit card company. Orders that are shipped to a different address than the verified billing address will be rejected. Please note that this requirement is only for International customers ordering for the first time. If you have ordered from us before, you don't need to fax us your credit card information. Customs Fees: If the customs department in your country chooses to add additional fees for customs or "Value Added Taxes", these fees will be your responsibility upon receipt of the package. We cannot predict in advance whether or not a particular country will choose to assess customs fees nor how high those fees might be if any fees are assessed. One Pump In Style breastpump shipped to Russia was assessed a $100.00 fee by Russian customs. A nursing bra order valued at $105.00 was assessed a $35.00 "Value Added Tax" by the customs department in the UK. A recent baby sling order shipped to Canada was assessed a $30.00 fee upon entering the country ($10.00 for tax, and $20.00 for "brokerage fees".) A customer in Brazil recently reported that Brazil assessed an $84 "Import Fee" on a $75 purchase. If your country decides to add fees before delivering the package to you, and you refuse the package because you are unwilling or unable to pay the additional (and often unpredictable) fees assessed by your country, we will not be able to issue a refund for your purchase and the package will be abandoned in the customs department of your country. Power Transformers: If your order includes an electric breastpump, and your country does not use 110 V AC electricity, you will need to purchase a power transformer which will operate the breastpump in your country. The cost of the transformer is $20.00 US. If you need a transformer, please go to the Medela Spare Parts Page, and select the appropriate transformer for your breastpump. When you are finalizing your order, list your country in the "special instructions" section at checkout, and we will obtain the appropriate transformer for your country. Countries we are able to ship to: Our shopping cart is programmed to accept orders from the following countries: Argentina; Austria; Australia; Aruba; Barbados; Belgium; Bermuda; Brazil; Bahamas; Canada; Cayman Islands; Chile; China; Costa Rica; Cyprus; Denmark; Egypt; Finland; Fiji; France; France, Metropolitan; Germany; Greece; Guam; Guatemala; Hong Kong; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Luxembourg; Macau; Malawi; Mexico; Monaco; New Caledonia; Netherlands; Netherlands Antilles; New Zealand; Norfolk Island; Norway; Panama; Peru; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Poland; Puerto Rico; Portugal; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; South Africa; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan; Thailand; Turkey; Trinidad and Tobago; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States; US Minor Outlying Islands; Virgin Islands (U.S) If your country is not included in this list, we are unable to ship products to your country, and the shopping cart will not accept your order.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|kidsling||item.||page2||babslinovsho||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_11516376||||||Kid Sling||Kid Sling||babslinovsho > ||Baby Slings - OTSBH > ||15.000||15.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Kidsling is designed for siblings ages 2-5 years to be able to wear a doll or stuffed animal just like Mom and Dad wear the new baby. Note: the Kidslings do not have padding like the adult slings.||Fabric "Chambray (Denim Look)" "Blue Safari Animals"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|latosycokit||item.||page2||mehogrbr||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/lactina-to-symphony-conversion-kit-4.gif||||||Lactina® to Symphony® Conversion Kit 67091||LactSymphConv||mehogrbr > ||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps > ||24.000||24.000 ||||Lactina® to Symphony® Conversion Kit 67091||tuforpuinsta||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Converts the Lactina Double Pumping Systems to Symphony Double Pumping Systems for use with a Symphony Breastpump. Contains two of each: membrane caps, protective membranes, and instructions. Note: This conversion kit is not compatible with the older obsolete version of Lactina tubing (part number 8007062) seen at this link. If you have the old, obsolete version of Lactina tubing, you will also need to order the new "Advanced" tubing shown on the right hand side of this screen.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|lansinohcream||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7565545||||||Lansinoh Cream 2.0 oz tube (by Ameda)||Lansinoh||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||12.000||12.000 ||||||sofforsorori purcream13oz soothies amcohypa||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Developed for breastfeeding mothers, Lansinoh is an ultrapure, medical-grade modified lanolin. Refined by a patented process to remove environmental impurities and allergic components. Lansinoh is completely safe for use by those who may have a sensitivity to wool or other refinements of lanolin. So pure and safe, Lansinoh does not have to be removed before breastfeeding. Lansinoh has been clinically proven in hospital trials to accelerate the healing process of breastfeeding mothers with sore, cracked nipples. At 100% concentration of Lanolin, Lansinoh is unique in its ability to assist the skin in restoring and maintaining the proper moisture content that is vital to healthy, supple skin. When Lansinoh is applied to injured nipple/areolar skin tissue it slows down the evaporation of the skin's natural moisture, providing a moisture barrier that allows the skin to re-hydrate from within. This process is known as moist wound healing, the most up-to-date method for accelerated healing which eliminates the formation of scabs. 2 oz tube.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|lirenupa||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7136191||||||LilyPadz Reusable Nursing Pads||LilyPadz||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||19.990||19.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||LilyPadz are revolutionary new non-absorbent nursing pads. Working on the age-old principle that pressure on the nipple temporarily stops breast milk leakage, Lily Padz keep that pressure constant, even in the absence of a bra, so you never leak. LilyPadz combine the unique features of flexibility, breathability, invisibility and "sticks-to-you-ability" in it's special soft and non-absorbent material. So Lily Padz conform and hold to your breast like a second skin, allowing you to return to your pre-pregnancy wardrobe and lifestyle with confidence.
How do you use LilyPadz? It's easy. Simply place the Lily Padz over your nipple with the tacky side toward your skin. With a finger in the center of the LilyPadz, firmly depress the nipple and smooth out over your breast. Simply lift off the LilyPadz to nurse your baby and then re-apply after feeding. Unlike other nursing pads, LilyPadz are continuously usable. LilyPadz contain no adhesives so the self-stick lining will not wear out with repeated washing. In fact the lining is renewed each time they are washed so one pair will last for months! Best of all, the lining is gently on your skin, (some women experience mild irritation when using Lily Padz for the first time. This should disappear after repeated use.) Just wash with mild soap and water, rinse, and air-dry before reapplying. The whole process takes only minutes. You can even occasionally sterilize your LilyPadz. Just place in boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes. Do not “over boil”.
Why LilyPadz? LilyPadz revolutionary design and features allow you to return to the activities you enjoyed before your baby was born. - Sleep comfortably... LilyPadz stay in place in the absence of a bra.
- Go for a swim... Because LilyPadz are non-absorbent, they are the only nursing pad that remains effective when swimming. Although they must be applied while dry, LilyPadz stay in place and retain breast milk as you go from dry to wet and dry again!
- Enjoy a night on the town... Great for under evening attire...strapless, sheer, slinky... you name it!
- Wear your favorite lingerie... Not only are LilyPadz thin but they are transparent too!
LilyPadz are invisible under your clothing, long lasting, and have no absorptive component so there's nothing else to buy! Package contains one pair of two LilyPadz with carrying case and instructions.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|linktooursite||item.||page2||||||||||Link to Our Site||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||||||If you have a site that is related to pregnancy, babies, children and/or families, we would be interested in exchanging links. We would like to exchange links with sites related to the following topics: breastfeeding, maternity, pregnancy, maternity clothing, infant clothing, baby announcements, and infant toys. We are also interested in sites offering gifts for new parents or pregnant women. In exchange for your link featured on our Parenting Links and Resources page, we request that our link be prominently displayed on your links page or the home page of your site. If you prefer a graphical banner ad, right click on one of the images below and save it to your hard drive, then upload it to your website server and link the image to our home page at http://www.selfexpressions.com. Be sure to notify us by e-mail after the link has been added. Once we have verified that our link is published on your site, we will publish your link on our site. Please send an e-mail with your banner or the text you would like for us to use to describe your site. We will exchange a text link for a text link, and a banner link for a banner link.

If you prefer a text link, you may use the following text: Self Expressions Self Expressions offers Medela, Ameda and Avent breastpumps and breastfeeding supplies; including all models of the Medela Pump In Style and the Ameda Purely Yours. We also carry nursing bras, baby slings, nursing pillows and much more. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mabeebeba3oz||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_26088082||||||Mama Bee Belly Balm - 3 oz||||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||9.990||9.990 ||||New! Replaces Mama Bee Belly Butter||||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| When you are pregnant, your body is changing so fast you can't keep up - your belly stretches leaving skin tight, dry and uncomfortable. Our super-enriched, fragrance-free conditioning Belly Balm naturally nourishes skin leaving it feeling smooth, soft and comfortable. Pumpkin Seed Oil, rich in essential fatty acids, and Olive Oil provide much needed moisturization while Beeswax helps skin retain its moisture keeping skin healthy and happy. Ingredients: olea europaea (olive) fruit oil, beeswax, cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) seed oil, triticum vulgare (wheat) germ extract, pollen extract, adenophora stricta root extract, glycine soja (soybean) oil Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mabeebebu6oz||item.||page2||burtsbees||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28129957||||||Mama Bee Belly Butter (6.6 oz.) - discontinued||MamaBellyButter||burtsbees > ||Burt's Bees > ||12.990||12.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Keep skin smooth and soft during your nine month stretch. Condition your belly with cocoa butter and vitamin E in this extra-rich body butter. It's specially formulated to help skin retain moisture and elasticity during your pregnancy. Keeping your skin healthy during pregnancy means more comfort now and helps belly bounce back into shape later.
Smooth over belly after bathing or whenever it feels tight, dry or itchy. To bounce your belly back to shape post-pregnancy, continue to use the butter to smooth and tone your skin.
Ingredients: water, helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil, stearic acid, glycerin, beeswax, sesamum indicum (sesame) seed oil, butyrospermum parkii (shea butter), theobroma cacao (cocoa) seed butter, macadamia ternifolia (macadamia) seed oil, rosa canina (rosehips) seed oil, fragrance, salix nigra (willow) bark extract, borago officinalis (borage) seed oil, xanthan gum, rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf extract, tocopherol, alchemilla vulgaris (lady’s mantle) extract, plantago lanceolata (plantain) leaf extract, calendula officinalis flower extract, sucrose stearate, retinyl palmitate, sodium borate, chlorphenesin, phenoxyethanol Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medcomlinbra||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32599014||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32612291||Medela "Comfort Line" Light Support Bras and Briefs||||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||||||||New Medela "Comfort Line" Light Support Bras, Briefs, and Boxers||100cotwasbra meddisbrapad||||||0||1||0||0||||medligsupbra medligsupbri medligsupbox ||||Now expectant and new moms can have round-the-clock comfort in a seamless bra with matching boxers and briefs. Combining silky softness, seamless comfort, light support, a smooth fit and a choice of 3 fabulous colors, the Comfort Line is designed for comfortable days and restful nights. Light Support Bra Just right for both day and night time wear, this is the only “soft” bra available with convenient one-hand drop cup release for easy nursing. Soft, smooth fabric prevents binding or chafing while providing light support to tender breasts. Conveniently holds bra pads in place for added comfort.
Light Support Boxers & Briefs Blended stretch fabrics ensure lower abdominal, side and back support. Both styles feature belly and waist panels that expand during pregnancy while maintaining comfort and shape for wearing after baby’s arrival.
Choice of 3 Colors for Bras, Boxers, and Briefs!
In basic white, fabulous black and natural nude, the Comfort Line allows casual mix or match pairing of bras, boxers and briefs.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|100cotwasbra||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_2972297||||||Medela 100% Cotton Washable Bra Pads||Bra Pads||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||9.000||9.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||100% Cotton Washable Bra Pads The comfortable feel of 100% cotton with more absorption than other available pads. Contains four contoured bra pads per package.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|vehligad||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/medela-or-ameda-12-volt-vehicle-lighter-adapter-4.gif||||||Medela 12V Portable Vehicle Adaptor #67153||adapter||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||29.950||29.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Need a private place to pump? How about your car? The 12 volt portable vehicle adaptor works with: - Freestyle® - Pump In Style® (models purchased prior to 2008) - Lactina®||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medbotwitsol||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15024338||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32617572||Medela 5 oz (150ml) Collection Container with Solid Lid||bottle/lid||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||4.700||4.700 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||One 5 ounce Medela collection container with solid lid. Fits all Medela breastpumps. This bottle also fits the Medela Haberman feeder. This is strictly a bottle with a solid lid for collection and storage of breastmilk. This does not include a nipple or ring. If you need complete bottle assemblies, including Medela orthodontic silicone nipples and rings, visit the following link: "Medela breastmilk storage and feeding set". If you need replacement parts or nipples for a Haberman feeder, visit the "Special Feeding Devices" page. All Medela bottles are BPA Free for your baby's health!
Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|me8ozcocobo||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15040111||||||Medela 8 oz collection container - bottle||8OzBottleNoLid||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||3.500||3.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||New Medela 8 oz collection container/bottle. Fits all Medela breastpumps, collars, and rings. Does not include a lid. BPA free material!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|noname1||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15284191||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32661642||Medela 80 ml Collection Container with Solid Lid||80mlbottle||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||1.750||1.750 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Contains one polypropylene 80ml (3 oz) graduated collection container and one solid lid. This container is freezer safe and fits all Medela breastshields and Haberman Feeder Systems. All Medela bottles are BPA Free for your baby's health! ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|me9vliad||item.||page2||puinstadme||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15493214||||||Medela 9V Portable Vehicle Adaptor #67174||9VLighterAdapter||selex > puinstadme > ||Medela Pump In Style > Medela Pump In Style® Advanced The Metro Bag™ #57036 > ||29.950||29.950 ||||Medela 9V Portable Vehicle Adaptor #67174||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||New 9 Volt Vehicle Lighter adapter for all Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps manufactured in 2008 or later.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|me9vpovead6||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/medela-9v-portable-vehicle-adaptor-67174-1.gif||||||Medela 9V Portable Vehicle Adaptor #67174||Medela9VVehicleAdapter||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||29.950||29.950 ||||Medela 9V Portable Vehicle Adaptor #67174||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Need a private place to pump? How about your car? This Portable Vehicle Adaptor is compatible with Medela Pump In Style® and Personal Double Pump breastpumps||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|meadco||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15533819||||||Medela Advanced Connector||AdvConn||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||9.000||9.000 ||||||tuforpuinsta||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Medela Advanced Connector for use with Lactina and Classic breastpumps. Works with new Advanced tubing only. Is not compatible with older versions of Lactina/Classic tubing. Contains one Medela Advanced Pump Connector (photograph shows two connectors to provide different viewing angles, but the quantity sold is one each.) Click on the photo to view a larger image.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|coolel||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15805621||||||Medela and Ameda Cooling Elements||Cool||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||3.910||3.910 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Cooling Element for breastpumps. Each cooling element is 5-1/2 oz. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE A $10.00 MINIMUM FOR ORDERS.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medminelbrea||item.||page2||index||||||||Medela Battery & Manual Pumps||||||||||||||Medela Mini Electric, DoubleEase, SpringExpress, & PedalPump Breast Pumps||||||||0||1||0||0||||meswbrpu mehabr powtranforme medoremo medodemo medsprinexma medminelbrea1 medobrpu medminelmotc minelrepmot medpedpum ||||||||Mini Electric, MiniElectric, mini electric, minielectric, medela, Medela, breast pump, breast pumps, breastpumps, breastpump, Self Expressions, electric, minielectric motor, transformer, power transformer||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mebithpa||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_2738178||||||Medela Bikinis - three pack||Bikini||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||22.950||22.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The new Medela Bikini 3-Pack keeps Mom comfortable and stylish all day long throughout her pregnancy and postpartum. Below-the-belly design won’t roll or ride-up making it a must have for any mom. Luxurious combed cotton for breathability and no-tag design ensures comfort all day long. From Medela, the name nursing mothers trust.
Color: Available in white and multi-color (white, nude, black) 3-packs. Sizes: S/M/L/XL Material: 95% Cotton/5% Spandex  ||Size Small Medium Large "Extra Large"|^|Color White "Multi-Color"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medbotstan||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15808095||||||Medela Bottle Stand||stand||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||10.950||10.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||This is the yellow stand that fits on the bottom of the Medela collection container (bottle) and keeps it from tipping over.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mebrboset8oz||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15811355||||||Medela Breastmilk Bottle Set - 8 oz - pack of 3||BottleStorageFeedSet8oz_3pack||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||15.990||15.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0|||||||| New Medela 8 oz bottle set - package of 3 each. - Compatible with all Medela breastpumps to pump, store and feed with one bottle.
- Easy to read volume marks in ounces and milliliters.
- Dishwasher and microwave safe.
- BPA-free
What’s Included: - (3) 8 oz breastmilk bottles
- (3) wide base medium-flow silicone nipples
- (3) collars
- (3) solid lids
- (3) travel caps
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mebrbosppaki||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15817403||||||Medela Breastmilk Bottle Spare Parts Kit - Fits New Wide Base Nipples||BottleSparePartsKit||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||6.990||6.990 ||||||meni3||||||1||1||1||0||||||||New Medela Breastmilk Bottle Spare Parts kit. These parts ONLY work with the wide based Medela nipples and collars. Includes a mesh laundry bag for cleaning parts in the dishwasher and keeping them together.
The Medela Breastmilk Bottle Spare Parts Kit contains: - 1 Medela Mesh laundry bag
- 3 Medela Wide Based Collars
- 3 Medela Wide Based Discs
- 3 Medela Solid Yellow Lids
- 3 Medela Wide Based Clear Travel Caps
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mebrfeandsts||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15822769||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32705712||Medela Breastmilk Feeding and Storage Set - 5 oz - 3 pack||FeedingStorageSet||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||15.190||15.190 ||||||meni3||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Perfect for collecting, storing, freezing and feeding breastmilk.
- Compatible with all Medela breastpumps
- Exclusively designed for safe and long-term breastmilk storage
- Conveniently sized 5 ounce (150ml) bottles fit all Medela breastpumps
- Safe plastic designed to retain breastmilk’s beneficial properties
- Slow-flow silicone nipple for feeding when Mom is away
- Colorful, easy to read volume marks in ounces and milliliters
- 2-piece lid for storing breastmilk in refrigerator or freezer
- Hygienic cap keeps nipple clean and can be used for cup feeding your baby
- Dishwasher and microwave safe plastic
- All Medela bottles & breastpump kits are 100% Bisphenol-A (BPA) Free!
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mebrfegiset||item.||page2||noname2||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/medela-breastmilk-feeding-gift-set-1.gif||||||Medela Breastmilk Feeding Gift Set||||noname2 > ||Baby Shower Gifts > ||23.990||29.990 ||23.990 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Medela Feeding Gift Set is a value pack of breastmilk containers that includes everything you need to collect, store and feed breastmilk. This gift set includes: - three 5oz polypropylene bottles
- 3 each nipples, collars and caps
- 20 Pump & Save™ bags
- six 80ml (2.7oz) mini-bottles
All items are BPA free. Medela item number 87137||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mebrfrstbupa||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15850345||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32749782||Medela Breastmilk Freezing & Storage Bulk Pack - 12 pack||FreezeStoreBulkPack||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||14.990||14.990 ||||80 mL Breastmilk Freezing & Storage Bulk Pack - Package of 12||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Bulk Pack of 12 each 80 mL Breastmilk Freezing & Storage Containers with solid lids
Features and Benefits:
- Perfect for smaller amounts of pumped breastmilk.
- 2.7 ounce (80ml) size is ideal for newborns and ideal amount for freezing.
- Easy storage in refrigerator or freezer.
- Compatible with medela breastpumps for pumping directly into the container. (Not for use with the Single Deluxe™ breastpump).
- Easy to read volume marks graduated in ounces and milliliters.
- Screw on lids for leak proof seal
- Large panel for writing name, date, and time
- BPA-free.
- Includes 12 - 2.7oz/80ml bottles
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medbreasstor||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_29821982||||||Medela Breastmilk Storage and Feeding Set||storage/feed||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||19.950||19.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Ideally suited for mothers who breastpump. Includes 4 each of 5 oz (150 ml) polypropylene containers; slow flow orthodontic silicone nipples; collars and discs for short term storage; solid lids for long-term storage; caps for traveling or cup feeding; and information on breastmilk collection and storage. Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mebracset||item.||page2||selex||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3619831||||||Medela Breastpump Accessory Set||BreastpumpAccessorySet||selex > ||Medela Pump In Style > ||28.490||28.490 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Breast Pump Accessory Set Includes: - 4 Medela collection containers with solid lids
- 2 Valves & Membranes - compatible with all Medela Breastpumps
- 2 Micro Steam Bags - for daily disinfection of breastpump accessories - good for up to 20 uses per bag
- 2 24mm PersonalFit Breastshields - One piece breastshields - compatible with most Medela breastpumps, including Pump In Style (not for use with Little Hearts or Harmony breastpumps)
- DEHA and BPA free
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medlacbreasr||item.||page2||index||||||||Medela Breastpump Rentals||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||lacdoubpumki ||||Medela Lactina Breast Pumps are available for rent at Self Expressions' retail location in Shalimar, Florida. Breastpump kits may be ordered online, but the Lactina breast Pump Rentals are available only for residents of the Northwest Florida Panhandle area. If you would like to purchase a Lactina Breastpump, please contact us by e-mail or call us toll-free at 1-877-463-3352. We sell the Medela Lactina Select as a "special order item" for $795.00 with free shipping. Because this is a special order item, we will charge a nonrefundable deposit of $600.00 to your credit card before we order this item from the manufacturer. Lactina Breastpumps are ideal for long-term and frequent pumping, making them a favorite of working mothers. Versatile and compact, the Lactina is lightweight (5 pounds) and fully portable. The Lactina is the breastpump used by all hospitals in the local area (Fort Walton Beach, Eglin Air Force Base, Crestview, and Pensacola). The Lactina is designed to provide breastfeeding mothers with the ultimate in safety, efficiency, cleanliness, and ease of use. It can be used with ordinary household or workplace electricity, and when electricity is not available, the Lactina Kit converts quickly to manual operation. All Lactina Breastpumps can be used for single or double pumping with a Medela breastpump kit. Simultaneously double pumping both breasts cuts pumping time in half and can help increase your milk-producing hormone (prolactin). PRICES: (Rental Pumps are for local use only and cannot be shipped.) Rental rates for the Lactina Select: Monthly Rental ...................... .$45.00 3 Month Rental ................. ... .$120.00 Breast pump Kit: A separate pumping kit is required for use with either rental breast pump. If you did not receive a breastpump kit at the hospital, you will need to purchase one in order to use either model of Lactina. Scroll to the bottom of this page to order a breastpump kit or to view pricing information. NEW!!! We also now have the Medela Symphony breastpump available for rental to residents of the local area! For further details on the new Medela Syphony breastpump, visit our "Medela Symphony" page. The Monthly Rental rate for the Medela Symphony breastpump is $65.00 per month or $180.00 for 3 months. Symphony Double Pump kits are available for $45.00, or you can purchase a "Lactina to Symphony Conversion Kit" for $20.00 if you received a Lactina Double Pump kit at the hospital.
We carry everything featured on this website plus many more items at our retail store in Shalimar, Florida. We carry every product available from Medela, including nursing bras, specialty feeding devices, and a complete line of spare parts! We meet with customers at our retail location in the Shalimar Area, by scheduled appointment, on Sunday afternoons and Tuesdays and Thursday at 6:15pm. Please call (850) 651-4500 for further information or to schedule an appointment! ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|breasasforme||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15906554||||||Medela Breastshield Assembly for Medela breastpumps||breastshield||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||9.990||||9.990 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Includes one Medela breastshield, one yellow valve and white membrane. Does not include the reducing insert or collection container. Fits all Medela breastpumps except the Medela disposable kits and the Little HeartsTM manual pump. Buy extras to save time required for washing parts after every pumping session. If you are double pumping with a Pump in Style or Lactina, order in multiples of 2 for the number of times you anticipate pumping each day. The breastshield flange is the original version that is one piece. If you prefer the newer two-part breastshields, order the PersonalFit breastshields instead.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|breasin||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15908498||||||Medela Breastshield Insert 21mm||Insert||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||3.990||3.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Breastshield Insert for standard breastshields. This product reduces the size of the opening in the breastshield for people with smaller nipples.
Please note: This item is unavailable.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mecabrfeniwi||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15916800||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32763418||Medela Calma Nipple without Bottle||CalmaNoBottle||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||19.990||21.990 ||19.990 ||Calma - the unique breastmilk nipple for your baby||mecawi15bo||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Breastfeeding is always best for your baby, but sometimes it is not possible to breastfeed naturally. Calma is an alternative to breastfeeding for mothers wishing to feed their babies with breastmilk. - Enables babies to maintain their natural feeding behaviour learned on the breast.
- Babies can drink, breathe and pause regularly.
- Supports an easy transition from the breast to the teat and back.
- One size is sufficient for the entire breastfeeding period, just as in nature.
- The unique feeding solution for your baby - we recommend introducing a teat when breastfeeding is established.
- Fits all Medela bottles.
For a mother looking for a solution to feed her child breastmilk, Calma is ideal. Calma was developed based on the results of Medela's studies with the University of Western Australia. That's why Calma is the unique nipple for babies who are being breastfed with breastmilk, as it allows them to suck, swallow and breathe, as learned on the breast. Whether you breastfeed or use Calma, the baby has to create a vacuum for breastmilk to flow. As soon as the baby pauses, the flow is stopped, just like with breastfeeding.
Similar to breastfeeding, your baby can: - drink, pause and breathe in its natural rhythm, create its individual vacuum through a combination of tongue and jaw movements,
- retain its natural way of sucking, which supports an easy transition from breastfeeding to feeding breastmilk with Calma and back to the breast.
Visit this link to view a video that shows how the Calma system works.
Package contains 1 Calma Nipple System with no bottle.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mecawi15bo||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15961372||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_32807156||Medela Calma with 150ml Bottle||CalmaBottle||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||21.500||23.000 ||21.500 ||New Calma bottle for breastfed infants||mecabrfeniwi||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Breastfeeding is always best for your baby, but sometimes it is not possible to breastfeed naturally. Calma is an alternative to breastfeeding for mothers wishing to feed their babies with breastmilk. - Enables babies to maintain their natural feeding behaviour learned on the breast.
- Babies can drink, breathe and pause regularly.
- Supports an easy transition from the breast to the teat and back.
- One size is sufficient for the entire breastfeeding period, just as in nature.
- The unique feeding solution for your baby - we recommend introducing a nipple when breastfeeding is established.
- Fits all Medela bottles.
For a mother looking for a solution to feed her child breastmilk, Calma is ideal. Calma was developed based on the results of Medela's studies with the University of Western Australia. That's why Calma is the unique nipple for babies who are being breastfed with breastmilk, as it allows them to suck, swallow and breathe, as learned on the breast. Whether you breastfeed or use Calma, the baby has to create a vacuum for breastmilk to flow. As soon as the baby pauses, the flow is stopped, just like with breastfeeding.
Similar to breastfeeding, your baby can: - drink, pause and breathe in its natural rhythm, create its individual vacuum through a combination of tongue and jaw movements,
- retain its natural way of sucking, which supports an easy transition from breastfeeding to feeding breastmilk with Calma and back to the breast.
Visit this link to view a video that shows how the Calma system works.
Package contains 1 Calma Nipple System with 1 150ml (5 ounce) Medela bottle.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medcolconwit||item.||||habfeedreppa||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15987354||||||Medela collection container with solid lid||bottle/lid||medsparpar > habfeedreppa > ||Medela Spare Parts > Special Needs Feeder Parts (white membrane, yellow disc, yellow collar) > ||3.000||3.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||One 5 ounce Medela collection container with solid lid. Fits all Medela breastpumps. This bottle also fits the Medela Special Needs Feeder.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|connipshiel||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9057483||||||Medela Contact Nipple Shield||Nipple Shield||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||9.500||9.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Medela Nipple Shields, worn over the nipple and aereola, have a special design that allows an uninterrupted flow of breast milk, while providing a larger surface for the baby to latch on to. Medela Nipple Shields offer maximum comfort for mothers whose doctors recommend use of a nipple shield to help with latch-on difficulties. The Contact Nipple Shield offers an open section that allows baby to stay in touch with mother's familiar smell. Because Nipple Shields may diminish the stimulation needed to sustain lactation, they should be used only with the supervision of a professional. This is the most commonly used version of the Contact Nipple Shield, size Newborn (Standard size - 24mm), Medela part number 67203. We also now offer the new size Extra Small - 16mm, Medela part number 67251, and the even newer size Small - 20mm, Medela part number 67218. Select your desired size from the drop-down menu below. The Contact Nipple Shields are sold in packages of one each. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for all orders.||Size: "Standard 24mm" "Small 20mm" "Extra Small 16mm"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medcoolelcon||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/medela-cooling-element-contoured-4.gif||||||Medela Cooling Element - Contoured||ChillNew||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||9.490||9.490 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Contoured Cooling Element. This item has been discontinued due to slow sales, and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medcsfbag50p||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33009327||||||Medela CSF Bags - 50 Pack||CSF||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||19.950||19.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Medela CSF Bag collects and stores breastmilk in the only bags made from an exclusive double process to protect breastmilk from air and moisture. Medela's breastmilk bags provide unmatched protection from oxygen exposure compared to any other disposable mik bag. - Each individual bag is presterilized, assuring maximum hygiene for the baby.
- The bag attaches directly to any Medela breastshield so that mothers can pump directly into the bag and then refrigerate or freeze the milk in the same bag - no need for separate collection and storage containers.
- built-in, easy open pour spout - no need for sterile scissors.
- The area for labelling each bag is outside the milk chamber to protect the purity of the milk.
- Tough air and moisture-barrier walls protect breastmilk and prevent tearing, splitting or cracking under all storage conditions.
- Ideal for hospital or home storage.
Please note, Medela has discontinued the CSF bags and replaced them with the new Pump & Save Bags - click here to order the new Pump & Save Bags.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|daycarrierkit||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28013186||||||Medela DayCarrier Kit||DayCarrier||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||37.950||37.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||For Mom's added convenience! Insulated, discreet black cooler carrier cools and stores up to 4 containers. Even has a slot in top for an ID and a leakproof liner. Can also be used to keep baby food jars or drinks chilled for trips and travel. Can be used in Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps as well as older Pump In Style Traveler and Companion Breastpumps. Includes 1 insulated black cooler bag; 4 polypropylene Medela breastmilk containers; 4 two-piece lids for feeding and 4 solid lids for the safest storage; 4 orthodontic slow flow nipples, 2 caps and cooling element. Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|meddisbrapad||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_2986139||||||Medela Disposable Bra Pads (60 pack)||DisposablePad||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||9.990||9.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Composed of unique moisture-absorbing materials, this new bra pad gives hours of protection and ensures a natural, discreet appearance under clothes by employing contoured pleats to help accentuate the feminine form. Soft adhesive tape keeps the pad in place and prevents pesky shifting. An additional soft layer designed to absorb excess moisture guarantees unrivaled comfort and unparalleled relief for users of this excellent Medela product. Package contains 60 bra pads.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medodemo||item.||page2||medminelbrea||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_5596110||||||Medela Double Deluxe Replacement Motor||DoubleDeluxeMotor||medminelbrea > ||Medela Battery & Manual Pumps > ||89.990||89.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Replacement Motor for Medela Double Deluxe and Double Mini breastpumps - part number 0062010. This item has been discontinued by Medela and os no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medobrpu||item.||page2||medminelbrea||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7215898||||||Medela Double Select (Formerly DoubleEase) Breast Pump||DoubleSelect||medminelbrea > ||Medela Battery & Manual Pumps > ||125.000||212.000 ||125.000 ||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The new Medela DoubleSelectTM replaces the Medela DoubleEase breastpump, at a new lower price, and without the black carrying bag. Model number 67274. For more details on the Double Select and the difference between the Double Select and Pump In Style breastpumps, continue reading this page. Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medoremo||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3922124||||||Medela DoubleEase Replacement Motor||DoubleEaseMotor||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||105.950||146.200 ||105.950 ||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Replacement motor for the Medela DoubleEase breastpump. This is a replacement motor ONLY, and does not include a power transformer. The DoubleEase Motor is covered by a six month warranty. Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|eaexbuhafrpu||item.||page2||noname2||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_15998608||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33029707||Medela Easy Expression Bustier - Hands Free Pumping Bra||EEBustier||noname2 > ||Baby Shower Gifts > ||34.000||34.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Easy ExpressionTM Bustier - an essential Hands-Free Pumping Bra. The patented zip-front strapless design lets you achieve hands-free pumping effortlessly. Read, write, talk on the phone, use a computer, tend to your baby - all while pumping! - Easy To Wear & Use
- Soft & Comfortable
- Zip-up/Zip-front
- Strapless Design
- Works With Most Pumps
- No need to remove nursing bra or blouse
- Cotton & Lycra blend for comfort & softness
- Flexible zipper, backed by a plush white placket
Please note: The following sizing charts are provided as a general guide, but we are not able to make any guarantees that the Easy Expression Bra or Halter will definitely fit if you choose the size based on the sizes depicted in the charts below. The first chart is usually fairly accurate, and much more accurate than the 2nd size chart (which a very generic size chart, but the generic chart is the size chart that the manufacturer has printed on the packaging for these bras.) If you are unsure of your size, we recommend you order the 2 sizes that you think might fit you best and return the other bra for a refund after trying on both sizes. Also, for those customers who wear a size 36C bra, we have found that approximately half of these customers find the size "Medium" to be the best fit and the other half find the size "Large" to be the best fit. If you wear a size 36C bra, we definitely suggest you order one Medium and one Large and then try them both on as soon as you receive the order and then return the one that doesn't fit for a refund. This item is returnable for a full refund as long as you try it on only long enough to see if it fits and you ship it back to us in time for us to receive it within 30 days from the original date of the order. Our complete Return Policy can be reviewed on the "Customer Service" page.
We DO NOT pay for return shipping of bras that do not fit, and we do not pay for free shipping on a second bra if you return a bra for an exchange in size.
THIS FIRST CHART below is usually the more accurate sizing chart:
Sizing chart: | 32 | 34 | 36 | 38 | 40 | 42 | 44 | 46 | 48 | AA | S | S | M | M | L | L | XL | XL | XL | A | S | S | M | M | L | L | XL | XL | XL | B | S | M | M | L | L | XL | XL | XL | XXL | C | M | M | M | L | L | XL | XL | XL | XXL | D | M | L | L | L | L | XL | XL | XXL | XXL | E | M | L | L | L | L | XL | XL | XXL | XXL | F | L | L | L | L | L | XL | XL | XXL | XXL | G | L | XL | XL | XL | XL | XL | XL | XXL | XXL | H | XL | XL | XL | XL | XL | XXL | XXL | XXL | XXL |
THIS SECOND SIZING CHART BELOW is far more generic and is usally less acurate than the more detailed chart shown above, but this generic sizing chart below is what is printed on the packaging material on the back of each bra.
| General sizing chart: | Band Size (inches) | Cup Size | Small | 32-34 | AA-B | Medium | 34-36 | B-D | Large | 38-40 | D-F | X-Large | 42-44 | F-G | XX-Large | 46-48 | G-H | ||"Choose Size" "Small" "Medium" "Large"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mefrsppakit||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16017193||||||Medela Freestyle Spare Parts Kit||FreeStylePartsKit||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||28.490||28.490 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0|||||||| Spare parts for mom-on-the-go! The Medela Freestyle Spare Parts Kit includes two breastshield bodies, membranes and back caps. Will work with both PersonalFit and SoftFit breastshields. Convenient and small enough to keep in breastpump bag for emergencies.
Manufacturer #: 67061
Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mefrbr||item.||page2||selex||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/medela-freestyle-breastpump-1.gif||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33045335||Medela Freestyle® Breast Pump Deluxe Set #67060 ||FreeStyle||selex > ||Medela Pump In Style > ||369.990||379.990 ||369.990 ||Medela Freestyle® Breast Pump Deluxe Set #67060 - portable rechargeable breastpump||mefrsppakit vehligad||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Freestyle is a compact, lightweight double electric breastpump with a rechargeable battery for mobile pumping. - 2-Phase Expression® technology is proven to produce more milk in less time - Daily use - designed for moms who pump several times a day
What is 2-Phase Expression technology? Through research, Medela learned that there are two distinct phases of how babies breastfeed.
1. Stimulation phase - when babies first go to breast, they suck fast and light to stimulate milk flow. 2. Expression phase - after milk flow or "let-down" starts, babies breastfeed with a slower, deeper suck, bringing out more milk faster
With this technology, Medela breastpumps work more like breastfeeding babies.
Features and Benefits
- Double electric, daily use breastpump
- Designed for moms who pump several times a day.
- Compact & lightweight - For mobile pumping.
- Hands-free - Multi-task while pumping.
- Rechargeable battery - Pump anywhere. Battery lasts up to 3 hours on a single charge.
- Two sizes of PersonalFit breastshields - For comfortable & efficient pumping.
- Attractive tote bag - Holds pumping essentials and more.
- Adjustable speed/vacuum combinations - Provide for a comfortable pump setting.
- Digital backlit display - Perfect for late-night pumping sessions.
- One touch let-down button - Produces more milk in less time when pumping at Maximum Comfort Vacuum™ in the expression phase.
- Pumping timer - Conveniently tracks your pump sessions.
- Memory button - Records pump sessions so you can easily return to your favorite pumping pattern.
- Removable Cooler bag with contoured ice pack - Holds 4 breastmilk bottles to keep breastmilk cool.
- All parts that touch breastmilk are made without BPA
IMPORTANT: This is a single user product. Use by more than one person may present a health risk, performance questions, and voids the warranty.
What's Included: - 1 - Freestyle pump
- 1 - Attractive tote bag
- 1 - Lithium ion battery-rechargeable
- 1 - AC adaptor/charger
- 1 - Removable cooler bag and contoured ice pack
- 4 - 5 oz/150 mL breastmilk bottles and lids
- 1 - Double pumping kit
- 2 - Medium (24 mm) PersonalFit™ breastshields
- 2 - Large (27 mm) PersonalFit breastshields
- 2 - Freestyle breastshield connector bodies
- 1 - Set of tubing
- 2 - Membranes
- Instructions for use
- Breastfeeding Information Guide

Important: Plastic bottles and component parts become brittle when frozen and may break when dropped. Also, bottles and component parts may become damaged if mishandled, e.g. dropped, over-tightened, or knocked over. Take appropriate care in handling bottles and components. Do not use the breastmilk if bottles or components become damaged.
Self Expressions has been an Authorized Medela Dealer for more than 22 years (since January 1, 1995). To confirm our status as an authorized Medela Dealer, please visit Medela's "Dealer Locator" website, and type in our zip code, which is 32579. You will see Self Expressions at the top of the list, along with a link to our website. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mefuseunnubr||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_524277||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33082205||Medela Full-Fit Seamless Underwire Nursing Bra F,G,H cups||FullFitUnderwire||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||39.990||42.000 ||39.990 ||Medela Full-Fit Seamless Underwire Nursing Bra in F, G and H cup sizes!||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Seamless Full Fit sizes feature Medela’s exclusive SideLift™ panel for added support and cushioned straps for extra comfort. Exclusive Lace Knit - Stretches and supports in all the right places. One hand release for easy nursing. Drop Cup encourages maximum skin to skin contact between mom and baby. Full Fit cup sizes are F, G & H. Available in Underwire only. Sizes 34F to 42H, and also 44F.
Nude – Style 98
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|meglbrbo8oz2||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33090866||||||Medela Glass Breastmilk Bottles - 8 oz - 2 pack||MedelaGlass8oz2pack||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||19.950||24.950 ||19.950 ||New from Medela! Glass Bottles in 8 oz size!||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.
Choose a breastmilk bottle you can trust, from the #1 choice of hospitals and mothers. Medela's new 8oz Glass Breastmilk Bottle is ideal for collecting, storing and feeding. Made from safe and durable glass, the bottle will retain the breastmilk's beneficial properties. As with all Medela breastmilk bottles, the 8oz works with Medela breastpumps for pumping directly into the bottle. (Not intended for use with the Medela Single Deluxe™ breastpump and the Medela Freestyle™ hands-free pump). These bottles are easy to clean and recyclable.
Glass Breastmilk Bottle - 8oz Model: 87101
Features and Benefits:
- Medium flow, silicone nipple
- 8oz bottle ideal for feeding
- Works with Medela breastpumps for pumping directly into the bottle
- Embossed ounce & milliliter measurements
- Safe and durable glass retains breastmilk’s beneficial properties
- Easy to clean and recyclable
What’s Included: - (2) 8oz Glass Breastmilk Bottles
- (2) medium flow silicone nipples
- (2) 2-piece lids for storage and transport
- (2) nipple caps
- (1) Quick Clean™ Micro-steam™ Bag
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medhanpumkit||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3061704||||||Medela Hands-Free Pumping Kit||Hands-Free Kit||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||10.950||10.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Pumping FreeTM Kit is designed to provide exceptional convenience for busy mothers, with hands free double pumping. When fastened onto Medela's nursing bras, this unique product allows mothers to connect to a Medela electric breastpump (except the Mini ElectricTM) and pump both breasts simultaneously, leaving both hands completely free. The Pumping Free Kit fits the medela standard breastshields which are included with the Pump In Style, DoubleEase and Lactina breastpump kits. Please note: The Pumping Free Kit is not compatible with the ComfortEase or PersonalFit breastshields, which are ordered separately by some customers as alternatives to the standard breastshields. Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mehabr||item.||page2||medminelbrea||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3597949||||||Medela Harmony Breastpump||Harmony||medminelbrea > ||Medela Battery & Manual Pumps > ||34.990||||34.990 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Preferred by 9 out of 10 moms!
Feels more like your baby than any other manual pump. The only manual pump with breakthrough Natural Expression™ pumping for maximum milk flow. First researched and developed for hospital breastpumps, Natural Expression is an advanced pumping pattern that mimics your baby’s nursing rhythm by pumping in two distinct modes:
Let-down Mode—Simulates your baby’s initial rapid suckling to initiate faster milk flow or “let-down.”
Expression Mode—Simulates your baby’s slower, deeper suckling for maximum milk flow in less time.
First and only manual pump with Natural Expression pumping designed for faster let-down and milk flow • SoftFit™ Breastshield massages while you pump • Ergonomic swivel handle for maximum comfort and flexibility • Easier assembly and cleaning—fewer parts than other manual pumps • Compatible with most standard baby bottles • No batteries required
Includes: - 1 Harmony pump
- 1 SoftFit Breastshield
- 2 – 5oz. containers with lids
- 1 bottle stand
- Instructions
- Breastfeeding Information Guide
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|hhazfin||item.||page2||specfeeddev||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_11553543||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33095793||Medela Hazlebaker FingerFeeder||Hazlebaker||specfeeddev > ||Special Feeding Devices > ||29.950||29.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The HazlebakerTM FingerFeeder is a specialty feeding device for use when finger feeding is recommended. Flow-rate system and ergonomic design help baby to pace the feeding. Contains: bulb/tubing assembly; disc; membrane; tubing clamp; tape, and instructions. All Medela bottles are BPA Free for your baby's health! ) Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mehogrbr||item.||page2||index||||||||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||medsymbreas medsymbreasp melasebr lacdoubpumki mesykit unlarekitwib latosycokit mesyveliad mesycaca sydobrkitit6 ||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|melawabrapa||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3264821||||||Medela Lace Washable Bra Pads||LacePads||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||10.500||10.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Medela Lace Washable Bra Pads contain four layers: a lace outer layer, a waterproof layer, an absorbent layer, and an inner layer of soft, brushed flannel. All materials breathe for air circulation. These pads are ideal for working mothers concerned with leaking through and unsightly "milk spots." The pads are seamless and contoured to avoid the "bunched up" appearance of flat pads, and they are washable. Package contains four bra pads. Sorry, but this item has been discontimued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|lacdoubpumki||item.||page2||mehogrbr||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16033893||||||Medela Lactina Breastpump Kits||LactinaKit||mehogrbr > ||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps > ||57.000||57.000 ||||Breastpump kit for Medela Lactina Breastpumps.||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Lactina Double Pumping System sells for $45.00 and contains parts for single or double pumping with a Lactina, or manual PedalPump.
The Lactina Double Pumping System contains: two breastshields, two valve/membrane assemblies, two collection bottles with solid lids, two Lactina tubes; one piston/cylinder assembly, one Pump Connector, and a Lactina instruction booklet.
Note: The Lactina breastpump is not included and must be purchased or rented separately.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|laccoolcar||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16065617||||||Medela Lactina Cooler Carrier||coolercarrier||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||33.500||33.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Insulated cooler carrier has two zippered compartments, one for the breastpump and accessories (fits a Lactina), the other with reflective lining to retain the cold. Bottles and cooling elements are not included, but can be purchased separately on the "Breastfeeding Accessories" page. Padded shoulder strap is adjustable/removable. Zippered outer pocket. Inner storage compartment contains a clear window for baby's photo to be displayed.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|melasebr||item.||page2||mehogrbr||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/medela-lactina-select-breastpump-1.gif||||||Medela Lactina Select Breastpump||Lactina||mehogrbr > ||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps > ||1159.950||1159.950 ||||||lacdoubpumki vehligad||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||||||||Lactina Breastpumps are ideal for long-term and frequent pumping, making them a favorite of working mothers. Versatile and compact, the Lactina is lightweight and highly portable.
For the ultimate in pumping comfort and efficiency, the Lactina Select allows you to select both the speed of the pump and the amount of vacuum. The Lactina's physiological Autocycle™ pumping action is almost identical to baby's natural sucking action. And like all Medela pumps, the Lactina's built-in vacuum release protects you against excessive or prolonged suction. The Lactina is designed to provide breastfeeding mothers with the ultimate in safety, efficiency, cleanliness and ease of use. It can be used with ordinary household or workplace electricity, and when electricity is not available, the Lactina Kit converts quickly to manual operation. All Lactina Breastpumps can be used for single or double pumping with Medela's Advanced Collection™ accessory kits. Simultaneously double pumping both breasts cuts pumping time in half, and can help increase your milk-producing hormone. Includes one Lactina Select breastpump. The Lactina Double Pump Kit (required to use the Lactina breastpump) is sold separately. See link under "related items" on the right hand side of this page if you also need to order the Lactina kit. Please note: The Lactina Select is available as a "Special Order" item only. If you order the Lactina Select Breastpump, we will charge a nonrefundable $600.00 deposit to your credit card before we order this item from the manufacturer. We will ship this breastpump to you free of charge via UPS Ground as soon as we receive it from the manufacturer, usually within one to two weeks. No coupons accepted on Lactina, Symphony, and Pump In Style Breastpumps.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medligsupbox||item.||page2||medcomlinbra||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31491310||||||Medela Light Support Boxer||Boxer||mednurbras > medcomlinbra > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > Medela "Comfort Line" Light Support Bras and Briefs > ||19.990||23.950 ||19.990 ||||||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| Clearance Sale!!! This line of briefs and boxers has been discontinued by Medela. Buy now at incredibly low clearance prices. All sales on clearance items are final, and no returns will be accepted. Order only if you are sure of your size. Sorry, but this item has now sold out in every size and color and is no longer available for ordering. • Availble in 3 colors: White, Nude and Black • Small, Medium and Large • Designed for maternity and post-partum wear  ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medligsupbra||item.||page2||medcomlinbra||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16175888||||||Medela Light Support Bra||SleepBra||mednurbras > medcomlinbra > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > Medela "Comfort Line" Light Support Bras and Briefs > ||27.950||27.950 ||||Medela Comfort Line Maternity and Nursing Bras||100cotwasbra meddisbrapad||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
• Light support bra for day and night wear • Seamless drop cup design • In 3 colors: White, Nude and Black • Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large
||"Color" "White" "Black" "Nude"|^|"Size" "Small" "Medium - White and Nude Only"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medligsupbri||item.||page2||medcomlinbra||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31270860||||||Medela Light Support Brief||MedelaBrief||mednurbras > medcomlinbra > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > Medela "Comfort Line" Light Support Bras and Briefs > ||15.990||19.950 ||15.990 ||Medela Comfort Line Light Support Maternity Brief||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
Clearance Sale!!! This line of briefs and boxers has been discontinued by Medela. Buy now at incredibly low clearance prices. All sales on clearance items are final, and no returns will be accepted. Order only if you are sure of your size. • Availble in 3 colors: White, Nude and Black • Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large • Designed for maternity and post-partum wear  This item is now completely sold out in all sizes and colors and is no longer available for ordering. ||"Color"|^|"Size"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mednurbras||item.||page2||index||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33139863||||||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||medseammolcu medcomlinbra eaexbuhafrpu menucabcobl menucabcowh mefuseunnubr milkshirt medelasleepbra mebithpa matandnewmot 100cotwasbra meddisbrapad memasu meposu medsofnurbra sofbraexsizf medhanpumkit sofbrastrapp eaexha medunnurbrac melawabrapa medunnurbrae ||||Medela Nursing Bras - The only bras designed for hands-free double pumping! Click on the photographs below to view a larger image and a detailed product description, or to add any of these items to your shopping cart. Click here if you are searching for bras that are not designed for nursing, but which have the words "Self Expressions" sewn into the label..||||nursing bras, medela bras, maternity bra, nursing bra, underwire, maternity bras, hands-free, hands free kit, medela pumping-free, pumping free, maternity panties, lingerie, breastfeeding, nursing, lactation, infant, baby, pumping, washable bra pads,Self Expressions||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|matandnewmot||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_2952128||||||Medela Maternity and New Mother Panties||Panties||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||12.500||12.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Medela Maternity and New Mother Panty was designed to coordinate with Medela maternity/nursing bras. This lace-trimmed panty is made of the highest-quality Cotton-Lycra material for maximum comfort and support. It is designed to "grow" and "reduce" with your changing size during pregnancy and postpartum recovery, so it is perfect for both prenatal and post-delivery wear. Available in two sizes: Small/Medium/Large fits hips up to 40", and Queen Size (1X/2X/3X) fits hips 41" to 49". Choose your size based on your pre-pregnancy size. Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||Size "Queen (1X/2X/3X)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|memasu||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_2995727||||||Medela Maternity Support||MaternitySupport||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||24.990||24.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Made of super light, breathable spandex, Medela’s Maternity Support provides maximum comfort and relief for expectant moms. - Helps ease back pain and provides abdominal support
- Gently lifts mom’s tummy to reduce pressure on bladder
- Comfortable against the skin
- Smooth and invisible under clothing
- Size S/M = 23” –27” pre-pregnancy waist,
pre-pregnancy dress size 6-12, Medela item #67010 - Size L/XL – 28” – 34” pre-pregnancy waist,
pre-pregnancy dress size 14-20, Medela item #67011 ||"Size" "Small/Medium" "Large/Extra Large"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medminelmotc||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7738648||||||Medela Mini Electric Motor Conversion Kit||MiniMotCon||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||57.000||57.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Mini Electric Motor Conversion Kit can be purchased if you already have a Medela Manual Breastpump and would like to convert your manual pump into a Mini Electric. It converts all Medela Breastshields (except disposable kits and Little Hearts Manual) to Mini Electric use. Contains motor unit, transformer, container stand, and instructions. Warranty: Six months on motor unit and 90 days on other parts. This pump is for occasional use only and is not recommended for mothers who are working full time outside the home. Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|minelrepmot||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7876384||||||Medela Mini Electric Replacement Motor||MiniMotor||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||46.000||46.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Replacement Motor for the Mini Electric and Single Deluxe breastpumps. Order this item if your Mini Electric or Single Deluxe Motor has died. This is a replacement motor ONLY, and does not include a power transformer. If you need the power transformer also, order the Mini Electric Motor Conversion Kit instead. Part number 0062012. (This motor is NOT compatible with the Medela Double Deluxe and the Medela Double Mini pumps.) Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|colforcolcon||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33147509||||||Medela narrow base Collar/Ring for collection container||ring||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||2.500||2.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| While supplies last!!!!
Collar/Ring for Medela collection containers. This part will not fit the Haberman Feeder, but will accomodate standard nipples and bottles, including the Medela breastmilk storage and feeding set sold prior to 2009. These collars do not fit the new Medela Wide Base nipples sold from May 2009 on Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.
We're sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|disfilrinfor||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16187361||||||Medela Narrow Base Disk (Fills Ring) for collection container||disk||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||1.000||1.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Disk (fills ring) for Medela collection containers. Note - this item only fits the old conventional narrow based nipples and collars. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|menicap||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16198699||||||Medela Nipple Cap||NippleCap||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||2.000||2.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Nipple Cap for Medela bottles. Snaps on top of bottle to protect the bottle nipple. Can also be used as a cup for cup feeding. Does not fit Haberman Feeders. Please note: If you order this item, we will ship this item instead. Both versions of nipple cap are compatible with the old narrow base collars and the new wide base collars.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|menucabcobl||item.||page2||nucoupsandca||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16342388||||||Medela Nursing Camisole (Bamboo / Cotton) - Black||MedelaCamisoleBlack||nucoupsandca > ||Nursing Covers and Camisoles > ||39.990||44.990 ||39.990 ||Functional fashion from the name nursing mothers trust - Medela! NEW, eco-friendly, bamboo fiber - Ultra Soft, Breathable, Naturally AntiBacterial camisole.||menucabcowh milkshirt momonuco||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| - 67% bamboo/28% cotton/5% spandex. Exclusive of trim.
- Bamboo has natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties
- Bamboo/cotton ensures comfort and breathability with fast moisture absorption
- Scoop-neck detailed with lace trim - adds feminine touch
- One-handed release clasps
- Can be used hands free with Medela FreeStyle Hands-Free breastpump!
- Built-in soft cup frames and elastic shelves for total breast support
- Provides discreet coverage for nursing in public
- Comfortable hip length that will not ride up
- Adjustable shoulder straps
- Stretchy material adjusts to postpartum weight loss
- Machine washable
- Available in small, medium, large and extra-large; order your current t-shirt size
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||Size S||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|menucabcowh||item.||page2||nucoupsandca||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16351414||||||Medela Nursing Camisole (Bamboo / Cotton) - White||MedelaCamisoleWhite||nucoupsandca > ||Nursing Covers and Camisoles > ||39.990||44.990 ||39.990 ||Functional fashion from the name nursing mothers trust - Medela! NEW, eco-friendly, bamboo fiber - Ultra Soft, Breathable, Naturally AntiBacterial camisole.||menucabcobl milkshirt momonuco||||||1||1||1||0|||||||| - 67% bamboo/28% cotton/5% spandex. Exclusive of trim.
- Bamboo has natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties
- Bamboo/cotton ensures comfort and breathability with fast moisture absorption
- Scoop-neck detailed with lace trim - adds feminine touch
- One-handed release clasps
- Can be used hands free with Medela FreeStyle Hands-Free breastpump!
- Built-in soft cup frames and elastic shelves for total breast support
- Provides discreet coverage for nursing in public
- Comfortable hip length that will not ride up
- Adjustable shoulder straps
- Stretchy material adjusts to postpartum weight loss
- Machine washable
- Available in small, medium, large and extra-large; order your current t-shirt size||Size S M XL||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|ornip||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33150057||||||Medela Orthodontic Nipple||OrNip||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||1.850||1.850 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Medela's orthodontic silicone "medium-flow" nipple is recommended for breastfed infants.
Note: These nipples fit Medela's older version of the narrow based collars used prior to the Spring of 2009. Only order these nipples if you already have collars that are compatible, because Medela has discontinued the narrow base collars and they are no longer available for sale. If your bottles have the new Wide Base collars, you will need to order Medela's new Wide Base nipples instead.
Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.
Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medpedpum||item.||page2||medminelbrea||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3664607||||||Medela Pedal Pump||PedalPump||medminelbrea > ||Medela Battery & Manual Pumps > ||59.950||59.950 ||||Medela PedalPump||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Medela's PedalPump Breastpump uses the strong muscles of the leg and foot to make single or double pumping even easier. This pump requires no electricity and features a unique spring in the pump cylinder, which helps you power the pump. The spring cylinder is attached to an attractive, natural wood pedal and base. If you do not already own a Medela Lactina or Universal double pump kit (from the hospital or from a prior breastpump rental), you MUST purchase a Medela Lactina Double Pump kit in order to use the PedalPump. To add a Medela Lactina double pump kit to your shopping cart, visit the Medela Lactina Double Pump Kit link to add the Lactina double pump kit to your shopping cart. Some assembly required.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|perconpairof1||item.||||sofbreaspair||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16365209||||||Medela PersonalFit Connectors - Pair of 2||Connector||breascarprod > sofbreaspair > ||Breast Care Products > Medela SoftFit Breastshield - Pair of 2 > ||7.950||7.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||PersonalFit Connectors - Pair of two each - For use with The new Medela SoftFit and Personal Fit breastshields.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|perconpairof||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16359841||||||Medela PersonalFit Connectors - Pair of 2||Connector||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||12.000||12.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||PersonalFit Connectors - For use with the new SoftFit breastshields and the new PersonalFit Large and Extra Large Breastshields. Pair of two connectors.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|perbreas2eac||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/medela-personalfit-breastshield-assembly-pair-of-2-each-4.gif||||||Medela PersonalFit™ Breast Shields - pair of 2 each||PersonalFitnew||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||15.000||15.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||One size does not always fit all, so Medela developed PersonalFit™ breast shields in a range of sizes to meet every mom's needs. Lactation professionals agree that proper breast shield fit is essential for not only comfort, but also for effective milk expression. Each package contains a set of two Breastshields available in either Standard (24mm), Large (27mm), Extra Large (30mm), or XXL (36mm) flange size. The Standard (24mm) size is the size that is automatically inluded with each Medela breastpump and breastpump kit. This does not include the valve/membrane assembly, but you can use the valve/membrane assembly which is included with the standard breastshields that came with your breastpump, or you can order additional valve membrane assemblies here. How to choose a correctly fitted breastshield. A link to Medela's site which explains how to tell if you need to order Large or Extra Large PersonalFit breastshields. Includes a video that shows proper fit of the breastshield during pumping.||"Select size" "Standard 24mm" "Small 21mm" "Large 27mm" "Extra Large 30mm" "XXL 36mm"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medpisas||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16370577||||||Medela Piston/Cylinder Assembly||piston||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||13.970||13.970 ||||||meadco pumpconnector||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Yellow Piston and White Cylinder assembly for the Medela Lactina or Classic breast pump or to convert a Medela breast shield into a manual pump. As shown. Fits both versions of the Medela Pump Connector (Advanced or Original)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|meposu||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3007010||||||Medela Postpartum Support||PostpartumSupport||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||19.990||19.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Made of super light, breathable spandex, Medela’s Postpartum Support provides the extra abdominal support and control moms need after delivery or abdominal surgery. - Makes mom’s tummy feel tighter and flatter after delivery
- Provides additional comfort while mom recovers after c-section
- Non-bunching design provides full, comfortable support in front and back
- Smooth and invisible under clothing
- Size S/M = 23” –27” pre-pregnancy waist,
pre-pregnancy dress size 6-12, Medela item #67012 - Size L/XL – 28” – 34” pre-pregnancy waist,
pre-pregnancy dress size 14-20, Medela item #67013 ||"Size" "Small/Medium" "Large/Extra Large"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|powtranforme||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3260891||||||Medela Power Transformer for breastpumps (US, UK, & European)||Transformer||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||28.490||28.490 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Replacement transformer for Medela Breastpumps. The standard replacement transformer works in the U.S. and in countries using 110 Volts AC. If you will be using the transformer in a country outside of the U.S., please specify whether you need the UK, European, or Australian type. Use the pull-down menu to specify which transformer you need (Pump in Style, Mini Electric, or DoubleEase). Part numbers for the US version of these transformers: Pump In Style: 9207010 DoubleEase: 9200013 MiniElectric: 9200013 Part numbers for the European version of these transformers: Pump In Style: 9207016 DoubleEase: 9200015 MiniElectric: 9200015 Part numbers for the UK version of these transformers: Pump In Style: 9207023 DoubleEase: 9200017 MiniElectric: 9200017 Please note: The Pump In Style version of this power transformer will not work with the Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps manufactured prior to 2008, but it does work with all versions of the Pump In Style Original, Traveler, Companion and the new Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps manufactured in 2008 or later. (If you have a Pump In Style Advanced breastpump manufactured in 2008 or later, the faceplate will say "9V" instead of "12V".) If you have a Pump In Style Advanced manufactured prior to the year 2008, and it says "12V" on the faceplate, then you would need to order the 12V version of the transformer at this link instead. Please note, due to slow sales, we have discontinued the MiniElectric and DoubleEase Transformers. We are sold out of the US MiniElectric and DoubleEase transformers but still have the UK and European Versions of the DoubleEase transformers in stock. We have also discontinued the UK and European versions of the Pump In Style transformer, but we still have the US version in stock. Please see the information on Medela's website at this link for important information regarding a Safety notice on Medela transformers and for instructions on how to properly store and care for your Medela transformer.||Specify "Pump In Style - US Only" "MiniElectric - UK and European Only" "DoubleEase - UK and European Only"|^|Country US UK European||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medelapowerpak||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28538103||||||Medela PowerPak||PowerPak||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||249.990||249.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Medela PowerPakTM For moms on the go, the PowerPak makes the Pump in Style (or Lactina) breastpumps fully operational where electric outlets are not available. Contains a rechargeable battery, power cord, and a vehicle lighter adapter. 90 day limited warranty. Please note: Due to slow sales, this is a "special order" item that we do not keep in stock. If you order this item, we will place the special order with the manufacturer and then we will ship the order to you as soon as we receive it from the manufacturer, usually in a week to 10 days. If you are ordering other items and you need them sooner, please place a separate order for the other items. Otherwise, your entire order will be shipped as soon as we receive the special ordered PowerPak from Medela.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mepusaba20pa||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16372796||||||Medela Pump & Save Bags - 20 Pack||PumpNSave20Pack||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||9.990||9.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0|||||||| - For collection, storage and freezing of breastmilk
- Compatible with all Medela breastpumps for pumping directly into the bag
- Exclusive self-stick strap attaches directly to breastshield for fast & easy setup
- Leak-proof, easy-to-close zipper top
- Special plastic retains breastmilk’s beneficial properties
- Double-walled for long and safe breastmilk storage
- Pre-Sterilized & disposable
- Chosen for you and your baby - All Medela parts that come into contact with breastmilk are BPA/DEHP Free.
- Contains 20 bags
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mepusabrstba||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16419238||||||Medela Pump & Save Breastmilk Storage Bags - 50 Pack||PumpNSave50||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||19.950||19.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0|||||||| - For collection, storage and freezing of breastmilk
- Compatible with all Medela breastpumps for pumping directly into the bag
- Exclusive self-stick strap attaches directly to breastshield for fast & easy setup
- Leak-proof, easy-to-close zipper top
- Special plastic retains breastmilk’s beneficial properties
- Double-walled for long and safe breastmilk storage
- Pre-Sterilized & disposable
- Chosen for you and your baby - All Medela parts that come into contact with breastmilk are BPA/DEHP Free.
- Contains 50 bags
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|pumpconnector||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16465680||||||Medela Pump Connector||PumpConnector||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||8.650||8.650 ||||||tubforpumins||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Pump Connector with Pumping Ring, for use with older versions of Medela Advanced Collection pumping kits. If you also need to order tubing that will fit this version of the pump connector, click on the tubing shown under "Related Items" on the right side of this page, and choose "Lactina" from the drop-down menu. Click on the photo to view a larger image.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|selex||item.||page2||index||||||||Medela Pump In Style||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||puinstadme mefrbr puinstad puinstadba powtranforme vehligad mebracset puminstylin medsymbreas medsymbreasp melasebr ||||Self Expressions has been an authorized Medela Dealer for over 22 years! All Pump In Style orders include Free UPS Ground shipping!||||pump in style, breast pumps, Pump In Style 2000, medela, Medela, traveler, Traveler, companion, Companion, breast pump, breastpumps, breastpump, basic, Self Expressions, Basic, traveller, Traveller||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medpuminstyl||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_8464768||||||Medela Pump In Style 2004 Breast Pump (Original) - Discontinued||PNS||||||||||||||diveliadvaon dicsf50pavao enaaalbat8ea||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models.
The Pump in Style 2004 - Original breastpump (new model number 57020), with FREE UPS Ground shipping! Free Shipping offer is valid for all 50 United States and APO/FPO addresses. Orders to Alaska, Hawaii, and APO/FPO addresses are shipped via USPS Priority Mail. If you are in a hurry to receive your order, you may purchase an upgrade to UPS 2nd Day Air shipping for $25.
This is the brand new 2004 model, which now includes a AA battery pack to allow you to power the pump with batteries as well as standard electricity! This model is in stock and ready to ship!! Order accessories at the same time as any Pump In Style and save even more. Add the vehicle lighter adapter for $10.00, or add an extra 50 pack of breast milk storage bags for only $12.50 (or add both accessories for only $22.50 more)! Click here to skip the product description and place your order. For complete shipping information, Click Here.
The Original Pump In Style features not only adjustable suction control but variable speed control as well. The Pump In Style provides professional grade performance for today's active mothers. This is the only pump that you can buy that features professional grade performance and the discreet appearance that busy mothers need. The lightweight Pump in Style looks just like a designer shoulder bag, but houses the fully automatic breast pump, and provides storage for the double pumping kit, collection bottles and cooling elements to chill breastmilk.
The Pump in Style Provides: - Double Pumping (A pumping session can be completed in an average of 10-15 minutes when double pumping with this pump!)
- Single Pumping (for those times when you prefer to pump one breast at a time.)
- Fully automatic suck-release cycling
- Adjustable speed control (42-63 cycles per breast, per minute!)
- Professional level suction
- Three suction levels (low, medium, high)
The new Pump in Style includes everything you need: stylish shoulder bag; adjustable pump; double pumping kit (2 standard Medela breastshields with valve/membrane assemblies); four Medela bottles; starter pack of Collection Storage Freezer (CSF) bags; three cooling elements; manual pump conversion kit; two spare membranes; two bottle stands; Medela AC adapter for electric use; window to store a photo of your baby to assist with let down; sample of PureLan 100 lanolin cream; Also now includes NEW AA battery pack! The Battery pack allows you to power the breastpump with 8 AA batteries when electricity is not available.; This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mepuinstadli||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7079339||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33151491||Medela Pump In Style Advanced Limited Edition ||PNSLimited||||||||||||Fall 2006 Pump In Style Advanced Limited Edition in Chocolate Brown with Blue Trim||||||||1||1||1||0|||||||| PRODUCT:
This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models.
Featuring a Limited Edition Bag in Chocolate Brown with Blue trim. The bag has been optimized for easy storage of the pump, accessories, and breast milk. The stylish messenger bag design and color scheme make it the perfect bag for other uses after mom is done pumping! Shoulder strap is reversible with periwinkle on one side and brown on the other side. The motor performance and features are identical to the Pump In Style Advanced.
CONTENTS: - Pump In Style Advanced Motor
- Roomy, Stylish Chocolate Brown and Blue trim Messenger Bag in durable and stain resistant material - Has endless uses when mom is finished pumping. Strap is fully adjustable and reversible
- Removable Pump Motor Bag with pockets and convenient carry strap
- Color coordinated cooler Bag, with 4 Medela Collection Containers and one cooling element, keeps milk cool for 12 hours
- Sturdy work surface, the perfect solution for pumping on the go
- Two mesh bags to organize and store parts and pieces
- AC power transformer
- Battery pack which allows the pump to be powered with AA batteries (Batteries not included).
- Manual pump adapter
MARKET: This version of the Pump In Style will not be sold in large chain retail stores such as Babies R Us or Target. It will only available from Hospitals, Medela Breastpump Rental Stations (such as Self Expressions), and Juvenile Specialty stores. QUANTITIES: LIMITED EDITION - WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. Medela is only making a small number of these pumps and no more will be available once the limited quantity has all been sold. ORDER YOURS NOW TO MAKE SURE YOU GET ONE BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE! Two Phase Pumping: 
Stimulation/Let-Down Phase - Rapid milk ejection reflex
- Research-proven fixed cycles per minute
- Individually adjustable vacuum for comfort
Expression Phase - Comfort Flow Zone™ for maximum comfort and efficiency—gentle to the breast tissue.
- Adjustable preset combination of vacuum and cycles per minute.
- Supports milk production
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puminstylbas||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9152129||||||Medela Pump In Style Basic 2005 (No Kit) - Discontinued||PNS Basic2005||||||||||||||diveliadvaon dicsf50pavao enaaalbat8ea||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Medela "Pump in Style Basic" 2005 model (model number 57042). This is identical to the brand new Pump In Style Original 2005 (model 57040), but it does not include the double pumping kit. SORRY, This Breastpump is sold out and is no longer available from Medela.
The Pump in Style Basic is a money-saving option for those moms who already own a Medela breastpump kit (either a Medela Universal Pumping System or a Lactina Double Pumping System). This is the same breastpump as the Original Pump In Style 2005, without the breastpump kit and the 20 pack of breastmilk freezer bags. If you were given a Medela double pumping kit at the hospital or if you have purchased your own kit to use with a rented Medela Lactina or Medela Classic breastpump, that same kit is compatible with the Pump in Style Basic. The Pump in Style Basic includes only the breastpump, three cooling elements, an AC power transformer, and the brand new AA "Battery Pak". This pump does not include the 2 breastshield assemblies, collection containers, or the tubing, so you will not be able to use it if you don't already own your own double pump kit (or if you left your tubing attached to the hospital's pump)! This pump also does not include the vehicle lighter adapter. Order this item only if you are confident that you have two Medela breastshields, two yellow valves, two white membranes, and two sets of tubing.
This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medpuminstyl3||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3373781||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33171020||Medela Pump In Style Battery Pack||BatteryPack||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||28.490||28.490 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||AA Battery Pack which can be used to power any Medela Pump In Style breast pumps, including the Pump In Style Original, Pump In Style Traveler, Pump in Style Companion, and all models of the Pump In Style Advanced manufactured in 2008 and later. The Battery Pack uses 8 AA alkaline or rechargeable batteries (batteries not included), and plugs into the power plug opening on the face of any Pump In Style breastpump. 8 AA Batteries will provide approximately 3 hours of pumping time (rechargeable batteries will provide more consistent performance than alkaline batteries). Rechargeable batteries are recommended based on cost savings, performance, and environmental reasons. It is recommended that batteries be replaced or recharged between the 10th and 12th pumping session. AA Alkaline and rechargeable batteries are sold separately below. Medela part number 67553. This battery pack is not compatible with the Pump In Syle Advanced and Pump In Style Advanced Backpack models that were manufactured prior to 2008. If your breastpump transformer has part number 9207010 on it, this is the correct version of the battery pack for your pump. If you have a Pump In Style Advanced manufactured before 2008, and your transformer has part number 9207041 on it, you will need to order this version of the battery pack instead.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medpuminstyl1||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6656740||||||Medela Pump In Style Companion 2003 Breast Pump - Discontinued||Companion||||||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and it is no longer available. Please consider ordering a Pump In Style Advanced, or Freestyle.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puminstyldia||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33177591||||||Medela Pump In Style Diaphram Cap||Diaphram Cap||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||3.200||3.200 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||puminstylpor ||||Please note - this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available. Please call Medela at 1-800-435-8316 for assistance with this item.
The part shown in the photo is the plastic piece on the front of the Original Pump In Style where the tubing is plugged in. This does not include the Port Cap or the Vacuum Regulator Disc (which are sold separately).
Please note that we have a minimum order amount of $10.00.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstor20mo||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31185225||||||Medela Pump In Style Original 2006 model||PNSO2006||||||||||||||eaexbuhafrpu diveliadvaon dicsf50pavao enaaalbat8ea||||||1||1||1||0|||||||| This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models. New for 2006, Medela's most popular personal use breastpump has been redesigned to make it even easier to use! Medela Pump In Style Original, Model number 57040.
Pump In Style Original is designed to maintain your breastmilk supply with daily use. The convenient on-the-go shoulder bag contains everything you need to pump. - Portable convenience offers discreet pumping anywhere
- Customized pumping with adjustable speed and vacuum control
- Fold down bag panel provides stable surface for pump parts
- Removable cooler carrier for safe and easy transporting
- Stylish bag has extra storage pockets inside and out
- Built in bottle holder for added convenience
- Battery Pak for pumping anywhere, anytime
Pump In Style Original 2006, Model 57040 contains the following: - Pump In Style Original Breastpump in a stylish black microfiber bag
- Removable cooler carrier
- Double pumping accessory kit
- Cooling element
- AC adapter
- Battery Pak #67553
- 4 collection containers and lids
- 2 container stands
- Breastfeeding Information Guide
This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puminstylpor||item.||page2||puminstyldia||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33180382||||||Medela Pump In Style Port Cap or Vacuum Regulator Disc||Port Cap or Vacuum Regulator Disc||medsparpar > puminstyldia > ||Medela Spare Parts > Medela Pump In Style Diaphram Cap > ||1.000||1.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Port Cap (shown in top photo) is the white rubber piece which is used to adjust the Pump In Style between the single pumping and double pumping settings. The Vacuum Regulator Disc (shown in lower photo) is the white rubber dial on the face of the Pump In Style Diaphram Cap which is turned to adjust the suction levels between "minimum", "medium", and "maximum". Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.  Please note - Both of these items have been discontinued by Medela and are no longer available. Please call Medela at 1-800-435-8316 for assistance with this item. ||Choose "Vacuum Regulator Disc - DISCONTINUED" "Port Cap - DISCONTINUED"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medpuminstyl2||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7374014||||||Medela Pump In Style Traveler 2004 Breast Pump - Discontinued||Traveler||||||||||||||diveliadvaon dicsf50pavao enaaalbat8ea batcharwit8a batcharwit16||||||0||1||1||0||||||||  This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models. Announcing the brand new 2004 model of the Pump In Style® Traveler, which includes the new AA battery pack, with free UPS Ground shipping! (Model 57024) Free Shipping offer is valid for all 50 United States and APO/FPO addresses. Orders to Alaska, Hawaii, and APO/FPO addresses are shipped via USPS Priority Mail. If you are in a hurry to receive your order, you may purchase an upgrade to UPS 2nd Day Air shipping for $25. Order accessories with your Pump In Style and save even more! Add a vehicle lighter adapter for only $10.00, add a 50 pack of medela CSF breastmilk freezer bags for only $12.50, or add both for $22.50! If you already know you want to order this item, click here to place your order. Otherwise, continue to read the remainder of this page for more details on this product. For complete shipping information, Click Here.
The Pump in Style Traveler is a European designed backpack for hands-free portability for Mom's breastpumping and personal essentials. FEATURES: The breastpump backpack designed with Moms' input. Roomy compartments and a place for all your pumping and personal needs. Leaves your hands free for baby, when commuting, traveling, or shopping during your busy day. Ergonomically designed, padded, adjustable shoulder straps provide additional comfort for Mom or Dad. Removable motor can remain at work during the week for less to carry and more room in the bag! Cooler carrier (DayCarrier) also removes to make storage and transport EASY and discreet. An extra DayCarrier Kit can also be purchased for your added convenience Collapsible interior partitions allow you to configure the bag to your needs. A true multi-use backpack for today's pumping needs and on through your baby's toddler years. Fashionable, discreet black microfiber bags have been specially treated to resist water and stains. Keep their good looks with just a wipe of a damp cloth. The Pump In Style Traveler now includes a AA battery pack, which allows you to power the pump with 8 AA alkaline or rechargeable batteries when electricity is not available! Black microfiber battery pack carrying case fits inside breastpump bag or can easily be attached to the bag strap. The Pump In Style Traveler includes: - microfiber backpack with ergonomic shoulder straps
- removable motor unit (in its own case)
- removable, insulated cooler carrier for breast milk
- additional storage compartments
- double pumping kit with four collection containers and lids
- two container stands
- cooling elements
- manual pump adapter
- CSF breastmilk storage bags starter pack (20 bags)
- PureLan 100 lanolin cream sample
- Instructions, and breastfeeding information guidebook
UL listed, 120 VAC, 60 Hz transformer. Also operates by battery with optional PowerPak, or Vehicle Lighter Adapter (also sold in this site). This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstadba||item.||page2||selex||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/medela-pump-in-style-advanced-backpack-free-ground-1.gif||||||Medela Pump In Style® Advanced Backpack #57062 ||PNSAdvBackpack||selex > ||Medela Pump In Style > ||294.990||299.990 ||294.990 ||Medela Pump In Style® Advanced Backpack #57062||me9vliad eaexbuhafrpu||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Pump In Style Advanced is a daily use breastpump designed for moms who pump several times a day. All Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps offer portable convenience for discreet pumping anywhere.
Available in three bag styles: On-the-go Tote, Backpack and The Metro Bag™.
Featuring the original 2-Phase Expression® technology - only found in Medela breastpumps.
Features and Benefits: - 2-Phase Expression technology with one-touch let-down button
- Produces more milk in less time when pumping at Maximum Comfort Vacuum in the expression phase.
- Daily use - double-electric breastpump
- Designed for moms who pump several times a day.
- On-the-go Tote & Backpack have a built-in pump - The Metro Bag has a removable pump
- For portable, discreet pumping.
- Three stylish microfiber bags to choose from (On-the-go-tote, Backpack, or the Metro Bag) - Holds everything you need to pump.
- Battery pack (The Metro Bag's is in a soft pouch) - Lets you pump anywhere, anytime. 8 AA batteries not included.
- Single knob speed/vacuum adjustments - For comfortable pump settings.
- Removable cooler bag with contoured ice pack - Holds 4 breastmilk bottles and ice pack to keep breastmilk bottles cool.
- All parts that touch breastmilk are made without BPA - Safe for you and your baby.
On-the-go Tote also features: - Built-in bottle holders
- Tubing storage pocket
- Help prevent spills and keeps tubing organized between pumping sessions.
The Metro Bag also features: - Two sizes of PersonalFit breastshields
- Removable pump in a separate bag
- Work surface and mesh storage bags
- For pumping and transport flexibility.
Research shows that babies have two nursing rhythms - an initial, rapid rhythm to promote let-down, then a slower, deeper rhythm once the milk is flowing. Using that research, Medela has improved on its #1 selling pump. The result is the Pump In Style Advanced Backpack, with an innovative two-phase pumping pattern called Natural ExpressionTM. This advanced pumping rhythm makes Pump In Style Advanced feel more like a baby than any other double electric pump. Includes Free UPS Ground Shipping!!Free Shipping offer is valid for all 50 United States and APO/FPO addresses. Orders to Alaska, Hawaii, and APO/FPO addresses are shipped via USPS Priority Mail. If you are in a hurry to receive your order, you may purchase an upgrade to UPS 2nd Day Air shipping for $25.
All 3 styles include:
- Double pumping kit with 24 mm PersonalFit™ breastshields, includes connectors, valves, membranes and tubing.
- Four breastmilk bottles with lids, wide base nipple and travel cap for feeding and storage.
- 1 - 9 volt AC adaptor
- 1 - Battery pack (8 AA batteries not included)
- 1 - Removeable cooler bag and ice pack
- Instructions for use in English/Spanish/French
- Breastfeeding Information Guide
On-the-go Tote & Backpack also include:
- 1 - Black microfiber bag with integrated motor unit
The Metro Bag also includes: - 1 - Versatile messenger bag with removable motor unit in separate bag
- 2 - Mesh storage bags
- 1 - Flexible plastic workspace
- 2 - 27 mm (large) PersonalFit breastshields
- 1 - Soft pouch for battery pack
Important: Plastic bottles and component parts become brittle when frozen and may break when dropped. Also, bottles and component parts may become damaged if mishandled, e.g. dropped, over-tightened, or knocked over. Take appropriate care in handling bottles and components. Do not use the breastmilk if bottles or components become damaged.
Important: Power adaptor care -- Do not wrap cord of power adaptor around the plug body. Do not unplug power adaptor by pulling on cord. If damaged, immediately discontinue use and call Medela Customer Service at 1-800-435-8316.
Two Phase Pumping:

Stimulation/Let-Down Phase - Rapid milk ejection reflex
- Research-proven fixed cycles per minute
- Individually adjustable vacuum for comfort
Expression Phase - Comfort Flow Zone™ for maximum comfort and efficiency—gentle to the breast tissue.
- Adjustable preset combination of vacuum and cycles per minute.
- Supports milk production
Self Expressions has been an Authorized Medela Dealer for more than 22 years (since January 1, 1995). To confirm our status as an authorized Medela Dealer, please visit Medela's "Dealer Locator" website, and type in our zip code, which is 32579. You will see Self Expressions at the top of the list, along with a link to our website. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstad||item.||page2||selex||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/medela-pump-in-style-advanced-on-the-go-tote-free-ground-1.gif||||||Medela Pump In Style® Advanced On-the-go Tote #57063 ||PNSAdvancedOnTheGoTote||selex > ||Medela Pump In Style > ||294.990||299.990 ||294.990 ||Medela Pump In Style® Advanced On-the-go Tote #57063||eaexbuhafrpu me9vliad mebracset||||Usually ships the next business day||1||1||1||0||||||||Pump In Style Advanced is a daily use breastpump designed for moms who pump several times a day. All Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps offer portable convenience for discreet pumping anywhere.
Available in three bag styles: On-the-go Tote, Backpack and The Metro Bag™.
Featuring the original 2-Phase Expression® technology - only found in Medela breastpumps.
Features and Benefits: - 2-Phase Expression technology with one-touch let-down button
- Produces more milk in less time when pumping at Maximum Comfort Vacuum in the expression phase.
- Daily use - double-electric breastpump
- Designed for moms who pump several times a day.
- On-the-go Tote & Backpack have a built-in pump - The Metro Bag has a removable pump
- For portable, discreet pumping.
- Three stylish microfiber bags to choose from (On-the-go-tote, Backpack, or the Metro Bag) - Holds everything you need to pump.
- Battery pack (The Metro Bag's is in a soft pouch) - Lets you pump anywhere, anytime. 8 AA batteries not included.
- Single knob speed/vacuum adjustments - For comfortable pump settings.
- Removable cooler bag with contoured ice pack - Holds 4 breastmilk bottles and ice pack to keep breastmilk bottles cool.
- All parts that touch breastmilk are made without BPA - Safe for you and your baby.
On-the-go Tote also features: - Built-in bottle holders
- Tubing storage pocket
- Help prevent spills and keeps tubing organized between pumping sessions.
The Metro Bag also features: - Two sizes of PersonalFit breastshields
- Removable pump in a separate bag
- Work surface and mesh storage bags
- For pumping and transport flexibility.
Research shows that babies have two nursing rhythms - an initial, rapid rhythm to promote let-down, then a slower, deeper rhythm once the milk is flowing. Using that research, Medela has improved on its #1 selling pump. The result is the Pump In Style Advanced Backpack, with an innovative two-phase pumping pattern called Natural ExpressionTM. This advanced pumping rhythm makes Pump In Style Advanced feel more like a baby than any other double electric pump. Includes Free UPS Ground Shipping!!Free Shipping offer is valid for all 50 United States and APO/FPO addresses. Orders to Alaska, Hawaii, and APO/FPO addresses are shipped via USPS Priority Mail. If you are in a hurry to receive your order, you may purchase an upgrade to UPS 2nd Day Air shipping for $25.
All 3 styles include:
- Double pumping kit with 24 mm PersonalFit™ breastshields, includes connectors, valves, membranes and tubing.
- Four breastmilk bottles with lids, wide base nipple and travel cap for feeding and storage.
- 1 - 9 volt AC adaptor
- 1 - Battery pack (8 AA batteries not included)
- 1 - Removeable cooler bag and ice pack
- Instructions for use in English/Spanish/French
- Breastfeeding Information Guide
On-the-go Tote & Backpack also include:
- 1 - Black microfiber bag with integrated motor unit
The Metro Bag also includes: - 1 - Versatile messenger bag with removable motor unit in separate bag
- 2 - Mesh storage bags
- 1 - Flexible plastic workspace
- 2 - 27 mm (large) PersonalFit breastshields
- 1 - Soft pouch for battery pack
Important: Plastic bottles and component parts become brittle when frozen and may break when dropped. Also, bottles and component parts may become damaged if mishandled, e.g. dropped, over-tightened, or knocked over. Take appropriate care in handling bottles and components. Do not use the breastmilk if bottles or components become damaged.
Important: Power adaptor care -- Do not wrap cord of power adaptor around the plug body. Do not unplug power adaptor by pulling on cord. If damaged, immediately discontinue use and call Medela Customer Service at 1-800-435-8316.
Two Phase Pumping:

Stimulation/Let-Down Phase - Rapid milk ejection reflex
- Research-proven fixed cycles per minute
- Individually adjustable vacuum for comfort
Expression Phase - Comfort Flow Zone™ for maximum comfort and efficiency—gentle to the breast tissue.
- Adjustable preset combination of vacuum and cycles per minute.
- Supports milk production
Self Expressions has been an Authorized Medela Dealer for more than 22 years (since January 1, 1995). To confirm our status as an authorized Medela Dealer, please visit Medela's "Dealer Locator" website, and type in our zip code, which is 32579. You will see Self Expressions at the top of the list, along with a link to our website. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstadme||item.||page2||selex||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/pump-in-style-advanced-metro-1.gif||||||Medela Pump In Style® Advanced The Metro Bag™ #57036 ||Metro||selex > ||Medela Pump In Style > ||339.990||359.990 ||339.990 ||Medela Pump In Style® Advanced The Metro Bag™ #57036 ||me9vliad||||||1||1||1||0||||me9vliad ||||Pump In Style Advanced is a daily use breastpump designed for moms who pump several times a day. All Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps offer portable convenience for discreet pumping anywhere.
Available in three bag styles: On-the-go Tote, Backpack and The Metro Bag™.
Featuring the original 2-Phase Expression® technology - only found in Medela breastpumps.
Features and Benefits: - 2-Phase Expression technology with one-touch let-down button
- Produces more milk in less time when pumping at Maximum Comfort Vacuum in the expression phase.
- Daily use - double-electric breastpump
- Designed for moms who pump several times a day.
- On-the-go Tote & Backpack have a built-in pump - The Metro Bag has a removable pump
- For portable, discreet pumping.
- Three stylish microfiber bags to choose from (On-the-go-tote, Backpack, or the Metro Bag) - Holds everything you need to pump.
- Battery pack (The Metro Bag's is in a soft pouch) - Lets you pump anywhere, anytime. 8 AA batteries not included.
- Single knob speed/vacuum adjustments - For comfortable pump settings.
- Removable cooler bag with contoured ice pack - Holds 4 breastmilk bottles and ice pack to keep breastmilk bottles cool.
- All parts that touch breastmilk are made without BPA - Safe for you and your baby.
On-the-go Tote also features: - Built-in bottle holders
- Tubing storage pocket
- Help prevent spills and keeps tubing organized between pumping sessions.
The Metro Bag also features: - Two sizes of PersonalFit breastshields
- Removable pump in a separate bag
- Work surface and mesh storage bags
- For pumping and transport flexibility.
Research shows that babies have two nursing rhythms - an initial, rapid rhythm to promote let-down, then a slower, deeper rhythm once the milk is flowing. Using that research, Medela has improved on its #1 selling pump. The result is the Pump In Style Advanced Backpack, with an innovative two-phase pumping pattern called Natural ExpressionTM. This advanced pumping rhythm makes Pump In Style Advanced feel more like a baby than any other double electric pump. Includes Free UPS Ground Shipping!!Free Shipping offer is valid for all 50 United States and APO/FPO addresses. Orders to Alaska, Hawaii, and APO/FPO addresses are shipped via USPS Priority Mail. If you are in a hurry to receive your order, you may purchase an upgrade to UPS 2nd Day Air shipping for $25.
All 3 styles include:
- Double pumping kit with 24 mm PersonalFit™ breastshields, includes connectors, valves, membranes and tubing.
- Four breastmilk bottles with lids, wide base nipple and travel cap for feeding and storage.
- 1 - 9 volt AC adaptor
- 1 - Battery pack (8 AA batteries not included)
- 1 - Removeable cooler bag and ice pack
- Instructions for use in English/Spanish/French
- Breastfeeding Information Guide
On-the-go Tote & Backpack also include:
- 1 - Black microfiber bag with integrated motor unit
The Metro Bag also includes: - 1 - Versatile messenger bag with removable motor unit in separate bag
- 2 - Mesh storage bags
- 1 - Flexible plastic workspace
- 2 - 27 mm (large) PersonalFit breastshields
- 1 - Soft pouch for battery pack
Important: Plastic bottles and component parts become brittle when frozen and may break when dropped. Also, bottles and component parts may become damaged if mishandled, e.g. dropped, over-tightened, or knocked over. Take appropriate care in handling bottles and components. Do not use the breastmilk if bottles or components become damaged.
Important: Power adaptor care -- Do not wrap cord of power adaptor around the plug body. Do not unplug power adaptor by pulling on cord. If damaged, immediately discontinue use and call Medela Customer Service at 1-800-435-8316.
Two Phase Pumping:

Stimulation/Let-Down Phase - Rapid milk ejection reflex
- Research-proven fixed cycles per minute
- Individually adjustable vacuum for comfort
Expression Phase - Comfort Flow Zone™ for maximum comfort and efficiency—gentle to the breast tissue.
- Adjustable preset combination of vacuum and cycles per minute.
- Supports milk production
Self Expressions has been an Authorized Medela Dealer for more than 22 years (since January 1, 1995). To confirm our status as an authorized Medela Dealer, please visit Medela's "Dealer Locator" website, and type in our zip code, which is 32579. You will see Self Expressions at the top of the list, along with a link to our website. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mequclanwi||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_16557187||||||Medela Quick Clean Breastpump Wipes||QuickCleanWipes||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||8.990||8.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Unique wipes allow easy and convenient cleaning without soap and water — package of 24 pre-moistened wipes is small enough to carry anywhere. #87055 - Use anywhere - ideal for in the car, at work, travel and more
- Unscented, alcohol and bleach free
- Efficient – Just one wipe cleans both breastshields, valves and membranes.
- Multi-purpose – Cleans breastpumps and accessories as well as tables, high chairs,changing tables and other hard non-porous surfaces.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mequclbrwiin||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_17461918||||||Medela Quick Clean Breastpump Wipes - Individually Wrapped||QCWipesWrapped40||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||17.990||17.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Unique wipes allow easy and convenient cleaning without soap and water — package of 40 individually wrapped pre-moistened wipes is small enough to carry anywhere. #87059 - Use anywhere - ideal for in the car, at work, travel and more
- Unscented, alcohol and bleach free
- Efficient – Just one wipe cleans both breastshields, valves and membranes.
- Multi-purpose – Cleans breastpumps and accessories as well as tables, high chairs,changing tables and other hard non-porous surfaces.
- Package contains 40 individually wrapped wipes.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medseammolcu||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18195543||||||Medela Seamless Nursing Bras||seamless||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||34.000||36.000 ||34.000 ||||100cotwasbra meddisbrapad||||||1||1||1||0||||||||
New from Medela - the seamless cup bra line, available in sizes 34B to 42DD, in both softcup (Style 39) and underwire (Style 36)! Available in Nude, Black or White! For the woman in you, the Medela seamless bra provides a smooth, natural line under everyday tee shirts...or an elegant lacy blouse. The molded stretch cup features a delicate lacy pattern sewn right into the fabric. It is this unique fabric that is key to how the bra comfortably accommodates fluctuating breast size, while maintaining cool comfort and flexibility. The specially designed two-piece cup features a unique one-hand outer cup release that opens easily to breastfeed baby. This same cup design also provides strong but gentle support to mothers-in-waiting. These bras are designed to work with the Medela hands-free pumping kit. The top left photo shows the underwire style, with wide straps, and the lower right photo shows the softcup style, with thin straps. All B and C cup sizes are made with the thinner straps (both softcup and underwire styles). All D, and DD cup bras, (both softcup and underwire styles), feature the wider straps as shown in the top photo. Seamless Underwire bras are listed by Medela as Style 36, and Seamless Softcup nursing bras are listed as Style 39. Black bras are available in softcup only. We have discontinued the Black Underwire bras due to slow sales, and we have some sizes left on our clearance page while supplies last. Please visit our Clearance Page if you wish to order a Black Underwire bra.||"Color" "White" "Nude" "Black - Softcup only"|^|"Size and Style" "Softcup 34C" "Softcup 34D" "Softcup 34DD" "Softcup 36B" "Softcup 36C - White and Nude Only" "Softcup 36DD - White only" "Softcup 38B - White and Nude Only" "Softcup 38C" "Softcup 38DD" "Softcup 40C - White and Nude Only" "Softcup 40D" "Softcup 40DD Nude and Black Only" "Underwire 34B" "Underwire 34C" "Underwire 34D" "Underwire 34DD" "Underwire 36B" "Underwire 36C" "Underwire 36D" "Underwire 38B" "Underwire 38C" "Underwire 38D" "Underwire 38DD - White and Nude only" "Underwire 40C" "Underwire 40D - Nude Only" "Underwire 40DD - Nude Only" "Underwire 42D"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medminelbrea1||item.||page2||medminelbrea||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6271956||||||Medela Single Deluxe (Formerly Mini Electric) Breast Pump||Mini Electric||medminelbrea > ||Medela Battery & Manual Pumps > ||75.000||75.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Mini ElectricTM Breastpump - Only $75.00! The shipping fee for the Mini Electric is $7.00 if ordered by itself (or if the total amount of your order is $99.99 or less). The ideal, fully automatic breastpump for short term separation of mother and baby. The Mini Electric pumps one breast at time at a speed of approximately 35 cycles per minute. The lightweight, completely portable Mini Electric offers unmatched versatility and convenience ... Use the pump's companion transformer (included) to plug into any electric outlet or power your pump with two AA batteries (not included). Unlike other handheld electric or battery breastpumps, the Mini Electric automatically releases pressure and cycles to imitate your baby. Adjustable vacuum controls enable each woman to match her own comfort level. Warranty: This pump has a six month limited warranty on the motor unit and a 90 day limited warranty on other parts, through the manufacturer. The Mini Electric is recommended only for occasional mother-baby separation. It is not recommended for women who work full time outside the home. If you are employed outside the home, or attending school, and must be separated from your baby on a regular basis, the Pump In Style (or a Lactina rental) would be the breastpump which is recommended for your situation. See the Info Page for further details on breastpump product warranties. Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medelasleepbra||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_625467||||||Medela Sleep Bra||NewSleepBra||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||17.950||17.950 ||||New Medela Sleep Bra - Designed for Nighttime Comfort||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Available now in: Sizes: S / M / L / XL Color: White Material: 95% Cotton/5% Spandex Luxurious combed cotton for breathability and no tag design ensures comfort while sleeping Easy drawback cup design for convenient nighttime nursing Easy to wear racerback style Designed to keep nursing pads in place to avoid nighttime leaks From Medela, the name nursing mothers trust  ||Size Small Medium Large "Extra Large"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|snsreptub||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9433533||||||Medela SNS Replacement Tubing||SNS tubing||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||9.000||9.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Replacement tubing for the Medela Supplemental Nursing System (SNS). Includes one set of tubing in the size of your choice (the photo above displays one of each size of tubing, but your order will include only one set of tubing in the size that you select.) Use the "down arrow" adjacent to the "order button" to specify which size you need ("Medium/White", "Large/Clear", or "Small/Red"). If you need more than one size of tubing, add each size to the shopping cart, one at a time, by using the drop-down menu and clicking on the order button. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.
Please note - the Manufacturer of the SNS, Medela, has discontinued the sale of individual replacement tubes. We are now completely sold out of all sizes of replacement tubing.||Size "Small Red"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|sofbraexsizf||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3049668||||||Medela Softcup nursing bra Extended Sizes (F/G/H cups)||BRABIG||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||40.700||40.700 ||||||medhanpumkit 100cotwasbra meddisbrapad||||||0||1||1||0||||||||The Medela softcup nursing/maternity bra (style 37) is available in extended sizes - ranging from 36F to 46H. This bra also works with hands-free pumping (if you purchase the optional Pumping Free attachment kit.) The extended range (F/G/H cup) bras feature a unique frame structure - SoftLiftTM and also include padded shoulder straps for extra comfort. Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available. Please try one of our other styles of Medela bras instead.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medsofnurbra||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3015827||||||Medela Softcup Nursing Bras - SOLD OUT||softcup nursing bra||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||16.990||32.600 ||16.990 ||||medhanpumkit 100cotwasbra meddisbrapad||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Medela Softcup Maternity and Nursing Bras, 32B-42DD Clearance Sale!!! This line of bras has been discontinued by Medela. Buy now at incredibly low clearance prices. All sales on these bras are final, and no returns will be accepted. Order only if you are sure of your size. WE HAVE NOW SOLD OUT OF ALL BRAS IN THIS STYLE IN EVERY SIZE. The Medela softcup nursing bra (Style 37) provides extra support with a smooth, comfortable design. This bra was designed for hands-free pumping with the optional Medela hands-free pumping kit. Please select the appropriate size from the adjacent pull-down menu.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|softfeeder||item.||page2||specfeeddev||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6773155||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33183799||Medela SoftFeeder||SoftFeeder||specfeeddev > ||Special Feeding Devices > ||31.280||30.990 ||31.280 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Medela SoftFeeder is a specialty feeding device for use when cup feeding is recommended. Soft silicon construction and special fluid reservoir controls fluid unlike regular cups. Contains: 80 ml collection container; silicon reservoir; collar; disc; white membrane, and instructions. All Medela bottles are BPA Free for your baby's health! ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|sofbreaspair||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_26200123||||||Medela SoftFit Breastshield - Pair of 2||SoftFit||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||14.950||14.950 ||||A breakthrough in breastshield design - only by Medela||sofforsorori purcream13oz soothies amcohypa lansinohcream||||||0||1||1||0||||perconpairof1 valasoneeac ||||Sorry - this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.
Try the brand new SoftFit breastshield by Medela! This is a new and improved replacement for the Medela breastshields formerly known as "PersonalEase" or "ComfortEase"
- A soft massaging breastshield that comfortably and effectively stimulates the breast and areola.
- Imitates a baby's sucking action on the breast better than any other shield.
- The shield provides baby-like action during pumping, helping to encourage milk flow.
- Soft sides of the shield massage the mother while pumping.
- Works with all Medela pumps and kits except for Little HeartsTM Manual Breastpump.
- SoftFit Breastsheilds are intended for standard size nipples.
Please note: PersonalFit Connectors are required, and they are sold separately below for $7.95 per pair. The SoftFit shield does not include the valve/membrane assembly, but you can use the valve membrane assemblies that were included with the standard breastshields when you purchased your breastpump. Additional valve/membrane assemblies can be ordered below. This breastshield is not compatible with the Medela Hands-Free pumping kit.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|sofforsorori||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18201609||||||Medela SoftShells for Sore or Inverted Nipples||Softshells||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||16.950||16.950 ||||||purcream13oz soothies amcohypa lansinohcream||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Medela SoftShells for Sore or Inverted Nipples Medela SoftShells have a streamlined, close fitting shape that creates a flattering appearance and they also have a soft silicone back for a comfortable fit. Highly absorbent foam inserts offer optimal protection against leakage. Softshells for inverted nipples have a smaller opening in the back and can be used to draw out flat or inverted nipples. SoftShells for sore nipples have a larger opening which protects sore nipples, but does not cause them to protude as the Inverted Nipple shells do. Shells and backs are dishwasher safe. Please use the "drop-down" menu to specify your preference between SoftShells for Sore Nipples or for Inverted Nipples.||Choose: "Sore Nipples" "Inverted Nipples"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|sofbrastrapp||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3106196||||||Medela SoftSupport Bra Strap Pads||SoftSupport||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||12.950||12.950 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Detachable, adjustable bra strap pads attach with Velcro to bra straps for extra comfort. Set of 4 machine washable pads. Sorry, this item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|solidlid||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18208131||||||Medela Solid Lid||lid||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||4.700||4.700 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Solid lid for Medela collection containers. When we order these parts from the manufacturer, the lids that we receive are sometimes yellow, as shown in the photo, and they are sometimes clear. Both versions are identical in form, fit and function, and they have a universal thread. Either color of lid will fit any Medela bottle or collection container. We will ship whichever color of lid that we have in our inventory at the time you place your order. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medsparpar||item.||page2||index||||||||Medela Spare Parts||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||mebracset breasasforme whitemembranes valas tuforpuinsto tuforpuinsta breasin powtranforme potrforpuins sofbreaspair perbreas2eac perconpairof medbotwitsol me8ozcocobo me9vpovead6 vehligad me9vliad mesyveliad coolel meni3 mebrbosppaki mefrsppakit habfeedteat habfeedreppa snsreptub solidlid colforcolcon noname3 menicap mewibanicap mewibadi disfilrinfor medbotstan medpuminstyl3 bapaforpuins noname1 pumpconnector medpisas meadco reforso mesymecapand tubforpumins meturesh puinstadfare puinstordica tuformelapao tuformedopao medoremo medodemo puminstyldia medcoolelcon ornip minelrepmot puminstylpor pocapformepu1 pocapformepu medminelmotc diapcapasnew dicapforpuin puinstaddica1 puinstadfa60 puinstaddica clasbarfil ||||Click on the photos below for a more detailed product description or to add any of these items to your shopping cart. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum (before shipping fees) for all orders, and ensure that your order subtotal is at least $10.00 before final checkout. Please note that all replacement parts are personal use items and are NOT returnable for refund. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|habermanfeeder||item.||page2||specfeeddev||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18215960||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33227869||Medela Special Needs Feeder ||Special Needs Feeder||specfeeddev > ||Special Feeding Devices > ||29.360||36.700 ||29.360 ||||medbotwitsol habfeedteat noname yeldisforhab habcolnewver||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The Medela Special Needs Feeder is a specialized feeder designed for babies with cleft palate and other special feeding problems. It can also be helpful with colic. This type of feeder rewards babies who have even the weakest feeding effort. The one-way valve prevents flooding and overwhelming the baby. If you already know which type of Feeder you would like to order, click here to skip the detailed product descriptions and place your order. Otherwise, continue reading, as we have provided extensive details on the Special Needs Feeder products below: There are three types of Special Needs Feeder from which to choose. The regular Special Needs Feeder is available with your choice of two sizes of collection container: 80 ml and 150 ml. We also offer the Mini Special Needs feeder which has a shorter teat and is designed for smaller or premature infants with special feeding problems. The Mini Special Needs Feeder includes an 80 ml collection bottle. Please select the appropriate choice from the "pull-down" menu next to the "order" button. All versions of the Special Needs Feeder contain: collection container; teat; collar; disc; white membrane; and instructions. Aditional information: Special design features make the Special Needs Feeder uniquely responsive to the baby's nursing efforts. The slit-valve in the teat regulates milk flow from zero to maximum, depending on its orientation in the baby's mouth. As milk is drawn out of the teat by even the slightest action of the baby's tongue and gums, air enters the bottle at the same rate through an inlet groove in the disc. Consequently, there is no turbulence. Milk flows in only one direction - into the reservoir behind the teat. The reservoir always remains full, and none of the baby's effort is wasted. If the baby cannot nurse at all, or needs a little help, the caregiver can sqeeze and release a limited amount of milk (about 1/4 teaspoon) from the reservoir into the baby's mouth. The Special Needs Feeder never floods. Enlarging the hole of an ordinary nipple does not solve your feeding problems. Your baby cannot stop the flow of feed in order to relax and breathe. Panic and choking soon result. The Special Needs Feeder has a slit-valve in the mouthpiece which opens only when your baby sucks. Your baby has complete control and is never overwhelmed. It also has the advantage of variable flow. Graduation from a large opening, down to a shut position, can be achieved to suit the individual needs of your baby. Whichever opening you select, it will always shut between sucks. The Special Needs Feeder may reduce gas, vomiting, and colic. Many babies swallow air while using some ordinary feeders. This is because a vaccum builds up inside the system and the baby must release his lips from the teat to allow air back in. Consequently, air is swallowed with the next mouthful of feed causing gas, vomiting and colic. The Special Needs Feeder may reduce air-swallowing. It has a special air inlet groove which allows air in at the same rate as feed is released from the system. There is no vacuum to work against your baby's sucking efforts and air-swallowing is avoided.
All Medela bottles are BPA Free for your baby's health! ||Type "Special Needs Feeder with 80 ml (3 oz) bottle" "Mini-Special Needs Feeder with 3 oz bottle" "Special Needs Feeder with 150 ml (5 oz) bottle"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medsprinexma||item.||page2||medminelbrea||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_5967857||||||Medela SpringExpress Manual Breastpump||SpringExpress||medminelbrea > ||Medela Battery & Manual Pumps > ||35.000||35.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available. For the breastfeeding mother who wants short-term pumping with a manual breastpump, the SpringExpress Manual Breastpump by Medela is the answer. Manual pumping takes less energy with the pump's ExpressSpring inside the pumping mechanism. This spring makes it easier to pull out the piston and create suction. The SpringExpress also features a Comfort Cushion to pad the palm of your hand. Medela's SpringExpress Breastpump offers unique comfort and efficiency by manual pumping in a rhythm that is just like an actual nursing infant's sucking rhythm. This suck-release-relax cycle effectively draws milk out of the breasts, while helping stimulate the breasts to produce more milk. An adjustable vacuum allows you to select the suction level that is most comfortable for you. The pump also includes a spring which helps power the pump.
The pump can easily be taken apart for cleaning and is dishwasher-safe and boilable. The pump also attaches to any standard baby bottle, and all Medela pump kits work with Medela CSF bags for convenient milk collection and storage. (#67103)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|startersns||item.||page2||specfeeddev||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_5388852||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33271939||Medela Starter SNS||SNSstarter||specfeeddev > ||Special Feeding Devices > ||18.640||18.640 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Starter SNS - This product is designed for economical short term use for supplemental feeding (up to 24 hours of use). If you are an adoptive mother, or relactating, or expect to have a long term low milk supply for any other reason, please order the regular SNS above. All Medela bottles are BPA Free for your baby's health! ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|supnursys||item.||page2||specfeeddev||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7592328||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33316009||Medela Supplemental Nursing System (SNS)||SNS||specfeeddev > ||Special Feeding Devices > ||59.950||66.000 ||59.950 ||||||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| Supplemental Nursing System - Helps mothers breastfeed adopted babies, helps with relactation, and is useful with premature babies or low milk supply. With an SNS, the baby is supplemented at the breast, maintaining the important physical contact while stimulating your breast to increase your milk supply. Contains: SNS container; yellow cap and cover; three sizes of tubing; neck cord; valve holder; attachment ring; tape; and instructions. All Medela bottles are BPA Free for your baby's health! ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|meswbrpu||item.||page2||medminelbrea||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_27342368||||||Medela Swing Breast Pump||Swing||medminelbrea > ||Medela Battery & Manual Pumps > ||||||||Medela SwingTM single electric breastpump with 2-Phase Expression technology! Call 1-877-463-3352, option 3 to hear our prices!||||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| Swing is a small lightweight and compact personal use, single electric breastpump featuring 2-Phase Expression technology. It's so compact and lightweight it easily fits into a purse or briefcase. It features easy to use power and vacuum controls plus the exclusive "let-down" button for more efficient pumping. In Swing, the combination of stimulation and expression phases, found only in 2-Phase Expression, is proven to achieve faster milk ejection, faster milk flow, and designed to get more milk in less time. Swing has been designed for mobility. It can be used on a tabletop, on a belt with the convenient belt clip or around a shoulder or neck with the included strap. Swing is comfortable, with its massaging SoftFit breastshield. It is designed for convenience as it fits easily into a purse or briefcase. Swing's adjustable speed and vacuum make it efficient and comfortable. Warranty: Swing has a one year limited manufacturer's warranty on the motor and 90 days limited warranty on other parts. Swing includes: - Motor
- 2 Bottles and lids
- 1 Bottle stand
- SoftFit breastshield
- Carry bag
- Neck/shoulder strap
- AC adapter
- Battery power (4 AA batteries not included)
Self Expressions has been an Authorized Medela Dealer for more than 22 years (since January 1, 1995). To confirm our status as an authorized Medela Dealer, please visit Medela's "Dealer Locator" website, and type in our zip code, which is 32579. You will see Self Expressions at the top of the list, along with a link to our website. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medsymbreas||item.||page2||mehogrbr||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_5924405||||||Medela Symphony Breastpump||Symphony||mehogrbr > ||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps > ||2199.990||2224.990 ||2199.990 ||The Symphony® Breastpump.... Closer to Nature Than Ever||mesyveliad mesykit latosycokit mesycaca||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||||||||As the first and only breastpump to simulate a baby’s two-phase feeding process, Symphony provides natural, comfortable and efficient pumping.
Includes Pumping Program with options for both automatic and manual switching between pumping phases, based on moms’ needs.
Pumping Programs are stored on a Program Card, allowing further Pumping Programs to be implemented in the future by releasing alternate Program Cards as research supports it.
For moms’ convenience, one knob combines vacuum level and the number of cycles per minute in the expression phase.
Moms can switch between single and double pumping simply by adding or removing the second Pump Collection Set.
Specially designed membrane separates Pump Collection Set from pump mechanism, ensuring unmatched overflow protection without compromising vacuum capacity.
LCD Display indicates pumping phase, vacuum level, battery status, and other handling and service information.
Whisper-quiet; the world’s quietest symphony you are happy not to hear….
Available in both a standard and a rechargeable-battery version.
Two-Phase Feeding in Babies Research has shown that a baby’s feeding is not a single continuous action, but rather a two-phase process in which the baby will initially suckle rapidly to stimulate the mother’s milk ejection reflex (MER), and induce milk “let-down”. This phase is referred to as “stimulation”. Once the breast has been sufficiently stimulated, milk begins flowing and the baby settles into a slower, more relaxed sucking speed for the actual feeding phase. This phase is called “expression.”
Two-Phase Pumping Program The Symphony Breastpump produces such fantastic results and comfort because it utilizes a program that closely simulates this natural two-phase feeding pattern. The Two-Phase Pumping Program consists of a Stimulation/Let-Down Phase and an Expression Phase — just like real breastfeeding. The following chart illustrates how the Program works, with some of its benefits listed below:

Stimulation/Let-Down Phase - Rapid milk ejection reflex
- Research-proven fixed cycles per minute
- Individually adjustable vacuum for comfort
Expression Phase - Comfort Flow Zone™ for maximum comfort and efficiency—gentle to the breast tissue.
- Adjustable preset combination of vacuum and cycles per minute.
- Supports milk production
Pumping Program stored on a Program Card, allowing further Pumping Programs to be implemented in the future by releasing alternate Program Cards as research supports it. Includes one Medela Symphony breastpump. The Symphony Double Pump Kit (required to use the Symphony breastpump) is sold separately. The Carrying Case is also sold separately. See link under "related items" on the upper right hand side of this page if you also need to order the Symphony kit and/or the Carrying Case. Please note: The Medela Symphony Breastpump is available as a "Special Order" item only. If you order the Symphony Breastpump, we will charge a nonrefundable $900.00 deposit to your credit card before we order this item from the manufacturer. We will ship the Symphony breastpump to you free of charge via UPS Ground as soon as we receive it from the manufacturer, usually within one to two weeks. No coupons accepted on Lactina, Symphony, and Pump In Style Breastpumps.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medsymbreasp||item.||page2||mehogrbr||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6239362||||||Medela Symphony Breastpump Plus||SymphonyPlus||mehogrbr > ||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps > ||2399.990||2471.990 ||2399.990 ||The Symphony® Breastpump.... Closer to Nature Than Ever||mesyveliad mesykit latosycokit mesycaca||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||||||||The Symphony Breastpump Plus is the same as the Symphony, but is also equipped with 2 internal rechargeable batteries. Includes one Medela Symphony Plus breastpump. The Symphony Double Pump Kit (required to use the Symphony Plus breastpump) is sold separately. The Carrying Case is also sold separately. See link under "related items" on the right hand side of this page if you also need to order the Symphony kit and/or the Carrying Case.
Please note: This brand new product is available as a "Special Order" item only. If you order the Symphony Breastpump Plus, we will charge a nonrefundable $1200.00 deposit to your credit card before we order this item from the manufacturer. We will ship the Symphony Breastpump Plus to you free of charge via UPS Ground as soon as we receive it from the manufacturer, usually within one to two weeks.
No coupons accepted on Lactina, Symphony, and Pump In Style Breastpumps.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mesycaca||item.||page2||mehogrbr||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18264343||||||Medela Symphony Carrying Case||SymphonyCase||mehogrbr > ||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps > ||125.950||125.950 ||||Carrying Case with Shoulder Strap for Medela Symphony and Medela Symphony Plus Breastpumps.||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks.||1||1||1||0|||||||| The Medela Symphony and Symphony Plus breastpumps sold on this site do not include a carrying case, so we are offering the Carrying Case as a special order item for those customers who would like a carrying case for their Symphony breastpump. Like the Symphony and Symphony Plus breastpumps, the carrying case is a "Special order" item that we do not keep in stock. We will place the order with the manufacturer once we receive your order, and we will then ship your order as soon as we receive the special order item from Medela, usually in one to two weeks.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mesykit||item.||page2||mehogrbr||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18334294||||||Medela Symphony Kit||SymphonyKit||mehogrbr > ||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps > ||53.000||53.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Kit for single or double pumping with the Medela Syphony or Symphony Plus breastpump.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mesymecapand||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18355047||||||Medela Symphony Membrane Cap and Protective Membrane||SymphMemCap||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||11.000||11.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Membrane Cap (part number 8100667) and Protective Membrane (part number 8200094) for Medela Symphony breastpumps. Contains one each. Click on the photo to view a larger image.
Sorry, this item is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mesyveliad||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18510784||||||Medela Symphony Vehicle Lighter Adapter||SymphLighter||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||29.950||29.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Powers the Medela Symphony or Symphony Plus Breastpump in a motor vehicle using the vehicle lighter.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|unlarekitwib||item.||page2||mehogrbr||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/universal-lactina-symphony-rental-kit-with-black-cooler-carrier-bag-4.gif||||||Medela Symphony® & Lactina® Rental Kit (Black Nylon) Item #: 67206||RentalKitBlackBag||mehogrbr > ||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps > ||82.000||82.000 ||||Medela Symphony® & Lactina® Rental Kit (Black Nylon) Item #: 67206||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Everything a mother needs to collect, store and transport breastmilk with the Symphony or Lactina breastpump. Lightweight carrier has designer styling that goes anywhere, and adjustable shoulder strap for comfort and easy-care fabric that cleans up with just a damp cloth. Includes insulated bottle storage compartment with separate compartment for the pump and accessories. Just add the Symphony or Lactina rental breastpump.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|metecahypa||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_5485965||||||Medela Tender Care HydroGel Pads||TenderCareHydroGel||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||12.990||12.990 ||||Tender Care Hydrogel Pads Advanced nipple therapy for moms with severe sore or cracked nipples. Each pad provides up to 24 hours of relief.||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Features and Benefits: - Cools on contact for instant relief
- Contoured shape for comfortable fit
- Reusable for up to 24 hours
- Sterile & ready-to-use
- Soothing on their own, or use with Tender Care Lanolin for extra comfort and relief
- Includes 4 Individually wrapped pads
Sorry, this item is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|metecala||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6695911||||||Medela Tender Care Lanolin||TenderCareLanolin||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||9.990||9.990 ||||Medela Tender Care Lanolin - 2 oz tube||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Features and Benefits: - All natural ingredients
- Preferred by moms over other formulas
- 100% safe for mom and baby, with no need to remove before nursing
- Developed to glide on smoothly and gently - no-mess application
- Soothing relief for dry, cracked nipples
- 2.0 ounce tube
- Ingredients: USP Modified Lanolin, C8/C10 Triglycerides, Beta Glucan
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mehobrsh||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_9200558||||||Medela TheraShells (formerly Hobbit) Breast Shells||Hobbit||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||14.500||14.500 ||||||sofforsorori purcream13oz soothies amcohypa lansinohcream||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Vented fronts and interchangeable backs let mothers use the TheraShells (formerly known as Hobbit Breast Shells) for a variety of complications. For sore nipples, the assembled shell is worn between the bra and the breast and protects the nipple from further friction and irritation. The backs with the smaller opening can also be used to help draw out flat or inverted nipples. The large size and number of holes in the front permit proper air circulation. Contains two breastshells and four backs (two for treatment of sore nipples, and two for treatment of flat or inverted nipples.)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|tubforpumins||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33360079||||||Medela Tubing for Pump In Style, Lactina, or DoubleEase - One Tube||tubing||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||4.500||4.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Replacement tubing for Pump In Style, Lactina, or DoubleEase breastpumps. The Pump In Style tubing works with any version of Pump In Style, except the new Pump In Style Advanced. The Lactina tubing works with older versions of Lactina or Classic breastpump kits, and will also fit on any Pump In Style, except the Pump In Style Advanced. Choose the version of tubing that you need from the drop-down menu below (Pump In Style, Lactina, or DoubleEase). Click on the photo to view a larger image. Note: Contains one single tube. Be sure to order two if you need to replace both of your tubes. Please note - the tubes are no longer available for sale individually. They are now sold only in pairs of two. Please choose the appropriate tubing from the top of the "Medela Spare Parts" page.
Pump In Style Part Number: 8007156 Lactina Part Number: 8007062 - The Lactina tubing has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available DoubleEase Part Number: 8087018
Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders.||Specify "Pump In Style" "DoubleEase"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|meturesh||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33501081||||||Medela Tubing Reference Sheet||TubingReference||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||||||||
||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medunnurbrac||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3247730||||||Medela Underwire Nursing Bra||Underwire||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||||||||||medhanpumkit 100cotwasbra meddisbrapad||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Medela Underwire Nursing Bra, cup sizes 32B-42DD Clearance Sale!!! This line of bras has been discontinued by Medela. This item is completely sold out in all sizes. All sales on these bras are final, and no returns will be accepted. Order only if you are sure of your size. The Medela underwire bra (Style 38) was designed for women who normally wear underwire bras and who desire the extra support of an underwire and the comfort features designed into all Medela nursing bras. This bra was also designed for hands-free pumping. Please select the appropriate size from the adjacent pull-down menu.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medunnurbrae||item.||page2||mednurbras||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_3320978||||||Medela Underwire Nursing Bra Extended sizes (F/G/H cups) - SOLD OUT||BRABIGU||mednurbras > ||Medela Maternity & Nursing Bras > ||21.990||40.700 ||21.990 ||||medhanpumkit 100cotwasbra meddisbrapad||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Clearance Sale!!! This line of bras has been discontinued by Medela. Buy now at incredibly low clearance prices. All sales on these bras are final, and no returns will be accepted. Order only if you are sure of your size. Sorry, but these bras have been discontinued by Medela and we have completely sold out of all sizes now. These are no longer available.
The Medela Underwire nursing/maternity bra (Style 38) is available in extended sizes - ranging from 36F to 46H. This bra also works with hands-free pumping (if you purchase the optional Pumping Free attachment kit.) The extended range (F/G/H cup) bras feature a unique frame structure - SoftLiftTM and also include padded shoulder straps for extra comfort.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|valas||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18514778||||||Medela Valve/Membrane Assembly - one each||valve/membrane||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||3.500||3.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Includes one yellow valve and one white membrane (as shown in photo). Please note that this is the newer "offset mount" design of the valve and membrane. Older versions of the Medela breastpumps included a "center mount" valve and membrane, and the white membrane plugged directly into the center of the yellow valve (instead of off to the side.) If you have the older "center mount" version of the yellow valve, the newer "offset mount" membranes (sold on this website) will not fit. Please note that we have a $10.00 Minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|valasoneeac||item.||||sofbreaspair||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18516720||||||Medela Valve/Membrane Assembly - pair of two||valve/membrane2||breascarprod > sofbreaspair > ||Breast Care Products > Medela SoftFit Breastshield - Pair of 2 > ||6.000||6.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Includes two yellow valves and two white membranes. Please note that this is the newer "offset mount" design of the valve and membrane. Older versions of the Medela breastpumps included a "center mount" valve and membrane, and the white membrane plugged directly into the center of the yellow valve (instead of off to the side.) If you have the older "center mount" version of the yellow valve, the newer "offset mount" membranes (sold on this website) will not fit. Please note that we have a $10.00 Minimum for orders.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|whitemembranes||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18518662||||||Medela White Membranes - Pair of 2 each||membranes||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||3.000||3.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Includes two replacement white membranes for Medela breastpumps. Please note that this is the newer "offset mount" design of the membrane. Older versions of the Medela breastpumps included a "center mount" valve and membrane, and the white membrane plugged directly into the center of the yellow valve (instead of off to the side.) If you have the older "center mount" version of the yellow valve, the newer "offset mount" membranes (sold on this website) will not fit. If you have the "center mount" valve and you need new membranes, you will need to order the newer version of the complete "valve/membrane assembly" to ensure that you have two parts which fit together properly. The "valve/membrane assembly" can be found on the "Medela Spare Parts" page. Please note that we have a $10.00 Minimum for orders.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|noname3||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18520396||||||Medela Wide Base Collar (Ring) for Bottles||WideCollarNew||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||4.700||4.700 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||New Medela Wide Base Collar - fits all Medela bottles and new Medela Wide Base nipples. This collar will screw onto all Medela bottles but will only fit the new Wide Base nipples produced by Medela on or after May 2009. If you have the older conventional (narrow base) nipples, you will also need to order the new Wide Base Nipples.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mewibadi||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18676267||||||Medela Wide Base Disc||WideDisc||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||1.500||1.500 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Medela Disc (seals ring/collar) - Fits new Medela Wide Base Collar used with new Wide Based Nipples. This is not compatible with the older version of Medela narrower based conventional rings and nipples.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|meni3||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18753256||||||Medela Wide Base Nipple 3-Pack||NewNipple||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||4.990||4.990 ||||||mebrfeandsts mebrbosppaki||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Contains three Medela Wide Base silicone replacement nipples that are compatible with all Medela bottles and the new Medela Wide Base collars. Available in slow flow and medium flow sizes. Package contains 3 nipples. Please note: If you have older Medela bottles and collars and nipples that don't have the letters "WB" inprinted on the rim, these new Wide Base Nipples will not fit in your older narrow base collars. Please be sure to order the new Wide Base collars to go with your Wide Base nipples. If you are searching for the conventional non-Wide Base nipples that fit the narrow collar, we're sorry but Medela has completely discontinued those nipples and they are no longer available. DEHB and BPA Free!||"Select Size" "Slow Flow" "Medium Flow"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mewibanicap||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18758419||||||Medela Wide Base Nipple Cap||WideNippleCap||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||2.000||2.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||New Wide Base Medela Nipple Cap - fits new Wide Base Medela nipples and collars.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|medela-policy||item.||page2||||||||||Medela's New Distibution Policy, 1/1/2005, Updated 1/1/12||||||||||||||||||||||1||1||0||0||||||||On January 1, 2005, Medela implemented a new policy that prevents most authorized retailers from listing a price for or selling Pump In Style breastpumps on the internet. Medela last updated this policy on January 1, 2012, and it now includes all models of Pump In Style, Freestyle, and Swing breastpumps. As a result, you will not be able to order a Medela Pump In Style, Freestyle. or Swing breastpump online, but you may still place your order via telephone or fax. To obtain our prices or to place an order, please call our toll-free number at 1-877-463-3352, and press option 3. If you would like to place your order via fax (after calling to hear our prices), you may fax your order to our toll-free fax line at 1-888-224-2092. If you place your order via fax, be sure to include your complete name, billing address, shipping address (if different), telephone number, email address, the item(s) you wish to order, and the shipping method (free UPS Ground, or UPS 2 Day Air for $25.00)
Self Expressions has been an Authorized Medela Dealer for more than 17 years (since January 1, 1995). To confirm our status as an authorized Medela Dealer, please visit Medela's "Dealer Locator" website, and type in our zip code, which is 32579. You will see Self Expressions at the top of the list, along with a link to our website.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|mibanubrbafe||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18838972||||||Milk Bands - Nursing Bracelet, Baby Feeding Reminder||MilkBands||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||7.950||7.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Milk BandsTM are the latest solution for breastfeeding mothers who desire to keep an accurate nursing log of their baby's feeds without the hassles of nursing journals, safety pins, or bracelets being switched from side to side. Milk Bands were exclusively designed to conveniently provide the feeding information of an infant to the nursing mother all on one wrist! Milk Bands incorporate many unique features such as a side indicator, which lets the mother know which breast should be used when starting a feeding session by simply flipping the Milk Band inside-out once during every nursing session, as well as a time tracking device which can be used for many different purposes including: - Record single feeding sessions to the nearest 5 minute increment
- Record multiple feeding sessions over a full day period
- Record the number of times the baby fed in one day
- Record the number of diapers the baby wet or soiled during the day
- Remind the mother what time the baby fed last
- Remind the mother roughly what time the baby is due for another feeding
Includes one bracelet. Choose color from the drop-down menu below. Some moms order one of every color to match their various outfits. You can also wear two bracelets at a time to track twins' feedings or to track one infant's feedings and diaper changes, etc.||"Choose Color" "Pink" "Blue" "Lilac" "Green" "Yellow"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|milkshirt||item.||page2||nucoupsandca||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18880342||||||Milkshirt Breastfeeding and Nursing Undershirt||milkshirt||nucoupsandca > ||Nursing Covers and Camisoles > ||19.990||19.990 ||||Milkshirt 100% cotton undershirt||menucabcobl menucabcowh momonuco||||||1||1||1||0|||||||| Milkshirt is a 100% cotton undershirt that is meant to be worn with a nursing bra and any shirt or blouse that can be lifted up or unbuttoned for nursing a baby. It is a wardrobe staple for any mom who wants to nurse discreetly. Milkshirt eliminates the need for specialized nursing tops, so you don't have to continue shoppoing for your outerwear in a maternity store. Milkshirt has a pear shaped opening for each breast. The openings are the perfect size and shape for your baby to gain access for nursing and for you to open or close your nursing bra. When you lift or shift your outer shirt to nurse, your tummy is fully covered. if you unbutton your blouse to nurse, your cleavage is not exposed. Your baby's head and your outer garment cover the exposed portion of your breast. There are no slits or panels to readjust after feeding. Milkshirts are form fitting and look smooth under your clothing -- even tight tops. Milkshirt is super soft and so comfortable that you will probably forget you are wearing it. Milkshirt is available in two colors - white and black. A few in each color will complete your nursing wardrobe. Note - the outer shirts shown in the above photos are not included. The photos are shown to display how the white or black milkshirt undershirt covers mom's skin while baby nurses. Click on the photos above to view a larger image. These shirts run small - order one size larger than your pre-nursing shirt size. Breastfeeding Tops | Medium | Large | Extra Large | 2XL | Fits Sizes | 4 - 8 | 8 - 12 | 12 - 14 | 14 - 16 |
Chest | 32" - 35" | 36" - 39" | 40" - 43" | 44" - 47" | Front Body Length | 23.5" | 24" | 24.5" | 25" |
||Color White Black|^|Size XL 2XL||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|momonuco||item.||page2||nucoupsandca||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18932925||||||Modest Momz Nursing Covers||ModestMomz||nucoupsandca > ||Nursing Covers and Camisoles > ||38.950||38.950 ||||Modest Momz Nursing Covers (Ponchos)||menucabcobl menucabcowh milkshirt||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| 
ModestMomz brings a new level of coverage and style. Moms can now feel comfortable knowing when they lift up their shirt.. no skin shows front or back! We know the 'breast is best', but nursing-specific clothes can be expensive, low-cut, or just plain frumpy. ModestMomz lets you nurse anywhere in confidence, and lets you wear your favorite tops again. Unlike other apron-style covers, there are no snaps, clips, or buttons. Simply slip over head. - Made from a soft, 60% polyester/ 40% rayon blend, its stretchiness lets moms reach in and help latch on
- Cowl neckline gives moms a chance to keep an eye on baby
- Length hides all from hip up
- Trendy color combinations
- Easy maintenance - Wash with like colors. Dry on casual/medium heat. When needed, iron on medium-low heat
- Travel-friendly: toss in bag, and go!
Color options are shown in the photos above, pictured from left to right: Photo on far left is Charcoal with Autumn Gray color. The mom in the 2nd photo is wearing the Camel with Stripes color. The mom in the 3d photo is wearing the White with Blue and Green Geometric patterns color. The mom in the 4th photo is wearing the Cocoa with Brown Paisley color. The mom in the far right photo is wearing the Black with Pink Floral color.
Choose your size and color from the drop-down boxes below. The Regular size is 28" long and fits moms 5'5" tall or shorter. The Tall size is 33" long and it fits moms who are 5'6" and taller or moms who have broader shoulders. Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||"Choose Color" "White with Blue and Green Geo"|^|"Choose Size" "Tall"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|momistbamba||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33560236||||||Mother's Milk Storage Bags (MOM's Bags)||MOMsBags||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||10.950||10.950 ||||||mepusabrstba mepusaba20pa ammotmilfree motmil||||||1||1||1||0||||||||One of the first breastmilk storage bags on the market, these bags have been around for 14 years! Mother's Milk Storage Bags are a safe and easy way to store your milk for your baby. They come with a wire twist tie (covered with tape) attached for easy opening, filling and closure. You can pump, freeze, and then feed; made of pure polyethylene. This product is manufactured by Breastfeeding Support Network, Inc. Each package contains 25 sterile bags and instructions.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|motmil||item.||page2||noname2||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_18963032||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33650369||Mother's MilkMate||MMM||noname2 > ||Baby Shower Gifts > ||24.950||24.950 ||||||momibrstbo||||||0||1||1||0||||||||MOTHER'S MILKMATE - Breast Milk Storage System - Designed for freezing (or refrigerating) and storing breast milk.
- The storage rack rotates 10 five-ounce (fill to 4 to 4.5 ounces) polypropylene plastic bottles on a first-in first-out basis.
- The bottles' universal thread allows them to be connected to most breast pumps, including all Medela and Ameda breastpumps! Note that this product is not manufactured by Medela or Ameda.
- Includes one storage rack, 10 bottles, 10 plastic screw caps and 10 cap plugs to prevent leaks, and freezer-grade labels for dating.
- All bottle components may be washed on the top rack of your dishwasher.
- The economical and ecologically sound choice - re-use them over and over and eliminate landfill waste!
- Mother's Milkmate bottles are BPA free and compatible with most standard breastpumps, nipples, and collar rings.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|momibrstbo||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_19072904||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33693222||Mother's Milkmate Breastmilk Storage Bottles||MMMBottles||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||12.000||12.000 ||||||motmil||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Mother's Milkmate Breastmilk Storage Bottles. Set includes six polypropylene bottles, six plugs, seven caps, and 45 freezer grade labels. Mother's Milkmate breastmilk storage rack is not included. These bottles fit the Mother's Milkmate storage system and are also compatible with all Medela, Ameda, and Whittlestone breastpumps. Mother's MilkMate Bottles are all BPA Free!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|inmybresfrie||item.||page2||noname2||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_19190015||||||My Brest Friend Travel nursing pillow||Inflatable Pillow||noname2 > ||Baby Shower Gifts > ||15.990||26.990 ||15.990 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||The My Brest Friend Travel Pillow supports Mom, everywhere With the same patented design as the original My Brest Friend full size foam pillow, the inflatable travel pillow is light-weight and easy to store. It is ideal for airplanes and overnights, or Mom-on-the-Go. This is the newest version of the inflatable My Brest Friend nursing pillow, and it features the new very popular clip closure (instead of the older velcro type closure). Available in two color choices: Pink Stripe or Sunburst Green. See photo below.  ||"Choose Color" "Sunburst Green"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|signup||item.||page2||||||||||Newsletter Signup||||||||||||||||||||||1||1||0||0|||||||| SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter including discount codes, special offers and updates on new product releases. We value your privacy and we will not sell your e-mail address or share it with anyone else. After you have completed the sign-up process, you will receive a coupon code valid for 10% off your next order, offered only to new subscribers to our newsletter. Your e-mail address will be used strictly for Self Expressions to send you a newsletter approximately once a month or less. You will have the option to unsubscribe at any time (there will be an unsubscribe link at the end of every e-mail newsletter we send.)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|nubuthhotand||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_19201444||||||Nursing Buddies Therapearls Hot and Cold Packs||NursingBuddies||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||14.990||14.990 ||||Nursing Buddies - Hot and Cold packs by Therapearl||||||||0||1||1||0|||||||| Cold... the analgesic powers of healing ice can be obtained by simply freezing the packs. Allow the healing properties of ice to reduce pain and swelling without drugs or messy alternatives.
Hot... microwave your pack to help with aches and pains. The healing properties of heat will increase blood flow to the area and help relax the muscles. This promotes healing and pain relief.
*Freeze the packs for minimum of 2 hours outside of cloth. Place in cloth prior to breast application.
*Heat the nursing buddies in the cloth provided for 20 seconds and add 5 seconds if necessary to reach the desired temperature
*Provides relief for breast engorgement, mastitis, plugged ducts, soreness, and breast surgery.
Package contains two contoured Therapearls cold/hot packs and two cloth covers.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued from our website and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|nucoupsandca||item.||page2||index||||||||Nursing Covers and Camisoles||||||||||||||Nursing covers by Modest Momz, Medela nursing camisoles, and tank tops/Nursing cover ups by Milk Shirts.||||||||0||1||0||0||||menucabcobl menucabcowh milkshirt momonuco ||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|nurpilmyb||item.||page2||index||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33736075||||||Nursing Pillows||||||||||||||"My Brest Friend" nursing Pillows||||||||0||1||0||0||||mybresfrienn inmybresfrie demybrfrnupi repcovformyb depicoformyb vemybrfrrepi ||||Our most popular baby shower gift! Click on the images below to view a larger photo or to add one of these items to your shopping cart. Use coupon code Pillow50Off to take 50% off the purchase price of the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow or the Deluxe My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow. ||||My Brest Friend,my breast friend,feeding pillow,nursing pillow,my brest friend,inflatable,inflatable nursing pillow,Self Expressions,breastfeeding, breast feeding||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|otwearin||item.||page2||babslinovsho||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_12262777||||||OTSBH Wearing Instructions||||babslinovsho > ||Baby Slings - OTSBH > ||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||||||This is a copy of the instruction page that is included with each baby sling.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|otparlinandr||item.||page2||index||||||||Parenting Links and Resources||||||||||||||Other Parenting Links and Resources||||||||0||1||0||0||||||||Please bookmark our site before you leave to visit these links:
            Baby Websites & Online Birth Announcements at LookieMe.com OVER 60 exceptionally adorable Baby Website styles personalized to show off baby/child to friends/family online. Take a quick peek at our Sample Site!  www.Kidsgoals.com Hate Worrying About Your Kids? You Need These Secrets of Guilt Free Parenting. Help your child succeed with the unique resources at www.Kidsgoals.com, including a FREE "Kids Unlimited" ezine.   Emerald Coast Birth Resources Emerald Coast Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding Resources in the Northwest Florida area. Blissful Beginnings Birth Home Birth based midwifery practice serving the Florida Panhandle, Bay County, and Emerald Coast. Providing home birth, natural childbirth, VBAC, midwifery, and well women care. Artistic Gestures Elegant and affordable custom designed photo birth announcements. Proof within 48 hours! No payment due until final approval of proof. Mommy & Me Necklaces Fun, baby inspired nursing necklaces! Are you a breastfeeding mom dealing with a "handsy" eater? Stop that unwanted pinching and pulling with an engaging nursing necklace by Mommy & Me Necklaces. Daycarematch.com - Connecting Parents and Providers Online searchable childcare directory. Search for childcare by city or zip code and see provider listings that can include openings, photos, education, experience, and much more. Providers can list their information for free. Discount Baby Bedding Stores Discount Baby Bedding Stores offers links for the best baby crib bedding stores on the internet. HairBowsandBracelets.com Designer baby bracelets, little girl hair bows, baby headbands, hair bow holders, and beaded socks and scrunchies for your little princess. Baby Soft-Soled Leather Shoes LittleBabyShoes.com carries large selection of baby crib shoes, soft-soled leather shoes, baby sandals and boots at discount prices. Brands include Robeez, Shooshoos, Jack and Lily, Pitter Patter, and more. Mothers Rings Find ideas on the many types of mothers rings available, and how to create a special ring for your mom. Leclaire Hypnobirthing Method at the Mind Body Center Created in 1987, the Leclaire Hypnobirthing Method has helped countless mothers to a painless and safe, natural childbirth. Little Lambs Complete Cloth Diapering Systems. Making cloth diapers fun, easy to use, and affordable! Birth announcements and photo cards by MissPicturePerfect.com Unique custom photo cards integrating your digital photos into your desired photo card design for birth announcements, weddings and more. My First Sweats Sweatpants designed exclusively for babies ages 6-18 months. Adorable Announcements.com Adorable Birth Announcements offers the most adorable selection of birth announcements paired with the best customer service in the business! Click Here to request a FREE catalog of our Birth Announcements ! Celebrate Invitations Huge selection of custom printed birth announcements and moving announcements, festive invitations for all occasions, fine stationery, Christmas cards and holiday cards, all at discounted prices. Nature's Tapestry: Stress Relief & Healthy Living Links White noise machines to help you sleep, relax or concentrate. Tiny Tots Gift Shop.com Tiny Tots Gift Shop offers a wide selection of unique and creative gifts for baby. With gift baskets overflowing with goodies, baby shower cakes, embroidered and engraved keepsakes, handcrafted wooden toys and rocking horses, to our top seller plush, personalized wall hangings in a large selection of themes! Unique Personalized Gifts Our personalized plates and personalized frames make the perfect gift for any of life’s special events. A Baby’s Place for Baby and Bedding A parent’s resource for baby crib bedding, toddler bedding sets, Moses baskets, bassinets, bassinet liners wicker storage and much more. Adorable Baby Gifts at Cuddles 'n Gifts Offering you the gift of shopping convenience and a vast selection of affordable, unique infant gifts, baby shower ideas, newborn baby gift baskets, newborn baby gifts and personalized gifts for new baby. Sweet Memories Announcements - nothing can be sweeter than the arrival of a new baby, but chocolate comes close. Perfect for infants and older child adoptions. Our custom designed personalized wrappers are also great for baby showers, weddings, bridal showers, birthday parties, christenings, bar/bat mitzvah or any special occasion you can think of. A fun and affordable way to "sweetly" thank your guests. Baby Names Baby Gifts By The Elegant Child of Beverly Hills The Elegant Child of Beverly Hills proudly presents the finest selection of beautiful baby gifts and children gifts your family, friends and corporate clients will treasure for a lifetime. Best baby items- Baby strollers Great deals on baby strollers found here. BabyMajesty.com - baby bedding, baby furniture, crib bedding, nursery decor, childrens bedding and toddler bedding. Feature kids bedding designers, Laura Ashley Bedding, Glenna Jean, Cotton Tale Bedding, Brandee Danielle and more. Incredible prices, fast delivery, and great customer service at our online baby store ! AimingAtMoms.com A great website where moms and moms-to-be can get parenting tips, great shopping links, job opportunities and a feeling that they are not alone in the mom business. Natural Baby Products - Enviro Friendly Baby Shop IVF Randy S. Morris M.D. Is best known for In Vitro Fertilization - IVF - and preimplantation genetic diagnosis - PGD - programs, you will find that we offer much, much more. KeepSake BabySites Unique Baby Web Sites designed to give parents an easy and fun way to share their baby's precious photos, and more! Choose from our many fun themes, designed to look like an on-screen baby album. Baby Shower Ideas Information on baby shower ideas including baby shower planning, baby shower themes, baby shower favors, baby shower invitations, baby shower food ideas, baby shower cakes, baby shower etiquette, baby shower decorations, baby shower punch recipes, baby shower games, and more. Baby Names Information on baby names including popular baby names, baby boy names, baby girl names, baby name meanings, celebrity baby names, biblical baby names, cool baby names, unique baby names, original baby names, uncommon baby names, and more. Educational Toys A world of educational toys, games, crafts and puzzles, to encourage your child's curiosity, discovery, and creativity. Baby Names Directory Choose easily from thousands of baby girl or baby boy names categorized alphabetically, by meaning, popularity, origin, gender and uniqueness for the most perfect baby name and parenting resources at BabyNamesDirectory.com. Baby Isaboo - Toys & Gifts for Little Ones Selling plush and wooden toys & gifts for babies and toddlers. Find gifts for baby showers, christenings, birthdays, holidays, any day! Beads n Bows We specialize in mother's and grandmother's bracelets, children's and baby name bracelets, children's bracelets for holidays & special occasions, novelty bracelets and bracelets made to match popular clothing lines. We also offer handcrafted, custom hair bows in 5 basic styles along with fun shaped novelty bows, streamer pony o's and korker/curly bows. Free shipping on all hair bow orders! Awesomebabies.com A community for preconception, pregnancy, parenting and more. Come start your free pregnancy or parenting journal or join an online playgroup and become part of this fun and supportive community. B. Wares & Company A large selection of colorful, comfortable cotton clothing for babies, toddlers and young kids including tie dyed, garment dyed and hand knit clothes . 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BabysAbode.com BabysAbode.com offers only the finest cloth diapering products, organic baby basics, natural skin care products, toys and more for your baby. Announcementsandmore.com Adorable Birth Announcements to introduce your little one to the world! Visit www.announcementsandmore.com today for Free bow assembly! AdorableBirthAnnouncements.com Beautiful birth announcements to share with family and friends. Visit www.adorablebirthannouncements today for vellum announcements and photo cards. Ginabugs.com We sell only the finest name brand baby products for your "little bug"! Ovulation Calendar A handy software program that calculates your time of ovulation and generates your personal fertility calendar. In A Stitch In a Stitch offers the finest in personalized, embroidered baby gifts which includes personalized blankets, bibs, caps, dakin lovies, quillows, and comfort silkies. We also carry the Floppy Seat shopping cart seat cover, personalized growth charts and baby towels. ll Kids Murals Custom hand-painted canvas murals that both you and your child will love. Your mural can be hung like wallpaper and taken down to be saved for generations to come. A Pregnancy, Multipurpose Pillow The Bellyopt is the most versatile affordable pregnancy pillow available. See how its unique patented foam design can help you and your child. Children's Designer Clothing at From Head To Toe New and gently-used children's designer clothing. Canadian, American and European labels. New Baby Gifts from Brown Eyed Baby Boutique A fine childrens boutique specializing in custom made clothing & accessories, baby bracelets, nursery items and unique gifts for both Mommy & baby. Baby Gifts and Baskets Gifts and baby baskets for the new baby. Birth Announcements by Customcraft These beautiful birth announcements combine embossing, foil-stamping, diecutting, raised printing and thick card stock to produce a memorable way to announce your baby's arrival. Free catalog. Pregnancy & Childbirth Guide/Book "Journey to Motherhood" provides not only the necessary medical facts, but also the equally essential emotional rapport a pregnant woman craves. Reader's reviews: "an excellent book," "empowers a mom-to-be," "well researched," "personal," "honest," "enjoyable to read." Mamabear's Baby Boutique Gift boutique offering unique gifts and keepsakes for new moms, expecting moms and baby. A quality selection of personalized gifts, christening gifts, baby's room decor, baby memory books, gift baskets and much more! Maternity Clothes - Buy Maternity Clothing Online Offers information on online stores that sell casual and career maternity clothes, underwear, accessories and gifts. 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Best Baby Products A complete source for objective advice about baby strollers, car seats and all the other major purchases for your newborn. Also provides Chinese Birth Chart, great resource library and many discounts and freebies. Expressiva Nursingwear Expressiva Nursingwear designs the most stylish nursingwear around. Our customers rave that they love our clothing because it does not look like nursingwear! Visit www.expressiva.com to shop our extensive selection of special-occasion, career and casual styles. Great deals are available through our "online clearance center," and "overstocks" pages. Fit Maternity and Beyond Buy comfortable Maternity Active Wear at fitmaternity.com. This site offers quality maternity fitness wear and expert advice on exercise during pregnancy. Button's Slings n' Things Your online attachment parenting store! Encouraging attachment and natural parenting through our wonderful items. Our mommy-owned store promotes Maya Wrap slings, cloth diapers, diaper covers, natural baby needs and more! Great Baby Products Your online source for a wide variety of quality baby products. Tiny Tush Tiny Tush offers a nice variety of popular name brand cloth diapers, diaper covers, diaper liners and other diapering supplies, making home laundered cloth diapering easy. Shop here for Earth friendly Bi-O-Kleen cleaning supplies. The Baby Place The starting point for parents for information on pregnancy, birth, and babies. The Baby Place offers many excellent links and resources. Mamabebe.com Mamabebe.com was created to help today's time-pressed consumers select, wrap and send a truly unique baby gift. Unique baby gifts are our business. Most items are hand-crafted in the United States. All you have to do is select your gift. Each gift includes a free gift card and free gift wrapping services. BabyGiftIdea.com Offers specialized unique baby gifts. Baby-Parenting.com Useful information and cool tools - baby name search, pregnancy calendar, message boards and much more. Angels Wardrobe Baby and Toddler Resale Clothing Boutique. Most items priced under $7.00. Name brands such as Gymboree®, Baby Gap®, Old Navy®, and many more! Tutti Bella Tutti Bella offers unique, handcrafted baby gifts, crib quilts, and blankets made from vintage reproduction fabric. Baby-Source.com Great resource for moms & moms-to-be on parenting, breastfeeding, pregnancy, and child safety. We have product recall updates, a great newsletter, baby & family freebies, as well as shopping for all your nursery needs and baby gifts! ParentsDB.com A growing resource of questions and answers from parents all over the internet. These parents are working together to become better parents. Niftyprints.com Truly unique Custom Photo Birth Announcements, Holiday Cards, and Party Invitations. Classic designs to fun and whimsical themes. Printed in color or B&W on glossy photo paper ready to frame and cherish. Happy Baby Products Unique and hard-to-find baby products and gifts including the Happy Baby Food Grinder, the Sit’n’Stroll, Moses Baskets, and much more! MaternityMarket.com Maternity Clothes Market – Maternity and nursing clothing and apparel for your 9 month wardrobe. PostPartum International (Postpartum Depression Resource) Visit this link for information and assistance with PostPartum Depression. Baby's Bounty Everything about babies! Articles, advice and tips galore about babies, pregnancy, childbirth, baby care, baby wellness...much, much more. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|pocapformepu1||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33750669||||||Port Cap for Medela Pump In Style Advanced ||PNSAdvPortCapNew||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||2.300||2.300 ||||||puinstaddica1||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Port Plug for Medela Pump In Style Advanced - Medela Part number 8207042.
If you are trying to replace the port cap for your Medela Pump In Style Advanced breastpump, and you have the old port cap (part number 8207036) shown here , and the old Diaphram Cap (8107105) shown here, you will need to order this new port cap here AND the new Diaphram Cap shown here. Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|pocapformepu||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_0||||||Port Cap for Medela Pump In Style Advanced - Discontinued||AdvPortCap||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||1.000||1.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Port Cap for Medela Pump In Style Advanced - Medela part number 8207036. Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available. If your port cap looks like this and you need to replace it, please order the new version of the port cap at this link.
If you have this discontinued port cap and you need to replace it, you will also need to replace your Diaphram Cap with the new Diaphram Cap which can be seen here.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|potrforpuins||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20319775||||||Power Transformer for Pump In Style Advanced - 12V||TransformerAdvanced||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||28.490||28.490 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Power Transformer for Pump In Style Advanced - part number 9207041. Note - this transformer only works with Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps manufactured prior to 2008, and it is not compatible with any other Medela breastpump or any Pump In Style Advanced breastpump manufactured in 2008 or later. If you have a Pump In Style Advanced and it says "12V" on the faceplate, then this is the correct transformer. If you have a Pump In Style Advanced that says "9V" on the faceplate, you need to order the original version of the transformer at this link.
Please see the information on Medela's website at this link for important information regarding a Safety notice on Medela transformers and for instructions on how to properly store and care for your Medela transformer.||"Choose Country Type" "U.S. - 9207041" "UK - 9207043"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstaddica||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_2024766||||||Pump In Style Advanced Diaphram Cap 8107105 - Discontinued||AdvanceDiaCap||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||7.700||7.700 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Replacement Diaphram Cap for Pump In Style Advanced - medela part number 8107105.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued by Medela. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstaddica1||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_665914||||||Pump In Style Advanced Diaphram Cap 8107135 - Discontinued||NEWPNSAdvDiaCap||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||7.700||7.700 ||||||pocapformepu1||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Please note - this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available. Please call Medela at 1-800-435-8316 for assistance with this item. Pump In Style Advanced Diaphram Cap - Medela part number 8107135. This replaces the first Pump In Style Advanced Diaphram Cap (8107105) which has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available. If you have the old version of the diaphram cap, shown here, you will need to order the new version of the port cap, because your old port cap will not be compatible with this new diaphram cap.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstadfa60||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_678324||||||Pump In Style Advanced Faceplate 6007094 - Discontinued||PNSAdvancedNewFaceplatePurpleLetters||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||8.000||8.000 ||||||tuforpuinsto||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Use for Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps manufactured after August 2006. Has Pump In Style Logo in purple letters at top of faceplate. Uses Pump In Style Original tubing without yellow connector (See "related items" on the right to order the correct tubing for this faceplate). Please note - this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available. Please call Medela at 1-800-435-8316 for assistance with this item. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstadfare||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33752544||||||Pump In Style Advanced Faceplate Reference Sheet||PNSAdvancedFaceplateREference||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstadlied||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_7811721||||||Pump In Style Advanced Limited Edition 2007||PNSLE2007||||||||||||New from Medela! Introducing the 2007 Pump In Style Advanced Limited Edition in Taupe and Chocolate Brown with Mulberry Trim!||||||||1||1||1||0|||||||| This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models. PRODUCT: Featuring a Limited Edition Bag in Taupe and Chocolate Brown with Mulberry trim. The bag has been optimized for easy storage of the pump, accessories, and breast milk. The stylish bag design and color scheme make it the perfect bag for other uses after mom is done pumping! The convenient bag allows you to remove all the components and customize it in a way that works best for you. The motor performance and features are identical to the Pump In Style Advanced. CONTENTS: - Pump In Style Advanced Motor
- Roomy, Stylish Taupe and Chocolate Brown Bag with Mulberry trim in durable and stain resistant material - Has endless uses when mom is finished pumping.
- Carrying handles offer additional functionality and versatility with a zipper top for added security
- Side pockets expand to fit extra personal items for moms-on-the-go
- Removable Pump Motor Bag with pockets and convenient carry strap
- Color coordinated cooler Bag, with 4 Medela Collection Containers and one cooling element, keeps milk cool for 12 hours
- Sturdy work surface, the perfect solution for pumping on the go
- Two mesh bags to organize and store parts and pieces
- AC power transformer
- Battery pack which allows the pump to be powered with AA batteries (Batteries not included).
- Manual pump adapter
MARKET: This version of the Pump In Style will not be sold in large chain retail stores such as Babies R Us or Target. It will only available from Hospitals, Medela Breastpump Rental Stations (such as Self Expressions), and Juvenile Specialty stores. QUANTITIES: LIMITED EDITION - WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. Medela is only making a small number of these pumps and no more will be available once the limited quantity has all been sold. ORDER YOURS NOW TO MAKE SURE YOU GET ONE BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE! Two Phase Pumping: 
Stimulation/Let-Down Phase - Rapid milk ejection reflex
- Research-proven fixed cycles per minute
- Individually adjustable vacuum for comfort
Expression Phase - Comfort Flow Zone™ for maximum comfort and efficiency—gentle to the breast tissue.
- Adjustable preset combination of vacuum and cycles per minute.
- Supports milk production
This item has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please visit the Pump In Style page to see currently available models.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|formsuccess||item.||page2||||||||||Pump In Style and Avent Duo Pricing Information||||||||||||||||||||||1||1||0||0||||||||Thank you for requesting Medela Pump In Style and/or Avent Isis Duo pricing and ordering information. You will receive an e-mail message soon that contains the current prices and directions for placing an order via telephone or fax.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puminstylin||link.||||selex||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33811699||||||Pump In Style Instructions (On the Manufacturer's website)||||selex > ||Medela Pump In Style > ||||||||||Pump In Style Instructions online||||||0||0||0||0||||||If you have lost your instruction manual for your Pump In Style, visit this link to view the instructions online at Medela's website. Be sure to bookmark Self Expressions before you leave our site (or use your browser's "back" button to return to our site.)||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puinstordica||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33817898||||||Pump In Style Original Diaphram Cap Reference Sheet||PNSODiaCapREf||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||

||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|puminstyltra||link.||||||||||||Pump In Style Traveler||||||||||||||||Pump In Style Traveler||||||0||0||0||0||||||Pump In Style Traveler Breast Pump||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|pumblucon||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33877053||||||PumpMate Blue Converter||PMBlueConv||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||This item has been discontinued due to slow sales.
The PumpMate Blue Converter is used to attach PumpMate Bottles to all standard breastpumps, including Medela, Ameda, and Whittlestone breastpumps. This converter does not fit Avent breastpumps. If you are looking for a converter that will allow you to pump from a Medela, Ameda, or Whittlestone breastpump into Avent Bottles, click here.
One of these converters is automatically included in the Starter Kit for Single-Pumping, and two of these converters are automatically included in the Starter Kit for Double-Pumping.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|pumbot2eac||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33879990||||||PumpMate Bottles - 2 each||PMBottles||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Special "Close-Out Sale"!!!!
Sorry. This item has been discontinued due to slow sales.
Includes two each: PumpMate Wide-Mouth Bottles, Nipples, Rings, and Lids. Does not include any liners.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|pugrco||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33884931||||||PumpMate Green Converter||PMGreenConv||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||This item has been discontinued due to slow sales.
The PumpMate Green Converter is used to attach PumpMate Bottles to Avent breastpumps.
One of these converters is automatically included in the Starter Kit for Single-Pumping.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|pumstarkitfo||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33887177||||||PumpMate Starter Kit for Double-Pumping||PumpMateDouble||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales.
Pump, freeze, and feed - the breast milk storage and feeding kit.
This system will allow you to Double-Pump with most leading breastpumps, including Medela, Ameda, Whittlestone, and The First Years. Includes one Single Pump Starter Kit plus one additional blue standard threaded adapter and one additional wide-mouth bottle. Includes: - 3 pump adapters (Two Universal Thread Standard adapters that fit Medela, Ameda, and Whittlestone breastpumps, and One Larger Adapter that fits Avent breastpumps.)
- 10 pre-sterilized liners caps & labels
- 2 Wide-Mouth bottles with nipples
- 1 freezer storage stand
For details about how this new product works, read the instructions published beneath the "Order" button below.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|pumstarkit||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33891156||||||PumpMate Starter Kit for Single-Pumping||PumpMateStarter||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Sorry, This item has been discontinued due to slow sales.
Pump, freeze, and feed - the breast milk storage and feeding kit.
This system will allow you to single pump with most leading breastpumps, including Medela, Ameda, Whittlestone, Avent, Gerber, The First Years, and Lansinoh. If you are double-pumping, you will need one additional bottle and one additional blue adapter. For Double-Pumping, please order our "Double-Pump Starter Kit" instead. Includes: - 2 pump adapters (One Universal Thread Standard Blue Adapter that fits Medela, Ameda, and Whittlestone breastpumps, and One Larger Green Adapter that fits Avent breastpumps.)
- 10 pre-sterilized liners caps & labels
- 1 Wide-Mouth bottle with nipple
- 1 freezer storage stand
For details about how this new product works, continue reading the text below the order button.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|purcream13oz||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_31233654||||||PureLan Cream, 1.3 oz||PureLan||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||6.250||6.250 ||||||sofforsorori soothies amcohypa lansinohcream||||||0||1||1||0||||||||100% utrapure, hypoallergenic, non-toxic form of USP Modified Lanolin that can soothe and help heal sore nipples; completely safe for baby; no need to remove before nursing. Please note that we have a $10.00 minimum for orders. Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|quclmiba||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20321085||||||Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags||QuickCleanBags||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||4.990||4.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Unique and powerful...eliminates 99.9% of all harmful bacteria and germs from most breastpump parts and feeding accessories. #87024 - Effective – Eliminates Staph, E.Coli, Salmonella, Pneumonia, Yeast and more.
- Alcohol, bleach and scent free.
- Fast – Complete in just 3 minutes.
- Unique – Faster than boiling and more effective than the dishwasher.
- Easy-to-use – Just add water and the items that require cleaning, and heat in microwave.
- Economical – 5 reusable bags per box (up to 20 uses per bag = 100 uses).
- Convenient – Easy storage and transport.
- Perfect for – At home, daycare, babysitter, in the office and more.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|repcovformyb||item.||page2||nurpilmyb||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20327940||||||Replacement Cover for My Brest Friend||Cover||nurpilmyb > ||Nursing Pillows > ||18.000||18.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Has your pillow cover worn out? We offer replacement covers for the "My Brest Friend" nursing pillow. This pillow cover features the brand new "clip" closure system, preferred by most parents over the older velcro closure design. This cover fits the standard foam version of the My Brest Friend as well as the inflatable version. Scroll down past the order button to see additional colors.||"Select Fabric" "Green with Hearts" "Pink Stripe" "Light Blue Spiral" "Sunburst Green" "Dark Navy Blue Spiral"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|reforso||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_8533274||||||Reservoir for SoftFeeder||SoftFeederNipple||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||13.000||16.000 ||13.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Replacement reservoir (nipple) for Medela SoftFeeder. One each. Medela part number 8207004.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|nsearch||search.||searchpage.||||||||||Search||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|sllimitr2tra||item.||page2||botandstorba||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20363138||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33895135||Sensible Lines (formally Slim Lines) Breast Milk Storage Trays - 2 Trays and 2 Lids||MilkTrays||botandstorba > ||Bottles and Storage Bags > ||21.950||21.950 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Sensible Lines (formally Slim Lines) Milk Trays™ are breast milk storage trays that freeze expressed breast milk in one ounce servings eliminating waste common with nurser bags. Milk Trays™, a breast milk freezing system, gives breastfeeding mothers the confidence in knowing that none of their breast milk will be wasted. Using Milk Trays™ allows breastfeeding mothers or their baby's caregivers (dads, grandparents, day-cares, etc.) the ability to make each of baby's bottles to order. Freezing expressed breast milk in one ounce servings in our breast milk storage trays (Milk Trays™) helps breastfeeding mothers to achieve their breastfeeding goals. Milk Sticks™, one ounce frozen breast milk, will fit through any bottle opening . Unlike ice-cube trays, Milk Trays™ are specifically designed for expressed breast milk. Milk Trays™, a breast milk storage system, are made from not only FDA approved plastic but medical grade plastic as well and are safe for the environment. Milk Trays ™ have a tight fitting lid and are flexible enough to allow Milk Sticks™ to come out easily. Milk Trays™, breast milk storage trays, are also reusable and a great cost savings to breastfeeding mothers. Milk Trays™ are the best choice for breastfeeding mothers who might be returning to work or for the moms who are on the go! Notable attributes of Milk Trays™ are:
- Sixteen semi-cylinder cavities that equal one ounce each, eliminating waste common with nurser bags
- These one-ounce Milk Sticks™ fit through ALL bottle openings, unlike“ice cube trays”
- Lids that block out freezer burn, eliminate freezer smells and are easy to stack
- Slim in size to ensure ample room in the freezer
- Withstands temperatures from –40˚ to 212˚
- Plastic that is very flexible making it easy to remove the frozen Milk Sticks.
- Reusable and can last, depending on use, for up to one year
- Made from hard plastic that does not allow fat soluble nutrients to adhere or cling to the sides like the soft plastic of nurser bags
- Invented by breastfeeding AND working moms
- BPA Free for your baby's health!
Milk Trays™ are not ice cube trays ( or ice cube trays with lids). Milk Trays™ are a breast milk storage system that has been specifically designed for breast milk. From the higher quality of plastic, exact measurements, versatile shape, flexibility down to the lids, Milk Trays™ are the right choice for breastfeeding mothers.
Milk Trays™ (breast milk storage trays) are used to freeze expressed breast milk, not actually store breast milk. Breastfeeding/pumping mothers will pump their breast milk into the bottles that come with the breast pumps and then pour that expressed breast milk into their Milk Trays™. This will then freeze it into the one-ounce servings and patented shape that will fit into any bottle opening in just a few short hours. Once frozen mothers will then “pop out” their one-ounce Milk Sticks™ and store them in freezer safe zip lock bags (easily found in every kitchen) until ready to use. Now the trays can be reused for the next round(s) of pumping.
Freezing expressed breast milk this way allows for more room in the freezer by allowing mothers to place as many ounces as they want (usually over a two week span) into one bag. Since the one-ounce Milk Sticks™ are already frozen they remain separated in the bag allowing mothers to remove only the ounces needed for that bottle at that time. Also in one-ounce servings breast milk freezes faster minimizing the amount of nutrients lost during the freezing process. Freezer safe zip lock bags are safe to hold frozen food products like breast milk remember the milk is already frozen! It is safe to touch the frozen breast milk as long as hands are washed prior to touching the milk.
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|soothies||item.||page2||breascarprod||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20373557||||||Soothies - for treatment of sore or damaged nipples||Soothies||breascarprod > ||Breast Care Products > ||11.950||11.950 ||||Soothies - $11.95 (price per pair)||sofforsorori purcream13oz amcohypa lansinohcream||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Soothies is a hydrogel pad designed to be worn inside your bra to prevent and soothe painful, cracked, or bleeding nipples and contribute to the healing process. Soothies contain a low water/high glycerin content which provides natural moisture to the area without causing skin maceration. Recent studies have shown that by retaining the internal natural moisture level of the skin, nipple trauma improves more quickly. In addition Soothies inhibits bacterial growth. To order this item, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Grey "Order" button. - Soothes painful nipples
- Absorbs any nipple wound drainage (exudate)
- Prevents bacterial growth (including that of Staphylococcus Aureus, the most common form cultured on nipple tissue) which commonly infects open wounds
- Prevents skin maceration; will not stick to skin
- Comfortable to wear; conforms to the contour of your breast
- Can be placed in refrigerator for extra cooling relief
- Will not dry out; can be used for days and weeks at a time if not saturated with drainage (exudate)
- The pad is usable until saturated with liquid, or when it becomes very thick and spongy.
- 65% glycerin,17 1/2% water, and 17 1/2 % cross-linked polymer matrix.
Questions and Answers Are Soothies™ FDA Approved and how long have they been on the market? Soothies™ are are a class 1 exempt product. Soothies™ - to soothe painful nipples - have been on the market since July 2000.
How are Soothies™ packaged? Soothies™ are packaged by the pair.
How often do you change Soothies™? It all depends on the amount of leakage that the mother is experiencing between breastfeeding sessions — generally, 1-3 days. Soothies™ absorbs fluid into the pad, and entraps it inside. The pad is reusable until saturated with liquid. It will become very thick and spongy when it is saturated.
Can you use ointment/creams with Soothies™? Yes, creams or ointments may be used underneath Soothies™. If using creams or ointments, use sparingly and only over the wounded skin. Do not use ointment on the surrounding skin tissue because Soothies™ will be unable to gently cling, and may slip from the area you want covered.
Can Soothies™ be cut to size? Yes. To achieve best results, leave the clear plastic cover on the gel before cutting.
How do Soothies™ affect mastitis? We recommend that you consult a physician if you are experiencing mastitis. Being able to nurse frequently is important to resolve mastitis. Soothies™ provide protection to the nipple area, promoting breastfeeding comfort, which will enhance the resolution of mastitis.
Can they be stored in the refrigerator? Yes, but it is recommended that they are kept in a sealed bag so that they will not be exposed to the moisture in the refrigerator. They may also be kept in the freezer for additional cooling sensation.
What's in Soothies™? They are 65% glycerin 17-1/2% water and 17-1/2% polymer matrix which are non-toxic to Mom and baby.
Sorry, this item is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|404error||item.||page2||||||||||Sorry, Page Not Found||||||||||||||||||||||1||1||0||0||||||||The page you were looking for has either been renamed or removed. Please use our search box above or the main navigation buttons on the left to find the breastfeeding products you are looking for.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|specfeeddev||item.||page2||index||||||||Special Feeding Devices||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||habermanfeeder startersns habfeedteat habfeedreppa softfeeder supnursys reforso connipshiel snsreptub givbook hhazfin ||||There are a number of special breastfeeding circumstances that may require added patience. Mothers of adopted babies, babies with cleft palate, and premature infants fall into this category. With instruction and patience, they too may be able to breastfeed. The important point to remember is that breastfeeding is possible. The Medela SNS, starter SNS, SoftFeeder, Hazlebaker FingerFeeder, and Haberman Feeder can be of great help in special situations. Click on the photos below for a more detailed product description or to add any of these items to your shopping cart. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|habcolnewver||item.||||habfeedreppa||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_14931425||||||Special Needs Feeder Collar ||HabCollarNew||medsparpar > habfeedreppa > ||Medela Spare Parts > Special Needs Feeder Parts (white membrane, yellow disc, yellow collar) > ||5.000||6.000 ||5.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||This is the part that screws onto the bottle, which has a hole for the Special Needs Feeder nipple/teat. This is the newer version which fits all new Medela 80 ml and 150 ml bottles that have a breastfeeding slogan printed on the side (For example, "Breastfeeding is baby's best start", "Breastfeeding: nature's perfect food", "Mother's milk is #1", etc.) This version of the collar features a universal thread, but it is not compatible with the older 80 ml bottles which do not have a breastfeeding slogan printed on the side of the bottle. This collar will fit the "Collection Container with solid lid" also sold on this site. This part has four "bumps" equally spaced around the outside of the collar. Click on the photo to view a larger image.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|habfeedreppa||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_6331889||||||Special Needs Feeder Parts (white membrane, yellow disc, yellow collar)||Special Needs Feeder Parts:||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||noname yeldisforhab habcolnewver medcolconwit ||||Medela Special Needs Feeder Replacement Parts The three spare parts for the Special Needs Feeder shown in the photo above are sold separately below. The cost of the White Membrane is $1.50 each, the Yellow Disc costs $3.00 each, and the Yellow Collar/Ring costs $5.00 each. ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|habfeedteat||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20384133||||||Special Needs Feeder Teat ||Special Needs Feeder Teat||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||18.960||23.700 ||18.960 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Replacement teat (nipple) for Medela Special Needs Feeders. Please select the appropriate replacement part from the pull-down menu. The regular size teat is the replacement part for the standard Special Needs Feeder, and the Mini teat is the replacement teat for the Mini Special Needs Feeder, which was designed for very premature infants. The model number for the regular Teat is 8200030 and the model number for the Mini Teat is 8207005.||Size Regular Mini||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|sydobrkitit6||item.||page2||mehogrbr||https://sep.yimg.com/ay/medela/symphony-lactina-double-breastpump-kit-item-67116-1.gif||||||Symphony®/Lactina® Double Breastpump Kit - Item #: 67116||SymphonyLactinaKitUniversal||mehogrbr > ||Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps > ||72.000||72.000 ||||Symphony®/Lactina® Double Breastpump Kit - Item #: 67116||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Moms will be ready to double or single pump any time with the Symphony or Lactina breastpump.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|tesandfeed||item.||page2||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28556091||||||Testimonials and Feedback||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||||||||Once you place your order on-line, you may choose to rate Self Expressions. During the check-out process, if you click the box titled "rate this merchant", Yahoo Stores (our ISP and a neutral third party), will send you an email asking you to rate our service. You will receive the rating request via e-mail two weeks after the date of your order, as long as you check the "rate this merchant" box during checkout. Our customer ratings as of March 31, 2006 are as follows: 534 Excellent 218 Good 18 OK 4 Bad 1 Awful Order: 21583 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 21569 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 21566 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Easy to navigate web site. Great prices. Little glitch with the order, but when I called they were very friendly, apoligetic, and eager to please. The order arrived promptly, intact, and complete. Overall it was a great experience and I would order from them again.
Order: 21559 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Bad Shipping Options Rating: Bad Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: OK Body: I find it almost ridiculous that the VIA advent lids are $10 yet at target the actual cups are $5.99. Why lids would cost that much is just plain stupid, i can understand the cups costing that much but the lids...come on how many ways can you rip off a person, people. So all in all they had what i needed but i still feel ripped off and irritated that people can pull that type of act on others. Response from Self Expressions - This rating was uninformed and extremely unfair. The Avent Via cups are disposable items that are meant to be thrown away or re-used up to a maximum of three times and then discarded. The lids are not disposable and are manufactured of a more durable plastic material and they are not meant to be thrown away and replaced on a regular basis. The lids cost more to purchase from the manufacturer than the actual cups, and the lids are priced accordingly. Our price on this item is the same as most other stores selling the exact same product (and we couldn't find many other stores selling this product, including Target.) In addition, our selling price on the actual cups is $4.99, which is $1 less than this customer saw the cups for at Target!
Order: 21536 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Very quick and helpful.
Order: 21501 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 21489 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 21445 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 21422 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 21416 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 21402 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 21373 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 21191 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: The service and products are great. I am very satisfied with Self Expressions! Thank you soo much and keep up the great work.
Order: 21139 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 21105 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Very fast delivery -- thank you!
Order: 21097 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Bad Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Body: I am glad to have found a way to by relacement parts for my haberman feeder. I wish that they were available more easily or even at stores. My daughter doesnt have special needs but refuses all other kinds of nipples. This is my second child to do this. With the first the doctor gave us haberman feeders and this time around I am on my own. I found the ordering simple enough and the price acceptable. I did feel that the shipping was more expensive than was warrented for 2 nipples and some discs and then it took longer then the estimated time for them to acctually be delivered. They were small enough and light enough that the post office priority shipping would have only been 3 dollars! Response from Self Expressions: This person must not have mailed anything at the Post Office lately. The minimum cost for a one ounce Priority Mail package is now $4.05, which does not include delivery confirmation, insurance, or tracking of the package in transit. When you purchase insurance and delivery confirmation, the cost of Priority Mail is even higher. We use UPS because their service is more reliable than USPS, and packages are insured and traceable en-route. The actual cost of a very lightweight UPS package is now ranging from $6.50 to $8.50 depending on the destination. We are charging $7.00 for orders up to $50.00, and we provide package tracking numbers to enable the customer to track the package in transit, which is not possible with the USPS shipping that this customer mistakenly thought we could have purchased for only $3.00.
Order: 21090 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: No problems! Very fast delivery!
Order: 21048 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 21038 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 21022 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 21011 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 20986 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 20985 Rating: OK Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: OK Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 20891 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20871 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20809 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20767 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20755 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20718 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20712 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Title: Body: Self Expressions is very responds promptly and professionally. I dont know how they do it, but Ive never been told that an item is out of stock. I highly recommend this vendor.
Order: 20626 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Price was not the best, but only differed by a couple of bucks, plus shipped to our house faster than expected!
Order: 20589 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 20567 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20560 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20488 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Great service. Came in very quickly. Love the service. Will use again.
Order: 20473 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20460 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: We are very pleased with our purchase and the customer service was friendly and easy to understand. We are stationed overseas and it is difficult sometimes to Buy American or from an American Business without great difficulty. This was not one of those times. We will recommend this business to all those who inquire from us, thank you again!
Order: 20449 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Very easy to use website and lightning fast shipping.
Order: 20415 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: This is the second set of beast pump accessories I have purchased from them. Great service.
Order: 20407 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 20351 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good Title: Body: Didnt have to deal with customer service, everything went VERY smoothly!
Order: 20347 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20317 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20261 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20237 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20229 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Easy to deal with and fast shipment. Would defiantly order from again.
Order: 20225 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 20152 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20073 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: had no problems made getting the parts for my pump easy Thank you for having your information so easily accessbile on the www- with product information and pictures!
Order: 20056 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20023 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 20018 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: I purchased Haberman bottle. It is a little expensive, but it is very good quality.
Order: 19999 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 19984 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Title: Body: Contents were opened and in a plastic baggie/not in original box packaging, which is somewhat odd for products that touch the skin and are single user products for health reasons. Respone from Self Expressions - This customer purchased replacement parts for a Medela breastpump. Medela sells these parts to us in bulk in large plastic bags by the hundreds, and we repackage them in smaller bags with just the quantity the customer orders. Both Medela and Ameda sell parts loose in plastic bags, not in "original box packaging". This is the reason that spare/replacement parts are not returnable for refund, since there is no original sealed package with tamper evident seal.
Order: 19964 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Not Rated
Order: 19941 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 19940 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 19928 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Great customer service,very helful and speedy!
Order: 19861 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 19853 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Not Rated Title: Body: Ordered a brest friend cover from Self Expressions. i loved that they selled replacement covers because I didnt need a whole new pillow. I had several design options to choose from. The package came about when they told me it would. I am very satisfied with my purchase.
Order: 19802 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Great aervice!!!!
Order: 19766 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: I was very pleased with the website. It was very easy to use and I found what I was looking for quickly. I thought, at first, that the prices were a little high, but then I received my order and realized that the product was well worth the extra money spent. Self Expressions offers great products that are worth every penny and I will gladly return in the future!
Order: 19479 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 19459 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 19443 Rating: OK Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 19282 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 19267 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 19230 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 19214 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 19202 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Shipping costs were a little excessive for USPS, but otherwise very happy with the purchase.
Order: 18993 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 18932 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 18900 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Not Rated
Order: 18849 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: excellent store, even accommodated special shipping request. would recommend :-)
Order: 18842 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 18711 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 18695 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 18693 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good Title: Body: The price is among the best for that product, and I understand they need to make money off of a specialty item. However, I think that $12.50 is a very high price for a single teet. Of course I buy it, because my daughter needs this for her survival. Its a quality product and Im thankful for it. I appreciate them making something catering to special needs children in addition to breastfeeding support. As far as service goes, we were treated well, served in a timely manner and have no complaints. Response from Self Expressions - This customer ordered a replacement nipple for a Haberman Feeder, which is a special bottle designed for babies with cleft palate. Unfortunately, the cost of this item is very high. We do have one of the best prices around for this item. If the customer had ordered it directly from Medela, her cost would have been $15.00 each.
Order: 18676 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Not Rated
Order: 18551 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 18491 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I purchased some replacement parts for my breastpump, as well as a nursing bra. I easily found exactly what I needed, and the prices were lower than on other sites. I received detailed emails letting me know when I my items were shipping, and they arrived quickly. The bra is the most comfortable nursing bra that I own, and I took a chance, since I couldnt try it on. I was pleased to find a black nursing bra, since it is nearly impossible to find them anywhere! I highly recommend this online seller, I received the products quickly. thank you
Order: 18374 Rating: OK Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Awful Ease Of Purchase Rating: OK Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: The pricing on the items were great, but finding them definately wasnt. Only a select few of Medela products were actually available for purchase at the website and I had to go through alot of stress searching online for the other products that I wanted. It was great that the shipping options offerd everything from ground to overnight shipping. The only problem was that it took entirely too long for them to actually ship the items which in turn affected how soon they arrived. I payed extra for 1-2 day delivery and ended up having to wait 1 1/2 weeks to recieve my order anyways, so I couldve just payed for ground shipping (much cheaper) and got the package in the same amount of time. In spite of the delay, Medela was great about giving me frequent updates on the status of my order. WHen I got the products however, the quality of each item was OUTSTANDING! But sadly, overall, due to the long wait time and difficulty locating the products, I rate the shopping experience a three. Response from Self Expressions - This customer's package was shipped right on time and delivered right on time. She placed the order on Saturday, August 6, 2005 via UPS 2 Day Air shipping, (which is guaranteed for delivery two business days after the package is shipped). We shipped her package the very next business day, on Monday, August 8th, and UPS delivered it two business days later on Wednesday, August 10th. It is disappointing to receive an unfair rating based on a customer's skewed sense of time.
Order: 18327 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 18279 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 18233 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 18200 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 18173 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 18134 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: I had no problems with this vendor, everything arrived prompt and on time. My only complaint is the shipping. I live less than 15 miles from the company, and had to pay 7 dollars to have the item shipped to my house. I would buy from again!
Order: 18105 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Have made repeated purchases with this vendor, everything has gone perfectly every time.
Order: 18070 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 18007 Rating: OK Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: OK Customer Service Rating: OK Body: Fast service, quality products for very reasonable prices. The package did however come to me in poor condition in a re-used box (from a customer return) containing another customers address & tel# which made me question the integrity of the product. I would still purchase from this merchant, however, would recommend to the merchant that if boxes are to be recycled customer personal info should be removed. Response from Self Expressions - Whenever possible, we do recycle boxes. The packing department has been instructed to remove any labels from boxes that were used for customer returns or product exchanges.
Order: 17988 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Excellent service. Even workes with overseas military personnel and ships priority mail. Excellent company.
Order: 17967 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: What a pleasure to do business with! I had to call customer service since I received an extra part and wanted the merchant to know. I left a voicemail and the owner called me back that night. She was very polite! I would recommend this person to anyone, in fact I have to some of my friends that are also breastfeeding.
Order: 17912 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17904 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Even when subjected to a hurricane, this company came through for our family.
Order: 17854 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17834 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: OK Body: Just a couple of comments. 1) The initial website I found although it stated they would ship international it didnt have any international shipping options and eventually found I had to go the the sister company website. 2) The shipping option stated that goods would be shipped UPS and they were shipped USPS, this was a bit confusing when I was emailed the tracking number as I was referencing it with the wrong delivery company. 3) Goods received in perfect condition, thankyou very much
Order: 17831 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17773 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 17749 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 17613 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17600 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17578 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Not Rated Title: Body: Cant comment on customer service; havent had to use it in my 2 or 3 purchases from Self Expressions. Self Expressions has an ENORMOUS selection of spare parts and accessories for breastfeeding. Im very impressed. They have competitive prices and good shipping options, too.
Order: 17565 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17530 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 17403 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17364 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: After receiving confirmation of my shipment, I realized I had ordered the wrong size of one item. I called the merchant late at night (about 11pm Pacific time) to see if the order could be corrected. A very nice person answered the phone, and was willing to go dig up the package from their shipping department and swap the item. In addition, she called me back to verify the correct size after she found my package. And the package wasn't even delayed! I was very impressed with their customer service, and will certainly shop there again!! Thank you! -Katherine Simpson
Order: 17342 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 17320 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 17242 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17203 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17109 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 17009 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 16895 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 16845 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I had the best experience with this vendor. They even consolidated two of my orders into one to save on shipping!
Order: 16841 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 16765 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Super fast shipping!
Order: 16760 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: The customer service with this company is great!
Order: 16655 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Shopping.com also asked for a review and Ill be brief, hubby broke faceplate, Id purchased breast flares from SE a few months before, knew where Id go to get a replacement faceplate, placed my order, bing bang boom, next day it shipped and voila! Ive got a working pump again...THANK GOODNESS. Now if only I could fix hubby. :)
Order: 16628 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 16595 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Body: I am already planning to buy another item from Self Expressions. The products are ones that I trust and the pricing is fair. I also really liked the "when will I receive my product" option on the site. This allowed me to choose the best shipping option for my situation. The product was easy to track and arrived two postal days before it was due.
Order: 16549 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 16541 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 16464 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Body: Received order in a timely manner. Very satisfied with product and ordering process.
Order: 16459 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 16351 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 16338 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 16286 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 16059 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 16042 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Bad Ease Of Purchase Rating: OK Customer Service Rating: Good Body: I had trouble placing my order in the evening, but the next day no problems. Your customer service didnt answer in the evening. Slow delivery. It took more than 24hrs for you to ship the product from your location.
Order: 15988 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: OK Order: 15981 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 15903 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 15877 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 15864 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 15844 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Right price, beat their competitors. Got in, got out, had product shipped, received it in good condition. Good experience.
Order: 15835 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 15769 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I marked them average for shipping options because they do not ship to APO/FPO addresses, so I had to have this shipped to someone else and then, in turn have them send it to me. But the price of the product compared to alternative sellers made it balance out. They shipped the same day of order placement. They also had products I was trying to find for months, but only found here. I am VERY pleased with purchse! I only wish they offered APO/FPO shipping, even if it cost more it would have been worth it. Response from Self Expressions - We don't understand why this person thought that we don't ship to APO/FPO addresses. We do ship to APO/FPO addresses, and we always have shipped to APO/FPO addresses, and we have a special section on our "Customer Service" page in the FAQ section stating that we do indeed ship to APO addresses.
Order: 15739 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 15626 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: NO COMPLAINTS. EVERYTHING WENT LIKE CLOCKWORK. THANKS
Order: 15595 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I would highly recommend this merchant. I received a confirmation e-mail of my order and another e-mail when my order was sent along with a tracking number so I could locate my shipment. Shipping fees were reasonable and I received my order in a week. Everything I received was as advertised. The website was very easy to navigate.
Order: 15593 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Great selection. Fabulous, fast-response, accomodating customer service and quick shipping -- a wonderful vendor I would highly recommend.
Order: 15575 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Smooth purchasing process. Prices were commensurate with other online merchants, although not the cheapest. Tracking numbers were sent with the order confirmation and processing email. There could be more shipping options, but those available were not bad. Biggest plus was that they carried a hard-to-find product. I would order from them again.
Order: 15507 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Not Rated Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Order: 15499 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 15488 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Not Rated Body: Excelent service from Self Expressions, but the information related with the product from the manufacturer (Mendela) is incomplete, Im talking about the instructions in spanish. Thanks
Order: 15463 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: On time delivery, good selection of merchandise, good prices. Would definately shop here again.
Order: 15462 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I highly recommend Self Expressions! Awesome prices,customer service,shipping ,products and more!Sincerely,a happy repeat customer!!
Order: 15434 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Above & beyond service in communications! Would recommend this seller & buy from again.
Order: 15347 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I am a full figured woman whos brests are larger than your H cup. I would love to see cup sizes that go to J. I love the design but the cups need to be bigger. And it would be great to see a sports bra for us nursing mothers with again I say larger cups that go past H With total support for some of us women who do not have firm breast. I would love it....Thank you....Stacy
Order: 15269 Rating: Bad Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Awful Ease Of Purchase Rating: OK Customer Service Rating: Awful Body: Part that I ordered was not as described. Response from Self Expressions - This customer had ordered tubing for a Pump In Style Original breastpump, and she was trying to use it backwards. This is a relatively common mistake when people don't read the directions or if they pull out the pump to use again for a 2nd baby and they have lost the directions. When we recived the "bad" rating via e-mail, we immediately suspected this was why the customer said "part not as described". We called her and suggested that she try flipping the tubing around and inserting the proper end into the breastshield and into the faceplate. She did this, and it worked perfectly. She thanked us for catching her error and notifying her that she really could use the tubing she ordered from us. Order: 15236 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: A great place to order your breastfeeding needs!
Order: 15162 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Fast delivery and had what I wanted- which you cant find anywhere else!!!!
Order: 15132 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Order: 15083 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Body: I found what I was looking for quick and easy, the price was cheaper then other sites and it was shipped in a timely manner. Thanks.
Order: 15017 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Received item within 3 days; item was in perfect condition and all safety seals were intact. Couldnt find a better price for merchandise anywhere else on the web. Overall, one of the best shopping experiences of the holiday season and definately one of the best gifts for myself and my daughter!!
Order: 14999 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Body: best prices I could find and quantity for shipping was fair
Order: 14996 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Body: I had no problem finding what I needed. My order came sooner than I expected. No complaints at all.
Order: 14967 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good Body: I was able to find all the Ameda pump parts that I needed at a reasonable price, and I was kept well informed as to the status of my order.
Order: 14955 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 14949 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: OK Customer Service Rating: OK Body: I only needed 1 part, but because of the minimum purchase requirement, I had to order things I did not need or want. That will prevent me from ordering from this company in the future.
Order: 14924 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 14922 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 14874 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: thanks for the speeding sending and great quality in product.
Order: 14835 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Has a wide selection of spare parts...very happy with this merchant
Order: 14779 Rating: Bad Comments: Price Rating: Awful Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Bad Ease Of Purchase Rating: Bad Customer Service Rating: Bad Body: Poor return policy on pump. Poor Web features to know exacty what is bought.
Order: 14663 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Fast delivery and good price, though high cost for shipping.
Order: 14641 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 14194 Rating: Awful Comments: Price Rating: Bad Shipping Options Rating: Awful Delivery Rating: Bad Ease Of Purchase Rating: Bad Customer Service Rating: Awful Body: I wish I had made my purchase of this same product from another vendor. In fact, Im still angry that I did business with Self Expressions. As an expectant mother in a childbirth class, I had the opportunity to spread my feelings about Self Expressions to my entire class. Each of the participants is in the market for the same products... and they wont be taking their business to Self Expressions. I tried to contact this merchant via phone to cancel order less than 5 hours after placing the order online. I was ignored until 24 hours later. At which time I was informed it was too late to make any changes. Response from Self Expressions - This customer placed her order late one evening and we processed it immediately so that it could still go out with the following day's outbound shipments. We packed the box, applied the shipping label, paid UPS for the shipment, and charged her credit card for the order (thus incurring merchant fees for the credit card processing). She had already received her shipment confirmation e-mail and we had already given the package to our UPS driver when she called and left the message that she wanted to cancel her order the following morning. We returned her call that evening (NOT 24 hours later) and explained that it was too late to cancel the order because it had already been shipped. Fortunately, this is the one and only "Awful" rating that we have ever received in over six years of selling on the internet.
Order: 14138 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 14117 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I order from self expressions at least once a month. I am very satisfied with my order. I do wish there were more shipping options. Your only options are regular and next day. Other than that, I am satisfied and will continue to order from Self Expressions.
Order: 13999 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Great online service. Hard to talk to anyone on the phone. High quality equipment.
Order: 13989 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 13985 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: It was so easy to find everything I needed, even when I wasnt quite sure what I was looking for. Checkout was very user-friendly. Shipping time was excellent also. If only all my online shopping were this easy!!
Order: 13935 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: The customer service for this merchant is excellent. I ordered a lactina pumping kit and it was missing some parts. I called the 800 number on the receipt and got a voicemail. I left a message and within an hour got a response back. I had to call Medela but the response was quick and accurate.
Order: 13835 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Excellent service and delivery.
Order: 13834 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I had a great experience with Self Expressions. Their prices are competitive, and the order was completed, shipped and delivered flawlessly and quickly.
Order: 13756 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Thes ease of ordering and quick service was wonderful. I would definitely purchase from this store again. The madela products are working wonders. Thank you so much!
Order: 13748 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Order: 13744 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 13730 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: It was very simple and they shipped it when they said they would which isnt always the case when you buy things on-line. Kristina
Order: 13685 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good Body: Offers good selection and speedy processing and delivery. I will recommend to my friends.
Order: 13684 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Ive ordered from them before. They are always fast and effecient. I definetely will order from them again.
Order: 13671 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: OK Customer Service Rating: Not Rated Body: Excellent selection of spare parts for Medela pumps at a fair price.
Order: 13630 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Bad Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 13535 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 13525 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 13519 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 13455 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 13329 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 13283 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: First time I have used Yahoo shopping and it was a wonderful experience. Good company.
Order: 13282 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 13247 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: My breastpump was out of commision. They had the parts I needed and shipped them very quick!!!! Great service.
Order: 13223 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Great product! Items were exactly as described. They shipped my products quickly and packed them properly. I was very satisfied.
Order: 13111 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: great. Affordable. fast.
Order: 12906 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: This company was very good to work with. They were thorogh with the order and when they would have questions they would call to make sure that the order was correct before shipping. They also verified with us that the items were the correct ones for our establishment (sterile vs. non-sterile). Very friendly people, a joy to work with. I would use them again in the future for products that we may need. Shipping was timely and featured a way to track the orders.
Order: 12882 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12880 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Not Rated
Order: 12876 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12870 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12827 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 12800 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: They were awesome. I placed my order and it was shipped the same day. I received it quickly. I will definitely order from them again.
Order: 12719 Rating: OK Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Awful Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: OK Title: Body:
Order: 12712 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: I am pleased with the merchant. The only problem was that the delivery time was around july 4th. The delivery was a little late due to holidays.
Order: 12710 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 12665 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 12663 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12654 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 12561 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12499 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12477 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12432 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I was very pleased with the ease of transaction with selfexpressions.com. Their website was easy to navigate, making it very easy to find what I wanted quickly. The ordering process was also very easy. I received my items quickly and they were are accurate. A very nice company to order from.
Order: 12431 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: They were so great and helpful! I was really in a pinch and they saved the day!
Order: 12416 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12398 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12391 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: I got everything I ordered in a very timely manner.
Order: 12343 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: OK Title: Body: Didnt need to use Customer Service so dont know anything about it. Hence the more neutral rating.
Order: 12317 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: This is one of the best merchants Ive used. Thank you very much!!
Order: 12155 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12038 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 12022 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11942 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11931 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Good price. Excellent customer service. Great business!
Order: 11923 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 11916 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I am very pleased with the product selection, ease of ordering and delivery.
Order: 11895 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good Body: I thought it would be difficult to find replacement parts for my medela pump - but I did a search on the internet, and found Self Expressions offered all the parts I needed. It was very easy to order from their website and I received my shipment soon after!
Order: 11855 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 11853 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11843 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: The bras are soft, flexible and yet very supportive. I plan to order more in the future. Also, the customer service is prompt and attentive.
Order: 11805 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Aside from the high price of the product, in comparison it is lower than other retailers...Great customer service.
Order: 11802 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: We are so fortunate to have found Self Expressions! We have ordered from their website several times, and have been extremely pleased with the products and prompt customer service! We would highly recommend Self Expressions and we will definitely order from them again in the future!
Order: 11801 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11762 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 11732 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: This is the third time ive had the pleasure of using this website and ive been extremely pleasesd every time. On one occassion, I purchased an item and customer service contacted me to make certain the item was compatable with my exisitng breast pump. Susan was very helpful in suggesting alternatives to the item, which as it turned out wouldnt work with my pump. I highly recommend this merchant without hesitation!!!
Order: 11720 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11569
Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Bad Delivery Rating: Awful Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: OK
Order: 11513 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 11431 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11402 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Top merchant. Excellent communication. Everything was perfect.
Order: 11389 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11369 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Not Rated Body: The description of the bags was a little misleading. They do not self-seal or anything. They have to use a tie, and I will not use them at all; too messy. However, the stuff was delivered very quickly and appropriately shipped.
Order: 11351 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11304 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Bad Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I would prefer not have to buy a certain $ amount of items in the future. I only needed 2 items but ended up having to purchase more because there is a shipping minimum.
Order: 11275 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11252 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11180 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Good merchandise, fair price, speedy delivery. No complaints whatsoever!
Order: 11171 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good Body: Ordered a PersonalFit adapter for the Medela PIS Advanced on a Friday afternoon. Received an email with a UPS tracking number within 1 day but the number was invalid. I emailed the company regarding the UPS number but never received an answer back, hence the 4 rating on Customer Service. On Tuesday however, the package arrived. Overvall, I bought these from them because of the selection of Medela accessories but shipping cost was more expensvie than some web sites.
Order: 11130 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Not Rated
Order: 11127 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Great online buying experience!
Order: 11112 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: This is a small, but very professional, and highly responsive company! If I could rate them higher for Overall and Customer Service, I would. There was a minor problem with my order and they did everything in an outstanding manner to fix it and ensure that as the customer, I was not burdened.
Order: 11046 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 11018 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 10973 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10908 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10896 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: This company was a life saver for my newborn grandson, without the bottles he wouldnt have been able to eat.I will order from them again. Thanks.
Order: 10885 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10859 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10790 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I bought an Avent pump adaptor and vehicle lighter adaptor for my Medela breast pump, which I had purchased here in Hong Kong. I asked to pay the actual shipping charge rather than the standard US$50.00 quoted on the site, as the items were quite light. Everything was extremely prompt, I received a revised quote by return and the goods arrived safely within days. It is fantastic that the site is prepared to ship overseas, as the selection of western baby products here can be poor, difficult to find or way overpriced.
Order: 10757 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 10732 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Not Rated Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10711 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10688 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10685 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: The store has an almost complete selection of Medela accessories which is a rare find. The web site is well organized and provides all the important product detail. I would not hesitate to order from Self Expression again.
Order: 10665 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10592 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 10588 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Easy Purchase and good customer service. When I left the message they returned the call. Thanks. Aqueel.
Order: 10581 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Excellent seller. No problems....great products!
Order: 10578 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I recently purchased a nursing bra which turned out to be defective, not the distributers fault, but just a defect on the part of the merchandise, I emailed the distributer and I received a very prompt response as to how to rectify the problem. This was very impressive to me and I am sure to remain a loyal customer.
Order: 10571 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10566 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: I bought a Medela Pump in Style basic from Self Expressions. It arrived very quickly and I have been using it everyday since with no problems. I was glad to have the option of buying just the pump, since I received the attachment kit in the hospital when my son was born. It is a high quality product offered by an excellent merchant. I appreciate having the breastfeeding products available for purchase online.
Order: 10556 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Not only was the price lower than anyone else my order shipped the same day and I received it in no time. Tim-----Philly
Order: 10511 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10498 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10492 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Body: I ordered from this site because it was the only one I could find replacement parts for a Medela Haberman feeder. In order to meet the minimum order amount and to make paying for shipping worthwhile I ordered a breastmilk storage and feeding kit. Whild the price for the kit was not very competitive - more expensive by one to three dollars than on other sites, it was worth it to fulfill the order for the parts I needed. I received my order very quickly and was very pleased with the service. I will order from this site again in the future if I need to. Thank you.
Order: 10483 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Body: Quick, easy, affordable and great selection. What else could I ask for?!?
Order: 10441 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent This transaction was every bit as good as I would have from larger, more well known stores. Professional and timely.
Order: 10417 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: OK Shipping Options Rating: Bad Delivery Rating: OK Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Body: I was very happy with the ease of using the site and the products I received, but there were no instructions as how to care for or best clean some the items that I purchased.
Order: 10396 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good Order: 10348 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10341 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 10316 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good Body: Self Expressions had good availability of the replacement parts I needed for a Medula pump. I also liked the way replacement items were sold, you only buy the exact parts you need instead of a bundle of items together. Pricing is competitive with other sites. Thank you for a quick and easy purchase.
Order: 10302 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Thank you for the excellent service.
Order: 10290 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: quick shipment - quality product. thanks
Order: 10260 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Ordered Medela replacement parts. Self Expressions prices, product selection, and ordering method was better than several other sites that I checked into prior to ordering. Items shipped the next day and ups tracking information was emailed to me. All items arrived as promised.
Order: 10251 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: Tried and true - great merchant and a nice person! Ive bought from her in person and more than once online! I recommend her!
Order: 10229 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 10210 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: I really appreciate Self Expressions supporting the U.S. military by using the United States Postal System and shipping to APO/FPO addresses. They are great!
Order: 10128 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 10106 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Body: I e-mailed Customer Service with a question and received prompt response. Package was received quickly. Would do business again!
Order: 10101 Rating: OK Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Bad Delivery Rating: Bad Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 10091 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: 10077 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Order: 9967 Rating: Good Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: OK Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Good Title: Body: excellent bottles for babies. took to it within four days of birth. did not put off the breast. virtually no wind for baby. couldnt ask for a better product.
Order: 9919 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Excellent Customer Service!!! Body: I ordered the wrong item and had a very positive experience dealing with this merchant to return and re-order.
Order: 9906 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Medela Products Review Body: I purchased Medela products from Self Expressions and was very pleased. I needed specific parts and they had everything I needed. My order was very easy to place and everything came packaged very nicely and promptly. I will use this store again for future purchases. Thanks!
Order: 9844 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Same-Day Shipping, Great Prices, Great Products! Body: I was highly impressed by the speed of shipment & the friendly customer service! My items arrived safely & were exactly what I ordered. Thanks!!!
Order: 9754 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Good service & selection of special items Body: I did find lower prices on a few items at other sites, but I have not found another source for as wide a selection of Medela parts/accessories, including for special feeding items such as the Haberman feeder & Supplemental Nursing System. I have ordered from Self Expressions 3 times so far. Only once was there a slight glitch in the shipping confirmation e-mail process, but when I sent an inquiry, I received a very prompt, personal reply that addressed all my concerns. Delivery was fast for all 3 orders. High satisfaction overall!
Order: 9669 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Good Customer Service Body: I ordered the Haberman Feeder Nipples (Mini Size) by mistake. I called them after I received the nipples, the lady on the phone, immediately shipped another set of nipples (the correct size). The whole transaction was fast and efficient. One thing they can improve: In this case, I paid s h of a total of USD 18.00 (twice for the wrong item and once again for the right item) for a $25.00 purchase. Although it was my mistake in ordering the wrong part, it is a significant overhead. Perhaps, they could consider issuing an Return Merchandize Authorization Form to facilitate the process. Overall, a great store!
Order: 9646 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Danielle Sparks Body: Very satisfied, I ordered my baby sling, and received it the very next day. Very impressive.
Order: 9632 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Not Rated Title: Flawless transaction! Body: Great product, great price, easy to order and lightning fast shipping! What else could a customer want?! Super transaction--thanks very much!
Order: 9535 Rating: Bad Comments: Price Rating: Good Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Good Ease Of Purchase Rating: Good Customer Service Rating: Good Title: material Body: just a piece of material ...will not buy from this company again
Order: 9435 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Not Rated Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Excellent ship time Body: Perfect order. Will shop there again
Order: 9427 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Good Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Fast service Body: I received my order within 4 days of placing the order, order was packaged carefully and correct. Other websites had my requested items backordered for 7 weeks! Will definitely order from Self Expressions again.
Order: 9316 Rating: Excellent Comments: Price Rating: Excellent Shipping Options Rating: Excellent Delivery Rating: Excellent Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent Customer Service Rating: Excellent Title: Great service! Body: The shopping experience was painless and my goods arrived pronto! Very satisfied.
Order: 9292 Rating: Good
Order: 9254 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very grateful to find not only the products I need, but also a user friendly, easy to order site. I have ordered from them 3 times and have always received my items in a timely fashion and packaged very securely and neatly.
Order: 9242 Rating: Good Comments: Everything came right on time. I would order from them again for sure
Order: 9220 Rating: Excellent
Order: 9207 Rating: Excellent
Order: 9198 Rating: Good
Order: 9185 Rating: Excellent Comments: Great products, very fast service!!
Order: 9184 Rating: Excellent
Order: 9147 Rating: Excellent
Order: 9124 Rating: Good Comments: their prices aren't as cheap as I originally thought. After ordering I found several other websites with the same items with lower prices. The milkmate bottles and storage set I bought was also misrepresented by the picture on their website. The picture shows 12 bottles with the set and there are really only 10. Response from Self Expressions: The Mother's MilkMate system includes one storage rack and 10 bottles, and the text description states these contents. The photograph of the product provided to us by the manufacturer shows the system with the ten bottles in the rack and it also shows two bottles standing up outside the rack to allow a closer view of the individual bottles. Per the text description, only ten bottles are included with the system.
Order: 9114 Rating: Excellent
Order: 9113 Rating: Excellent Comments: My order came extremely fast and I am very pleased with the sling!
Order: 9108 Rating: Good
Order: 9070 Rating: Excellent Comments: I was very pleased with the service I received from Self Expressions. I placed my order in the beginning of the week and received it in just a few days.
Order: 9068 Rating: Excellent Comments: Excellent service, received order promptly, and merchandise exactly as advertised. Would definetly recommend and do business again with Self Expressions.
Order: 9018 Rating: Good
Order: 9010 Rating: Excellent
Order: 9006 Rating: Good
Order: 8995 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8985 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8928 Rating: Excellent Comments: I was EXTREMELY pleased with both the selection, and the fast shipping. As a nervous new mother, it was very important to me to have high quality products FAST, and Self Expressions exceeded my hopes in both regards.
Order: 8905 Rating: Good
Order: 8890 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8869 Rating: Excellent Comments: They had what I needed at a reasonable price, and I received the order very quickly.
Order: 8867 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8844 Rating: Good Comments: Excellent site. Fast shipment. Great experience. Would do business with again.
Order: 8837 Rating: Excellent Comments: very responsive customer service on the phone prior to placing the order. shipment arrived early!
Order: 8788 Rating: OK
Order: 8736 Rating: Excellent Comments: This is first time I order something online and UPS delivery required signature. It is good that it guarantees delivery, but bad that some one has to be home.
Order: 8730 Rating: Good
Order: 8705 Rating: Good
Order: 8691 Rating: Good Comments: Excellent service. Shipping overseas took longer than expected and was too expensive.
Order: 8687 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8680 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8671 Rating: Excellent Comments: Received in a timely manner. I like the ability to track the shipment especially since this was an online order. I knew it "went through" and when to expect the shipment. Thanks!
Order: 8670 Rating: Good
Order: 8654 Rating: Good Comments: I would really say that the rating is between good and excellent. Their site is easy to navigate and order from and the product came right on time.
Order: 8631 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8577 Rating: Good
Order: 8559 Rating: Good Comments: My only complaint was a little bit of confusion regarding their free shipping upgrade. They had a premium product at a very good price.
Order: 8525 Rating: Good
Order: 8490 Rating: Good
Order: 8463 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8462 Rating: Good
Order: 8436 Rating: Good
Order: 8430 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8394 Rating: Excellent Comments: As a return customer, I continue to be pleased with the speedy service and attention to detail by Self Expressions. I was impressed with the quick response to my questions. I would recomend this merchant to anyone with nursing equipment needs.
Order: 8393 Rating: Excellent Comments: Great products and fast service. Thanks for completing my order.
Order: 8342 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8341 Rating: Excellent Comments: great service
Order: 8337 Rating: Good Comments: The products I ordered were delivered promptly and without problems. I was pleased with the service.
Order: 8296 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8295 Rating: Excellent Comments: Ordering was simple and the product arrived even sooner than I expected.
Order: 8264 Rating: Excellent Comments: Have made several purchases from self expressions and have been pleased with the prompt service and immediate shipping. I plan on doing more business with this excellent company.
Order: 8248 Rating: Excellent Comments: I received prompt service and excellent customer service regarding a change I made to my original order.
Order: 8245 Rating: Excellent Comments: The products worded just as they were supposed to. The product came in right on time and the prices were reasonable.
Order: 8231 Rating: Good
Order: 8209 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very speedy shipment!
Order: 8202 Rating: Good Comments: Self Expressions offered good prices on the items I ordered and the value was enhanced by the free upgrade to 2nd day shipping. The order and shipping status e-mails were appreciated and gave me confidence that my order was being handled efficiently and professionally. Thank you.
Order: 8200 Rating: Good
Order: 8192 Rating: Excellent Comments: Self Expressions is a wonderful store- they sent my order right away and I was very satisfied with the products.
Order: 8096 Rating: OK Comments: Return/exchange instructions were a little confusing, and it would have been nice to have a return label with postage paid included with the product.
Order: 8092 Rating: Good
Order: 8090 Rating: Excellent Comments: Ordering was easy. Delivery was quick. Prices were great. Thanks!
Order: 8074 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8056 Rating: Excellent Comments: It was shipped at a fast rate which was unexpected. The item was exactly as expected and in very sterile condition. I would be very happy to purchase something else from them again.
Order: 8053 Rating: Excellent Comments: Nice site & quick shipping.
Order: 8040 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8030 Rating: Good
Order: 8019 Rating: Excellent
Order: 8016 Rating: Good
Order: 7983 Rating: Excellent Comments: easy, fast, no problems.
Order: 7981 Rating: Excellent Comments: I had to add a couple small parts to my order so called in a change. They got right back to me and sent along the additional parts for nothing. Everything I ordered from them arrived quickly.
Order: 7966 Rating: Excellent Comments: To Customer Service Staff, I just received my order via UPS today, and just wanted to send you a quick email to say how truly pleased I am with my new Medela bra! Your website, company, personal service, and quality have impressed me so......I'm just about ready to place another order! I especially appreciated the little touches like those little booklets enclosed with my order. I love the little Medela Beautiful Beginnings Booklet with color pictures of the bras, and will today order another because that made my decision-making so easy. So pleased with your quality and personal service, Genevieve Nordquist
Order: 7960 Rating: Excellent Comments: I've ordered twice from Self Expressions and both times I got excellent and speedy service. I will definitely reccomend the site.
Order: 7958 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7946 Rating: Excellent Comments: I have ordered from Self Expressions before and I haven't been disappointed yet. There was to be a delay with one of the products I ordered and a lady called me to let me know and to give me my options. It was wonderful dealing with a professional that cares about customer satisfaction. I highly recommend this "store".
Order: 7940 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7921 Rating: Good
Order: 7903 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7899 Rating: Excellent Comments: I had placed my order on a weekend and got it quickly. I had to do an exchange due to my error and their service was just as good. I was very pleased since it is hard to find stuff in my size. I will recommend them to pregnant women that I know.
Order: 7897 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7816 Rating: OK Comments: Item did not look like the picture on website. Site should not list availability in all sizes if larger sizes are designed differently.
Order: 7811 Rating: Good
Order: 7806 Rating: Good
Order: 7795 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7784 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7782 Rating: Excellent Comments: Wonderful customer service and quick delivery- awesome!
Order: 7750 Rating: OK Comments: the shipping charges were high. six dollars was too much for 14 dollar order. I probably would not have ordered from them if I had realized how high their shipping was before I submitted my order. Probably won't order from them again due to this.
Order: 7713 Rating: Excellent Comments: I would recommend this company to anyone.
Order: 7704 Rating: Good Comments: I placed my order and received it promptly.
Order: 7695 Rating: Good
Order: 7671 Rating: Excellent Comments: This site has all of Medela's products (some other sites only carry part of their line). The site was easy to navigate. Checkout was easy. And my order arrived very quickly - a day earlier than promised. I've already recommended this site to friends and family.
Order: 7655 Rating: Excellent Comments: Super fast delivery and nice product. I would definitely recommend Self Expressions.
Order: 7650 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7647 Rating: Good
Order: 7643 Rating: Excellent Comments: Quick shipping and excellent service. This is the second time that I ordered from Self Expressions, and I recommend them to my friends.
Order: 7634 Rating: Good
Order: 7629 Rating: Good Comments: Very comprehensive web site for ordering breast pump supplies. Good item descriptions and photos to help me buy the right parts; good prices.
Order: 7616 Rating: Excellent Comments: A pleasure to work with!
Order: 7604 Rating: Excellent Comments: Even though we live in Europe the product was delivered to us within one week. Great prices and service.
Order: 7596 Rating: Good
Order: 7527 Rating: Excellent Comments: I placed my order on a Friday and by Monday my purchase was waiting at the door. This was actually my second purchase from Self Expressions in the past year and I could not have been happier. When my sister needed to order parts for her pump, I recommeneded this site. She was just as happy as I was.
Order: 7513 Rating: Good
Order: 7493 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very easy to order. Easy to find website off Yahoo and easy to find products I needed once on the website.
Order: 7491 Rating: Excellent Comments: Excellent follow-up communication and very professional. Very quick shipment and user friendly ordering format. I have already highly recommended this site to other prospective buyers who have also been very pleased with their service as well. Elizabeth Beury
Order: 7469 Rating: Excellent Comments: The things I ordered from self expressions really helped me and my baby. They arrived quickly and had very good prices.
Order: 7393 Rating: Excellent Comments: images were accurate, ordering was simple, shipping was timely and accurate.
Order: 7354 Rating: Good
Order: 7311 Rating: Excellent Comments: Extremely prompt acknowledgement of my order, patience as I changed my mind, and very swift mailing of my items.
Order: 7247 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7246 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7195 Rating: Good
Order: 7184 Rating: Excellent Comments: very good service. delivery on time. nice customer service via e-mail and phone.
Order: 7158 Rating: Good
Order: 7154 Rating: Excellent Comments: great product, great price-my new pump in style is better than the one I was renting.
Order: 7130 Rating: Excellent Comments: When I received the order. One of the items was not what I expected. They had a replacement to me in two days. Great Customer service!!!
Order: 7120 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very fast turnaround and availability! Great service and product selection and they had exactly what I needed!
Order: 7097 Rating: Excellent Comments: Easy, clean,and clear website. Quick delivery. Will continue to use this site to order supplies.
Order: 7055 Rating: Good Comments: Thank you for the fast shipping.
Order: 7038 Rating: Excellent Comments: wonderful shopping experience.
Order: 7034 Rating: Excellent
Order: 7026 Rating: Good
Order: 6968 Rating: Good
Order: 6961 Rating: Good Comments: Received shipment quickly and the products were nicely packed. Recommended.
Order: 6958 Rating: Excellent Comments: Everything was as I ordered and arrived promptly. The staff also answered my email asking about their products and was very helpful.
Order: 6938 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6923 Rating: Excellent Comments: this pump is well worth the money. i use it every day. it is a great investment
Order: 6896 Rating: Good
Order: 6884 Rating: Excellent Comments: The website was easy to navigate and the merchandise was shipped on time. Overall, it was an amazing value and I have already spread the word about the site to all of my pregnant friends as well as the Lactation Specialists at the hospital where I delivered my baby.
Order: 6860 Rating: Excellent Comments: Wonderful site. Medela replacement parts are not easy to come by. The descriptions and prices were right and shipping was fast!
Order: 6854 Rating: Good
Order: 6828 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6808 Rating: Good
Order: 6761 Rating: Good
Order: 6735 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6733 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6721 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6698 Rating: Excellent Comments: Thanks for your excellent service.
Order: 6677 Rating: Good Comments: Everything went smooth. I had my order in just a few days. No hassle. Nice and easy. I would use them again.
Order: 6673 Rating: Good
Order: 6663 Rating: Good Comments: Service was very quick and professional. Thank you. The only suggestion I have is regarding the web site - there should be an add to cart option, so you don't have to keep bouncing around the site after you select one product and then have to go find where you were to order the next product.
Order: 6651 Rating: Good
Order: 6646 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6643 Rating: Excellent Comments: was able to get necessary products in less than a week. They had styles and colors that I wanted.
Order: 6631 Rating: Good
Order: 6611 Rating: Good
Order: 6606 Rating: Good
Order: 6599 Rating: Good
Order: 6538 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6535 Rating: Good
Order: 6506 Rating: Excellent Comments: Smooth transaction, good packaging, thank-you.
Order: 6478 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6474 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6453 Rating: Good
Order: 6404 Rating: Good
Order: 6400 Rating: Good Comments: Prompt and efficient, as expected. Thank you.
Order: 6305 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6302 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6301 Rating: Good
Order: 6282 Rating: Excellent Comments: shipping was really quick
Order: 6227 Rating: Excellent Comments: Ordering was super easy. Everything arrived quickly. I would definitely order from Self Expressions again.
Order: 6217 Rating: Excellent
Order: 6202 Rating: Good
Order: 6171 Rating: Good
Order: 6160 Rating: Good
Order: 6147 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very fast delivery!!! Thanks.
Order: 6089 Rating: Excellent Comments: It arrived right on time. Everything I ordered was neatly packed in one box. I got a bargain with free shipping and a free inflatable breast feeding pillow! Couldn't have been better!!! Thanks so much for such great service!!
Order: 6039 Rating: Good Comments: Item was delivered a day later than expected. Found website a little hard to use when ordering multiple items.
Order: 5913 Rating: Excellent
Order: 5901 Rating: Excellent
Order: 5883 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very good (and personable) service. I would shop here again.
Order: 5873 Rating: Good
Order: 5795 Rating: Excellent Comments: Best price on the web, easy to use website for ordering, easy to find website in Google, product arrived faster than I expected, was well packaged, and was the right product. Packaging included info on other products they offer which may be useful. Overall the process was almost effortless!
Order: 5758 Rating: Good Comments: Shipping took a bit longer than i had expected, otherwise, it's fine.
Order: 5737 Rating: Good
Order: 5712 Rating: Good
Order: 5665 Rating: Excellent
Order: 5654 Rating: Excellent Comments: Continued excellence. I would highly recommend this merchant to anyone using their products. First rate all the way.
Order: 5650 Rating: Excellent Comments: Great prices and great service!
Order: 5591 Rating: Good
Order: 5507 Rating: Excellent
Order: 5493 Rating: Good Comments: I would definitely recommend this site to others
Order: 5447 Rating: Excellent
Order: 5380 Rating: Excellent Comments: I keep going back to this store because of the superb service. I am very pleased with every facet of this and my past transactions. Kudos to Self Expressions.
Order: 5346 Rating: Excellent Comments: Self Expressions is a great place to shop online. They had my order to me in two weeks. They e-mail you right away letting you know when it's leaving the warehouse. If I were you, I would shop at Self Expressions. Thanks Crystal
Order: 5303 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very fast response (as always) and I've never had a problem.
Order: 5299 Rating: Excellent
Order: 5294 Rating: Excellent Comments: Excellent service!!
Order: 5271 Rating: Excellent Comments: The site was easy to understand and quick. The information was helpful. The order was received in no time. Thanks!
Order: 5203 Rating: Good Comments: Good service.
Order: 5188 Rating: Excellent Comments: Another fabulous transaction. Great company to do business with.
Order: 5179 Rating: Excellent
Order: 5164 Rating: Excellent Comments: Correct Parts and fast shipping. Can't ask for more than that. O ya, price not bad too!
Order: 5152 Rating: Excellent
Order: 5101 Rating: Excellent Comments: Everything went very well. Thank you!
Order: 5074 Rating: Excellent Comments: Fabulous merchant. Quick to respond to inquiries, very professional and very helpful. Web site was extremely functional.
Order: 5036 Rating: Excellent
Order: 4988 Rating: Excellent Comments: The product arrived when they said it would. I will recommend it.
Order: 4829 Rating: OK
Order: 4816 Rating: Excellent Comments: The price was right and shipment was fast. I would do business with them again.
Order: 4789 Rating: Good
Order: 4693 Rating: Excellent Comments: You have an excellent, very user-friendly web page. I enjoyed reading about why you started your business. I really appreciated your prompt service.
Order: 4683 Rating: Excellent Comments: Faster than expected. Just what I ordered at reasonable prices.
Order: 4597 Rating: Excellent
Order: 4563 Rating: Excellent
Order: 4532 Rating: Excellent
Order: 4524 Rating: Good
Order: 4479 Rating: Excellent Comments: I called Self Exp. to change the size of the nursing bra I ordered and they were able to do this on the phone with me with no hassle. Excellent customer service!
Order: 4414 Rating: Good
Order: 4370 Rating: Excellent Comments: Speedy processing, product as described and best of all "REASONABLE SHIPPING"...a rare occurance in e-tailers.
Order: 4364 Rating: Excellent Comments: Good customer service and quick turnaround for hard to find breastfeeding supplies!
Order: 4318 Rating: Good
Order: 4313 Rating: Excellent Comments: Efficient, efficient and efficient. The kind of efficiency I never experienced in internet shopping with even corporate size companies.
Order: 4262 Rating: Bad Comments: I wouldn't say I had "real problems" with my order, but I would be reluctant to order from Self Expressions again. I thought their website was a very misleading. I ordered replacement "tubing" for a breast pump - the breast pump itself comes with 2 tubes, so when I read replacement "tubing" I assumed it would be 2 tubes. Self Expressions neglects to specify on their website that the replacement "tubing" consists of 1 tube. One tube for the pump is pretty useless - I had hoped to received two sets of two, instead I received only one set of two. I was very disappointed and would probably discourage friends from using this website. I will definitely hunt around for another source when it comes time for me to reorder. Very disappointing! Note from Self Expressions: This was our first and only "bad" rating, and we were disappointed to receive this rating, because the bad rating was unjustified. At the time the customer placed her order, the text description for this product clearly stated in bold font "Order two if you need a pair.", and the product photo showed one single tube, not a pair. After receiving this complaint, we modified the text description even further to read (in bold text): Note: Contains one tube. Be sure to order two if you need to replace both of your tubings.
Order: 4261 Rating: Excellent
Order: 4114 Rating: Excellent
Order: 4018 Rating: Excellent
Order: 4012 Rating: Excellent Comments: They Immediately respond to a customer service inquiry.
Order: 4011 Rating: Excellent
Order: 4005 Rating: Good
Order: 3996 Rating: Good
Order: 3946 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3868 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3851 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3849 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3828 Rating: Good Comments: This was the best price I could find on the Internet - and they were clear that it was for the current model (not last year's) which was important for me. Everything went as expected and my unit arrived on schedule. I would buy from these folks again with no hesitation.
Order: 3818 Rating: Excellent Comments: The items arrived when they were supposed to. The prices were better than any others I found.
Order: 3809 Rating: Good
Order: 3808 Rating: Good
Order: 3777 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3776 Rating: Excellent Comments: Will recommend Self Expressions to friends who are in heed of Breast Pumps & supplies. My experience with the company was great and I would definitely order from Self Expressions again when needed. Thanks!
Order: 3681 Rating: Good
Order: 3616 Rating: Excellent Comments: Great merchant. Fast shipping. Good prices. Ships to overseas US Military addresses. I will recommend this store to everyone.
Order: 3600 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3555 Rating: Good
Order: 3517 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3440 Rating: Good Comments: The product I ordered was shipped as expected and received in time for me to inlude with a gift. Thank you.
Order: 3435 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3415 Rating: Excellent Comments: The owner, Ms. Donna Self, sent me an email shortly after I changed my order due to shipping concerns. She responded in less than 24 hrs and recognized that my order had changed. I was very pleased with Self Expressions and have already recommended them to other breastfeeding-working moms. Thank you for having them onboard. Michelle Barker
Order: 3408 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3392 Rating: Excellent Comments: I received a prompt confirmation of my order along with a tracking number. The order came in a timely fashion and as advertised and ordered. I would certainly use this company again for their high quality merchandise and prompt service !! Thanks !! Julie Fomenko
Order: 3384 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3334 Rating: Excellent Comments: very easy to use and I received my order with no problems.
Order: 3329 Rating: Excellent Comments: The Product was shipped the next business day. I would definitely order from this company again!
Order: 3298 Rating: Good
Order: 3277 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3265 Rating: Good Comments: I was only disappointed with the 8 day wait for my product. I should have had it expressed mailed because it was a part I needed.
Order: 3239 Rating: Excellent Comments: I was very happy with self expressions. My order was completed and shipped promptly and included brochures of additional products that may be useful to me.
Order: 3172 Rating: Excellent Comments: When I had a problem with my order, I left a telephone message with the owner who responded that evening to help me remedy the order. It is very nice to order from a company online that has a telephone # with a helpful person on the other side!
Order: 3163 Rating: Good
Order: 3104 Rating: Good
Order: 3093 Rating: Excellent
Order: 3081 Rating: Good Comments: Product was shipped as promised and received promptly. Staff at Self Expressions were very courteous and helpful during phone followup.
Order: 3078 Rating: Excellent Comments: Great service!
Order: 3067 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very good service, faster than Amazon! Great selection of Medela products. What I couldn't find at the big retailers, online and landbased, I found at Self Expressions.
Order: 3041 Rating: Excellent Comments: This was my first internet purchase and it went great.
Order: 2975 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very helpful and kind!
Order: 2952 Rating: Excellent Comments: I am very pleased with the information that was provided pertaining to the product. The product was received in not only a timely manner, but during a time when the family was dealing with a birth defect and in desparate need of medical supplies, which could not be provided by medical professions in Greenville, MS.
Order: 2947 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2925 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2903 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2892 Rating: Good
Order: 2881 Rating: Excellent Comments: I received everything I ordered faster than I expected. Web site made ordering easy because I was sure what I was getting by the great web pictures.
Order: 2875 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2868 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very prompt service. Didn't have to wait at all.
Order: 2865 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2844 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2829 Rating: Excellent Comments: Easy site to navigate-Good selection-Quick delivery
Order: 2791 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2785 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2775 Rating: Good
Order: 2713 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2705 Rating: Excellent Comments: thank you, very smooth transaction. was very happy with the company.
Order: 2650 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2633 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2625 Rating: Good
Order: 2547 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2543 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2393 Rating: Excellent Comments: This vendor is a perfect example of why shopping over the internet is, and will continue to be, a terrific experience
Order: 2390 Rating: Good Comments: Everything arrived on time and as expected. The only thing was that I was surprised the product did not come packaged in something (like plastic).. Response from Self Expressions: This customer ordered a cloth replacement cover for a nursing pillow manufactured by Zenoff products (the "My Brest Friend" nursing pillow). We order our supplies directly from our manufacturers, and re-package the items for shipment to our customers. We ordered 10 replacement pillow covers from the manufacturer, and we received a box of 10 replacement pillow covers. The items were not individually packaged when we received them, therefore the items were not sealed in individual packaging when we shipped them. This is a common practice for replacement parts provided by all of our suppliers, including Medela and Ameda.
Order: 2339 Rating: Excellent Comments: The prices were great and I very much appreciated the personal service that I received. She noticed that I had ordered two items that were not compatible and contacted me to let me know. I requested that this item be removed and she revised my order over the phone. The shipment arrived on time and was packaged well. I would definitely do business with this company again. Thanks for the terrific customer service!!!
Order: 2338 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2329 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2282 Rating: Excellent Comments: Order was received sooner than expected.
Order: 2263 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2194 Rating: Good
Order: 2166 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2141 Rating: Good
Order: 2096 Rating: Excellent Comments: Fast, accurate service. Much appreciated.
Order: 2085 Rating: Good Comments: They had great prices. I saw some sites that charged over twice as much for the same things.
Order: 2053 Rating: Excellent Comments: the website was wonderful - they have great pictures of the products and they have a lot of info on how to select a nursing bra.
Order: 2051 Rating: Excellent
Order: 2039 Rating: Good Comments: My merchandise arrived in 2 days. That was wonderful.
Order: 2020 Rating: Good
Order: 1998 Rating: Good
Order: 1980 Rating: Excellent Comments: this is a second order for me from this merchant and each time the merchandise has been shipped very fast with no problems.
Order: 1914 Rating: Good
Order: 1900 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1870 Rating: Excellent Comments: Everything was as advertised and the free shipping was great!
Order: 1863 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1829 Rating: Good
Order: 1813 Rating: Good
Order: 1794 Rating: Excellent Comments: Great product and a great store. They excel in customer service in a time when customer service is a rare art. Recommended e-store!
Order: 1779 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1756 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1753 Rating: Excellent Comments: real quick and easy service. prices aren't as competive however delivery time was speedy.
Order: 1714 Rating: Excellent Comments: I was really impressed to hear on the phone from the store TWICE when there were questions about my orders. They were really nice and professional and clearly cared about providing good merchandise AND good service. A recommended e-shop!!!
Order: 1709 Rating: Excellent Comments: very nice, helpful customer services
Order: 1699 Rating: Good
Order: 1648 Rating: Good
Order: 1642 Rating: Good
Order: 1581 Rating: Good
Order: 1560 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very helpful when I had problems with the web site; extremely quick delivery.
Order: 1556 Rating: Good
Order: 1545 Rating: Excellent Comments: Even my local lactation consultant could not sell me the tubing for the pump-in-style. Thanks!
Order: 1489 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1476 Rating: Good
Order: 1474 Rating: Good
Order: 1416 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1415 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1406 Rating: Excellent Comments: Very fast response and shipping!
Order: 1350 Rating: Excellent Comments: This was an overall excellent experience. I loved the ability to ask questions on line and get an immediate response (live time). Product arrived in just a few days. Prices were competitive on the Medela accessories which affected my decision to shop at Self Expressions (No shop can discount the Medela pump itself). I browsed at least three other sites before purchasing here. I'm glad I did!
Order: 1302 Rating: Excellent Comments: I was very happy with my experience with Self Expressions... I received the order quickly and ordering and paying for it on-line was easy, too. Thanks!
Order: 1287 Rating: Excellent Comments: Great service... product arrived even earlier than expected. I added an item to my initial order and it was included in the same shipping. I'll definitely use this store again when I need replacement parts!
Order: 1158 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1157 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1145 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1132 Rating: OK Comments: Package took a bit longer than expected to arrive. Product quality is good.
Order: 1063 Rating: OK Comments: UPS sent my shipment a day later than promised (it was their error and admitted such to Self Expressions) and I feel that Self Expressions should have intervened and been my advocate for getting compensated for this delay. I paid for a service that was not delivered. Furthermore I feel that it was left-up to me to satisfy my frustration and work to get a refund for this delay. The shipping was "free" (included in the price), but I still paid for this service and should be compensated as such!) It should not be the customers repsonsibility to contcat UPS. I am not their customer, Self Expressions is UPS's customer.
Order: 1026 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1025 Rating: Excellent
Order: 1013 Rating: Good
Order: 975 Rating: Excellent Comments: The best service I've received on the web is from Self Expressions: their site (very, VERY clear and complete information), their availability (I can reach them at all times), their friendliness, their options to be contacted... all aspects I can think of have been excelled. It's a pleasure to buy from them; I enjoy just knowing that I need something from this store.
Order: 885 Rating: Excellent
Order: 876 Rating: Excellent Comments: I really appreciated the online assistance to make sure I found exactly the product I wanted.
Order: 859 Rating: Good
Order: 847 Rating: Good
Order: 813 Rating: Excellent Comments: I greatly appreciated the prompt and friendly email response and prompt shipment of my order!
Order: 795 Rating: Excellent
Order: 737 Rating: Excellent Comments: Wow, We got our order very quickly. Great job Self Expressions!
Order: 736 Rating: Excellent Comments: I was really impressed with how fast I recieved my order. Most of the time it takes way to long to get anything ordered via the internet. Four days, just like the website said. WOW!!! The Haberman bottle is a must have for anyone who has trouble with feeding. My little sweetpea is growing like a weed. She loves to eat, and it gives me a little more freedom in feeding her.
Order: 733 Rating: Good Comments: Very prompt. I rec'd my shipment in two days and I did not request special shipment.
Order: 728 Rating: Excellent Comments: I had a very good experience. A part of my product was missing when it came. I called and Donna Self was very sweet and apologetic on the phone. The rest of my order was sent out priority mail. I had it two days later. Anyone can make mistakes, but it's how you handle it that counts.
Order: 672 Rating: Good
Order: 642 Rating: Excellent
Order: 638 Rating: Excellent Comments: I was very pleased to have a choice of how my order was sent to me; I was happy to pick USPS because they deliver on Saturday and so I got my package on a Saturday. More vendors should give the choice (between UPS and USPS) of how you'd like to have your package shipped.
Order: 617 Rating: Excellent Comments: I was very impressed with the fast response.
Order: 592 Rating: Excellent Comments: I recieved my order promptly. The service was excellent! I didn't have to wait for a response for 24 or 48 hours like other websites do. Rest assured I'll be their regular customer, they have all the Medela products my wife needs. Kent
Order: 583 Rating: Excellent
Order: 567 Rating: Good
Order: 551 Rating: Excellent Comments: Yahoo was impossible to search for breast pump parts. I had to search via the web w/ a search engine to find the store. Thanks.
Order: 541 Rating: Excellent Comments: I have ordered from Self Expressions on 3 separate occasions, and each time my order was accurate and arrived even faster than expected.
Order: 537 Rating: Excellent Comments: Wonderful products and quick receipt after ordering.
Order: 524 Rating: Excellent The following feedback has been e-mailed directly to us, independently of our automatic online customer satisfaction rating system: Dear Donna,
Thank you for the very helpful information! I appreciate the quick response and I will continue to use your website for all my medela needs! I will also recommend your site to my breastfeeding friends and relatives! Gratefully, W. Dewall
I purchased one of your Medela Pump-In-Styles about three weeks ago. I have been VERY pleased with your pump and the performance and the comfort and convenience." ..... "Thanks again for the services you provide, it is great to have some support out there for us working mothers who still want to breastfeed their babies." Lisa P. Wright
Thank you SO much for your prompt reply. I am very impressed with your service and will definitely continue to sing your praises to my pals! Jill Stewart-Keller
Thank you for the excellent and thoughtful service you provided our son and his wife all the way to their home in Russia. Your company is outstanding. Bill Bradshaw
I ordered the Medela Mini Electric Pump kit and am very pleased with the product. I am also very happy with the service I received from your emails. I will spread a good word about your company to the many new mothers!!! I'm glad I found your website!!! Thank you, Kathrine Picar Umiat
I was really impressed with how fast I received my order. Most of the time it takes way too long to get anything ordered via the internet. Four days, just like the website said. WOW!!! The Haberman bottle is a must have for anyone who has trouble with feeding. My little sweetpea is growing like a weed. She loves to eat, and it gives me a little more freedom in feeding her. Helena Abraham
The best service I've received on the web is from Self Expressions: their site (very, VERY clear and complete information), their availability (I can reach them at all times), their friendliness, their options to be contacted... all aspects I can think of have been excelled. It's a pleasure to buy from them; I enjoy just knowing that I need something from this store. Vicki De Delgado
Dear Donna, I received my order just recently and I'm so pleased. I love your web site, it was easy to use and had everything I need for my return to work. My baby's doing beautifully. I love your products. The Milk Mate (I bought two) is working out so much better for me than the bags. I feel so organized! I bought additional parts for my PumpInStyle as well as an OTSBH (dynamite and the baby loves it). Thanks again, Kat Connell
||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|thankyounewsletter||item.||page2||||||||||Thank You||||||||||||||||||||||1||1||0||0||||||||Thanks for activating your subscription to receive our newsletter and receive special offers available only to our subscribers! You may use coupon code "NEWSUBSCRIBER5" to take 5% off one order of $25 or more within the next 30 days. This coupon is valid for one use only and cannot be shared with others. It is valid only for new subscribers to our newsletter. To begin shopping on our home page click here.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|nubr||item.||page2||noname2||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20386576||||||The Nursing Bracelet ||TheNursingBracelet||noname2 > ||Baby Shower Gifts > ||27.950||34.950 ||27.950 ||||nubrsest adch||||||1||1||1||0||||adch ||||The Nursing BraceletTM is more than a pretty piece of jewelry, it’s also a reminder bracelet designed to: - Track the time a baby nurses to the nearest 15 minute interval, perfect for on -demand feeding or to make sure baby nurses frequently enough.
- Or count the total number of times a baby feeds in a day.
- One (included) moveable charm can be used to track time of day of the most recent feeding or time of day for the next scheduled feeding, or total quantity of feedings in a day. Add a second (optional) charm to count both types of activities or another activity such as wet diapers per day, etc. One charm is included with the bracelet and additional charms are sold separately for $2.00 each.
How to use: Beautiful beads represent a 12-hour clock. A charm is attached to this, which the mother moves to mark the time her baby last began a feed. The bracelet’s coil shape allows the mother to track which side she last nursed from by switching the bracelet from wrist to wrist without fiddly clasps or fastenings. Reminders of the last feed time are especially useful if the mother is tired, overworked, or suffering the baby blues. Getting Started: 1. Switch the bracelet from wrist to wrist to keep track of which breast you fed from last. 2. Move the charm to mark the time your baby's last feed began (see the diagram above). This is helpful if you have a sleepy baby who doesn't wake for feeds, if you would like to establish a breastfeeding schedule, or if you're feeding-on-demand and would like to keep track of your baby's breastfeeding patterns. 3. An alternative use for the bracelet is to count the total number of feeds in a day (newborns should feed eight to twelve times per day). Place the charm after the relevant number bead. The Nursing BraceletTMcan also: - Remind working mothers when to pump
- Count the number of glasses of water drunk in a day
- Remind you when to take or give medication
- Keep track of the number of laps walked
- Remind you of an appointment time
- Count down the weeks until the baby’s arrival
- Count the number of wet or dirty diapers in a day
Add our second, contrasting charm to track twins’ feeds, or track baby’s feed plus any one of the above. Additional Charms can be ordered below.
The Nursing BraceletTM is the invention of Brooklyn-based mom, Susan Lazor, who, after the birth of her son Ethan, quickly discovered that the usual methods used by nursing mothers to track a baby’s feeds, like pinning a safety pin to your bra or carrying a log book around, were just too cumbersome and inconvenient.
Susan wanted something small, simple, portable and attractive. Two years of development resulted in the launch of The Nursing BraceletTM, which carries a patent pending status. It is hand assembled in the USA with quality components.
Copyright © Unique Mums LLC
Color Choices:
||"Choose Color" "Select Color Below" "Baby Blue" "Saphire Blue" "Garnet" "Grey" "Soft Pink" "Olive Green" "Seafoam Opal" "Sunshine" "Rose Pink"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|nubrsest||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20415134||||||The Nursing Bracelet - Semi-Precious Stones||SemiPreciousBracelet||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||59.950||64.950 ||59.950 ||||nubr adch||||Usually ships the next business day||1||1||1||0||||adch ||||The Nursing BraceletTM is more than a pretty piece of jewelry, it’s also a reminder bracelet designed to:
- Track the time a baby nurses to the nearest 15 minute interval, perfect for on -demand feeding or to make sure baby nurses frequently enough.
- Or count the total number of times a baby feeds in a day.
- One (included) moveable charm can be used to track time of day of the most recent feeding or time of day for the next scheduled feeding, or total quantity of feedings in a day. Add a second (optional) charm to count both types of activities or another activity such as wet diapers per day, etc. One charm is included with the bracelet and additional charms are sold separately for $2.00 each.
How to use: Beautiful beads represent a 12-hour clock. A charm is attached to this, which the mother moves to mark the time her baby last began a feed. The bracelet’s coil shape allows the mother to track which side she last nursed from by switching the bracelet from wrist to wrist without fiddly clasps or fastenings. Reminders of the last feed time are especially useful if the mother is tired, overworked, or suffering the baby blues. Getting Started: 1. Switch the bracelet from wrist to wrist to keep track of which breast you fed from last. 2. Move the charm to mark the time your baby's last feed began (see the diagram above). This is helpful if you have a sleepy baby who doesn't wake for feeds, if you would like to establish a breastfeeding schedule, or if you're feeding-on-demand and would like to keep track of your baby's breastfeeding patterns. 3. An alternative use for the bracelet is to count the total number of feeds in a day (newborns should feed eight to twelve times per day). Place the charm after the relevant number bead. The Nursing BraceletTMcan also: - Remind working mothers when to pump
- Count the number of glasses of water drunk in a day
- Remind you when to take or give medication
- Keep track of the number of laps walked
- Remind you of an appointment time
- Count down the weeks until the baby’s arrival
- Count the number of wet or dirty diapers in a day
Add our second, contrasting charm to track twins’ feeds, or track baby’s feed plus any one of the above. Additional Charms can be ordered below.
The Nursing BraceletTM is the invention of Brooklyn-based mom, Susan Lazor, who, after the birth of her son Ethan, quickly discovered that the usual methods used by nursing mothers to track a baby’s feeds, like pinning a safety pin to your bra or carrying a log book around, were just too cumbersome and inconvenient.
Susan wanted something small, simple, portable and attractive. Two years of development resulted in the launch of The Nursing BraceletTM, which carries a patent pending status. It is hand assembled in the USA with quality components.
Copyright © Unique Mums LLC
Color Choices: ||"Select Bracelet Type" "Rose Quartz" "Tigers Eye" "Aventurine"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|tuformedopao||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_33937988||||||Tubing for Medela DoubleEase - pair of two||DoubleEaseTubes2||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||19.990||19.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Replacement tubing for Medela DoubleEase breastpumps. Pair of two tubes. Medela part number 8087018. Click on the photo to view a larger image.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued due to slow sales, and is no longer available.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|tuformelapao||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_34175083||||||Tubing for Medela Lactina - Pair of two||LactinaTubes2||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||19.990||19.990 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Replacement tubing for older versions of Medela Lactina breastpump kits. Pair of two tubes. Medela part number 8007062. Click on the photo to view a larger image. Sorry, but this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available. If you have this type of tubing, you will need to order the new Advanced tubing AND the new Advanced Pump Connector.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|tuforpuinsta||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20464977||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_34431099||Tubing for Pump In Style Advanced, Symphony, Classic, and Lactina - pair of two||NEWtubing2||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||21.990||21.990 ||||||meadco||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Medela tubing, part number 8007179. Please note - Medela has discontinued part number 8007179 and replaced it with two different versions of a newer tubing, which have the same yellow connector on the one end and they now have a new hard pale yellow connector on the end that plugs into the breastshield, instead of the clear hard adapter shown in the larger photo. The two ends of the new tubing (8007214) are shown in the smaller inset photo. This tubing fits the Pump In Style Advanced, the Symphony, and newer versions of the Lactina and Universal pumping kits. This is not compatible with older Pump In Styles (Original, Traveler, and Companion models), or older versions of Lactina or Universal pumping kits. Contains two tubes.
Please note: Medela changed the tubing on Pump In Style Advanced breastpumps manufactured in August 2006 and later to use the same tubing as the Pump In Style Original. If you have a Pump In Style Advanced that was manufactured in after August 2006, and your tubing has one plain clear end, and no yellow triangular adapter as shown in the photo above, then you need to order this tubing instead. ||Select "Silicone tubes (soft/cloudy)8007214"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|tuforpuinsto||item.||page2||medsparpar||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_20716493||||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_34475462||Tubing for Pump In Style Original - pair of two||PNS2Tubes||medsparpar > ||Medela Spare Parts > ||19.990||19.990 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Pair of two tubes for Medela Pump In Style Original breastpumps - Part number 8007212 - replaces part number 8007156 Click on the image to see a larger photo. Please note: Medela recently redesigned all of their tubing. The new version of tubing for the Pump In Style Original is part number 8007212, which replaces the old part number 8007156. The new tubing has one pale yellow end and one soft clear end. The new tubing is shown in the small photo above. Click on the image to enlarge. Works with all Pump In Style Original Breastpumps and also all Pump In Style Advanced pumps that were manufactured after August 2006. Order this tubing for your Pump In Style Advanced breastpump if the faceplate has yellow lettering and your tubing that came with your pump does not have a yellow adapter on one end.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|vemybrfrrepi||item.||page2||clearancesales||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_21099321||||||Velcro My Brest Friend Replacement Pillow Cover||VelcroMBFCover||clearancesales > ||Clearance Sales > ||13.000||18.000 ||13.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||Has your pillow cover worn out? We offer replacement covers for the "My Brest Friend" nursing pillow. This is the original version of the pillow cover with the velcro closure system instead of the newer "clip" closure system. The Velcro pillows and covers have been discontinued by the manufacturer, so take advantage of this item at a special reduced clearance price, while supplies last! This cover fits the standard foam version of the My Brest Friend as well as the inflatable version.||"Choose Color" "Navy with Stars"||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|vidpos||item.||page2||breasac||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_28317533||||||Video - Positioning||posvideo||breasac > ||Breastfeeding Accessories > ||||||||Breastfeeding Your Baby - Positioning||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||Helpful instructions for the three basic steps of proper positioning during breastfeeding: positioning baby, offering the breast and latching on are explained by Chele Marmet, MA, IBCLC, Director: Lactation Institute. Run time: 15 minutes. This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|noname||item.||||habfeedreppa||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_21165953||||||White Membrane for Special Needs Feeder||HabMembrane||medsparpar > habfeedreppa > ||Medela Spare Parts > Special Needs Feeder Parts (white membrane, yellow disc, yellow collar) > ||1.500||1.500 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||||||||This part is a replacement part for Special Needs Feeders only. This is very similar to the "White Membrane, Offset Mount" which is a replacement part for Medela breastpumps, but it will not fit recent models of Medela breastpumps. If you need a replacement white membrane for a Medela breastpump, visit the "Medela Spare Parts" page.
Sorry, we do not have any more of the white membranes for Special Needs Feeders in stock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|yeldisforhab||item.||||habfeedreppa||https://sep.yimg.com/ca/I/medela_2267_21173996||||||Yellow Disc for Special Needs Feeders||HabDisc||medsparpar > habfeedreppa > ||Medela Spare Parts > Special Needs Feeder Parts (white membrane, yellow disc, yellow collar) > ||3.000||3.500 ||3.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||||||||This is the part that the white membrane of the Special Needs Feeder plugs into.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||||||||||||Medela||||0|||||||||||||||^^|||dts-data-end||
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